Those retards on Sup Forums who always put "game" in quotes when discussing VNs

>Those retards on Sup Forums who always put "game" in quotes when discussing VNs
You know they are, right? By every relevant definition they are.

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Yeah, but they're shit games

nice """""""""""""thread"""""""""""""""

>they're shit at being interactive
It's either interactive or it's not. There's no scale

The definition of game is a win/lose condition, if you can't fail it's not a game.

>VN has literally no input besides clicking to advance the text, not even dialogue branches or routes dependent on choices

That's literally not the definition of a game.

This. It's like saying a movie is a game because you can press start and stop

The definition of video game is an interactive electronic medium for entertainment or education; the win-loss requirement was literally plucked from thin air

Visual novels are literally just books with pictures except instead of turning a page by hand, you press A.

A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome

>By every relevant definition they are.
No. At most they're the equivalent of the choose your own adventure books where you would flick to a specific page after you made your choice.

They're choose your own adventure books even bad endings are still pretty much an ending to the narrative with the choices you make.

If they're games then why are they called visual novels instead of games?

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>If they're games then why are they called visual novels instead of games?

Well you can't really call them 'Visual Games' now can you

You mean gamebooks? Glad we agree they're games then

if last of us is a game, VN's are games

>if it's food why do you call it pizza and not food

Craptawa Shitjo will never be a game, retard.
It's been 7 years get over it.

Why not?

But pizza is food

Novels are not games

That's a kinetic novel, not a visual novel. And kinetic novels aren't games indeed.

VNs combine the worst elements of video games with the worst elements of badly-written light novels.

VN aren't games just like movies aren't games just cause you press play

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Most VNs allow you to interact with the story in some way

The lack of interactivity is perfectly legitimate criticism about the game play in visual novels. Disputing comments about it is the more retarded thing.

How is it legitimate?

You know those "game" books aren't games right?

Then it's a choose your own adventure book.
Or that choose your fate thing on the final destination 3 dvd.

Either way it cannot be considered a game by any standard.

>hey what do we call a these things
>let's call them gamebooks even though they're totally not games

You mean a gamebook?

I'm never gonna except a DVD menu as a game and not VNs either.

Attached: Ahegao for yoy.jpg (1280x720, 295K)

A DVD menu's purpose isn't entertainment. It's to get to the entertainment.

well, they're not video games, they're book games. like if you read a book and made it a game to turn the page.

Gamebooks tend to come with an actual game.
CYOA books aren't Gamebooks.

In fact I don't think gamebooks is a real term.

>I don't think gamebooks is a real term.
It is

>let's call them gamebooks even though they're totally not games
You're right, they aren't games by definition.

Just like the entertainment in a VN is the text, not the menus.

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game (n.) - a form of play
play (n.) - activity engaged in (read: interacted with) for enjoyment purposes

What's your point?

"Reading is a game."
>who r u quoting lole

how come there aren't any e-sports about vn's?

Minimal interactivity and skill isn't a major factor.