Attached: fartcry.jpg (460x215, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


still no handball 4 u

Attached: 1521912982916.png (512x512, 81K)

And that's a good thing!

Nice miner you got there.

Check this for progress:

Fucking seed u fuckers!!!

where is this meme from?

Looks just like 3 and 4. Not worth the download.

Is this a copy from the official skidrow site or reloaded?

>official skidrow site

No such thing.

It is tho google it

have fun waiting for crack for 6+ months you poorfags

it just got cracked though...

No, that site is run by P2P kiddies.

not so smart are we?

>falseflagin this hard

When i google it i find results from a few days ago. That cant be right. How long ago did it get cracked?

Cracked fool

Like 15 minutes ago, its up on torrentleech

So will this get me banned on steam?

Steam never banned for pirating before.

Great ty

yes it will

Can confirm. Playing the cracked version right now. Just get rid of the miner and you're good.

No you tool

hi ubishill

no it's not

>no crack
Fuck you Sup Forums

>get ride of miner

Well i dont even have bitcoins so im not worried about them mining mine

same, no /r/crackwatch, not real

Don't run steam while playing it you dumbass.

It will release mustard gas, don't do it.

The thread

lurk more

It's a shill post.

So its real or no?

OP is shilling his website so that people do surveys for a fake download and bring him money

Far Cry 5 is not cracked and won't be for a long time

it uses uplay you retard



Lol he didnt even post the correct website cause his link is dead

Yep, some retards think its not because its only on torrentleech so far

I love how they added anticheat software to promote loot box sales

When cheating is a cash shop item you aren't even allowed to cheat in a single player game ahaha

Attached: 1520844010462.jpg (559x768, 279K)

>Trusting Sup Forums
If you're really anticipating farcry 5 being cracked you're better off just bookmarking r/crackwatch

>official skidrow site
Have you ever gotten really really bored and just read the comments? It's amazing just how many people think that its the actual skidrow group.

reddit > this shit

current year neoliberal blogger catchphrase.Basically "Here is what i think, and why you should think like me" opinion piece by some third-rate cuck

Just check any nfo website

Its real tho.. who cares if ifs the original skidrow or not. Free games woohooo

if it's not on reddit, it's not real.

More like free miner.


Jesus u must be new here

seed more faggots

if you google steampunks there's a fake site with links that give them money if you click on them

Where did u find the download? I can only find a 42gb full unlocked version

People complete surveys in the year of our lord 2018?

One thing is to visit a site like that, but to actually not realize it is a scam.

joke's on you, i've been coming here since the 60s


Attached: 1520890877771.png (448x468, 194K)

enjoy the game lads, its fun

Attached: fc5.webm (720x540, 2.57M)

nah senpai imma either pirate or wait for a sale like most non-shill reviewers recommend

no no no no no!

This was supposed to be our game, I'm literally in tears.

Crack is work is safe?

i never said you should buy it faml

Attached: 20180327140232_1.jpg (3840x2160, 2.65M)

>not on /r/CrackWatch, /r/Piracy or cs.rin.ru

Enjoy your miner and fake crack

>they kept in far cry primal mechanics

just evidence they are lazy

BR pls go

Is it safe?

pretty sure it's from:
"Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People (And That’s A Good Thing)"

Seed it and ill tell you

No, it's some fag trying to get add money.

>seeding ever

Attached: 1506913037278.gif (245x175, 447K)

Ok i did the survey but i still cant download?

What survey you moron? The only place the torrent is up so far is on torrentleech you fagass

>game in franchise has similar/same mechanics as other game in franchise

Attached: 1521982670652.png (469x470, 567K)

it means they just rehashed engine and did virtually nothing to adapt or improve it.

No its not cracked.
OP is a faggot

Attached: NotYet.jpg (413x198, 19K)

you piece of shit literally posting pix from other thread

Like every game ever

Wtf did u expect? For it to be like what?

no effort in adapting to new environment or setting == not acceptable.


a videogame is less than 100 dollars

how can you be so poor?

there is nothing on torentleech

just so everybody know

this site is full of irl autists

Attached: untitled.jpg (1848x600, 134K)

>running random binaries on your daily driver machine hours after they're uploaded on malvertising infested sites hosted in the third world

Is this a meme I'm not getting or do you fags actually do this?

t. Sup Forums

Attached: (you).jpg (578x726, 109K)

you got got


stop spoonfeeding you newfaggots

>be retard
>preorder game because of bonus content
>bonus content is thru uplay
>moved countries because of better job
>uplay from US
>Game from new country
>Try to go on uplay to enter code
>go on uplay account for the first time in 10 years to change location
>can't because uplay apparently has region locks
Fuck everything about region locks.

The preorder bonus is literally 4 shitty skins

False, there's nothing.

dosyidanya vodka soda Caнкт-Пeтepбypг

Attached: fdf.png (900x900, 38K)

fuck you, you made me check

It's not even about "lurk moar" that entitled way of speaking is all over MSM

I fucking hate this new marketing and ideology movements.
Progress doesn't have to be poisoned by the retarded views of the extreme left

STEAMPUNKS are actually a VMProtect. Now that it's legally used in protection of games on top of Denuvo, they won't be cracking anything.

I'll run steam while playing pirated games all the time for years. Never got banned.


>not CPY
ayy lamao

>being this retarded