This is suppose to be a handgun in Mass Effect according to Bioware.
This is suppose to be a handgun in Mass Effect according to Bioware
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>this is supposed to be a quality thread according to OP
Considering the daily shit posted regularly yes this thread is the most quality. Now laugh at these ugly and generic nu sci-fi shit "guns".
do you hold it like this too?
This shit is the worst. Yeah just take a chunk of iron and slap some rails and vents on it, don't forget the scope, and call it a futuristic sniper rifle. Whoever designed this shit is a fucking faggot.
Retarded design aside, it was the sexiest sounding gun in the game.
yo dawg I heard you like trigger guards !
Here's your controller bro
It doesn't even have the shit that makes it a sniper rifle. Where does the ammo go? What the fuck are those "bipods" for and why is it so far?
Why is the trigger guard so horrifically bent? If you're a big guy your giant fingers will be jammed together. And that grip itself is retarded and uncomfortable.
This is supposed to be a quality suit according to a fucking masterpiece
A mess
>scope on backwards
>rear sights on the very back
Also how the fuck do you chamber a round
Fuck is that, some sort of fancy potato gun?
Jesus fucking christ what is all of that noise on the bottom of the gun? Is that supposed to be a gas tube? If it isn't it's just a whole bunch of dead weight. If it is, good god, why is there a gas tube on the bottom of the gun? To smash a piston against the magazine every time it fires? Jesus it's like someone took a bunch of pictures of modern military long guns, spat this out and said "Yeah that looks like it will probably work."
A normal gun with a whole bunch of bullshit grafted to it. Poor thing. What was the capacity on it again? Like 10 or something?
What are you talking about nigger? The Magnum is gorgeous, and the tactial variant from ODST was even more pretty. Also Bungie was a bunch of nerfing kikes but the real capacity per magazine was 12 rounds.
What's with the big metal piece on top of the barrel?
I feel like the gun would look better without
Absorbtion and to make sure the gun holds together, it's firing high explosive magnum rounds. This is another version but not as strong because shit silencer.
Now that looks sexy.
The regular one is good but God damn it's ugly especially in first person.
That big horn on the front doesn't need to exist and interferes with the sights. There's nothing inherently long with the absurd length of the back, but it's still goofy and unnecessary. It looks like a normal handgun with a bunch of noise slapped onto it, possibly to make it easier for total dipshit boots to use, but it's not like it's hard as is.
Magnum? A G31 is 15, factory standard. Fuck off with that weak shit.
>If it is, good god, why is there a gas tube on the bottom of the gun? To smash a piston against the magazine every time it fires?
noguns pls go
both the M14 and M1 garand have the gas tube and piston under the barrel
The burst pistol in Blood Dragon looks pretty cool, not completely sci find though.
>That big horn on the front doesn't need to exist and interferes with the sights.
in halo 1, it was an integrated digital scope that fed video directly into the helmet
>here's your controller, bro
That's literally just a MagSec4
Space Magic
That's because it's a loving recreation of Robocop's pistol.
Even the name 'AJM' is a reference to that film.
All mass effect guns are retarded. None of them even have conventional sights.
kraut magic
>high explosive magnum rounds
Boy. That's really something. Is Bungie a California studio? That sounds like something I would have made up as a child trying to invent a super-gun.
Also that suppressor isn't long enough to do shit.
oh of course it definitely uses a garand action
Star Wars has the best guns aside from the new ones
Game devs don’t know about guns, most of them now are literal soysipping hipsters who make videos about gun games wherein they discuss only their own personal experiences with guns as children and don’t even comment on the game they’re being paid to talk about.
How are you meant to aim down the sight without dislocating your wrist?
>how you want your franchise, senpai?
>just mouse my shit up
Hahahahaha why did they remove it?
The gun reminds me of pic related. Your comments on game devs reminds me of that fag that wrote an article on how an AR gave him a "temporary case of PTSD".
Say. Does this weapon make any fucking sense?
But it is a high explosive caliber. No need to go full /k/ommando on my ass take it up with Bungie.
nadtsee gun
This thing looks like a fucking vibrator but it kicks ass.
Apparently the balls on the side make a.magnetic field to speed the projectile up , but hardly. Still looks cool though
America's biweekly school shooting was particularly bad this time, so they removed the guns from all their posters as an ineffectual gesture
>that vr shooting range that made one guy freak out
>here's your futuristic firearms bro
>suppose to
Oh, cool thanks
Looks good.
40k guns, right?
The weapon used metal quarrels enveloped with plasma energy[2] as ammunition.[1] Two polarizing orbs, balanced on each end of the bow, created a magnetic field that boosted the quarrel's momentum. Once the cocking spring was pulled back, the trigger fired the quarrel, which was enveloped in plasma energy.[1]
Makes cents 2 mii
Why the fuck is the scope on the barrel?
Better take all.of the gunfights out of the movie too.
The literate state of fucking Sup Forums.
It's better to put the scope on the barrel.
Yep, imperial guard laser guns
That’s the exact video I was referring to.
This is a grown man, paid to talk about this game, who spent his entire runtime talking instead discussing his own childhood experience of a gun his dad owned. He was not only paid for this but didn’t even receive punishment for completely going off topic and not discussing the product at all.
Here's your army of two gun
I mean ya but it seems so far out , plus the gun is more like a rapid fire LMG
But star wars is always about form over function.
The longer you look
Garage gun porn?
Garage gun porn.
Metro 2033 is so fucking great for the homemade weapons.
The ryza could just be a firing port gun thst eventually got converted into a standalone weapon because mechanicus.
I know you're joking, but it's actually pretty awful right now. Every time this shit happens people start screeching about how guns are bad, when the reality is the number of deaths by long guns are on par with the number of deaths by hammers (handguns account for the overwhelming majority of deaths by gun), despite our rates of violent crime being the lowest they've been since the fucking 50's. But we get all these boomers, who had the most violent generation of the last 100 years, saying the world is getting more violent and we need to start gun grabbing. Then you get Youtube pushing their political agenda, shutting down gun channels.
sorry for the autistic /k/ bitchfit
bubba, no
No, 40k flashlights
And then the new trilogy brings us nerf guns :^)
>Where does the ammo go?
If you want to be nitpicky about it none of the guns in ME take ammo in the normal sense. They work by shaving a a tiny chunk off of an internal block of metal and firing that essentially like railgun.
Since they make no use of any sort of magazine or action as we know it it only makes sense they'd look odd. Though that particular sniper rifle is still shitty looking.
>Look mom I posted it again!
>it's a blaster
>no it's a grenade launcher
>no, it's a sniper
nigga it's ALL THREE
If you played the game you'd know you have to put in a new bullet after every shot.
Killzone weapons make my peepee hard
These weapons still need an action/some way to put in thermal clips, which became a thing by ME2. Pic related is the only weapon I can think of that actually has an operation for clip ejection, but we never see Shepard or anyone else actually load the damn things.
Haha that's so fucking dumb.
This one has always made me go "wtf were they thinking?", even as a kid
Hmm...An energy weapon made to look like a slug thrower. I didn't think the lizards were that nostalgic.
Jesus christ user, you couldn't prove how much of a newfag you are by anything else than posting that gun. That gun is not designed by Bioware, it is a homage.
Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?
You're fucking disgusting.
Fuck you, Yuropoor
You're just jelly of my dick... I mean gun
>Also how the fuck do you chamber a round
It's a mass effect gun, it doesn't use live ammo but rather shaves off little pieces of a big chunk of titanium or something and uses magnetic propulsion to rapidly accelerate the projectile.
Which is a lot of BS to say that you "probably" won't ever need to reload the gun in a fire fight. Implying you would reload it as a part of it's cleaning routine.
You try making a culture that spends 90% of its runtime at war, see what happens
>not liking the Ripper
You are a special kind of gay.
I bet you like triple claw katanas too
"chamber a round"
amazed at how young the Sup Forums audience is now, have none of you losers played mass effect before?
>applying 2018 gun standards to a weapon made in 2552
right now working on giving my figmas guns
eat shit europoor
Most likely theyäve only played 2 or 3 or even only watched videos of the two.
Unlike the US, I live in a country that has actually seen war, thousands of years of it.
We don't fetishize guns.
You're just little children playing with toys.
Step aside
This, people shouldn't compare fantasy to the real world guns too much.
Yeah, having a bit of common sense is good, but it doesn't have to be full realism.
Looks like something you'd find in Splatoon
>right now working on giving my figmas guns
>You're just little children playing with toys
2 and 3 still have no bullets, as far as i know.
Where do you live?
The UK?
Where every day your civil liberties are eroded more and more by a tyrannical big brother government that you're powerless to fight?
Give me liberty or give me death
How do I git gud at designing guns?
>quick, he's from Europe
>which European country do I know about?
>uhhh, the UK?
>yeah better use the UK even though his description fits most countries on the continent
>pop cultural osmosis hasn't taught me shit about France or Spain
No but they have "reloading". Brainlets cannot into codex.
2 and 3 have ammo in the form of Thermal Clips, which means there has to be room for a cylindrical tube to be stuffed into the weapon somewhere
A weapon on your wrist, back or shoulder and having an eye to see where it aims would be more sensible.