I'm a God! How can you kill a God? What a grand and intoxicating Elder Scrolls thread.
I'm a God! How can you kill a God? What a grand and intoxicating Elder Scrolls thread
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play daggerfall
play oblivion
play morrowind
Skyrim is marginally better videogame as it vastly improved gameplay which should be core part of a game
Skyrim was such a disappointment but I keep coming back to it. I think it gave me trauma with how much squandered potential there was
It improved the wrong aspect, which is dungeon crawling. There's hardly any quest in the overworld that don't involve climing into the asshole of a dwemer ruin or draugr infested barrow.
>Skyrim improved gameplay
How? It's less of a sandbox. It's got less options. There's less roleplaying. There's less types of attacks.
Skyrim improved nothing, gameplay wise.
morrowind quests are shit tho
Why is Dagoth Ur suddenly becoming a meme?
Why would I play the worst game in the series?
It isn't less of a sandbox and it fixed the leveling so it is actually bearable. not to mention it "feels" better than the absolute joke that combat is in oblivion. I would rather that than a few extra spells I will never use.
t h i c c e r
Daily reminder that this is all that Skyrim is good for now.
Morrowind quests
>go to dungeon
>collect item
>return item
Don't pretend that they are anything more that that.
>Why would I play the worst game in the series?
you mean the only other good one besides Morrowind.
>>go to dungeon
>>collect item
>>return item
That's Skyrim.
Here it is guys
recommend me some fun builds to do in this game. I've already beat it once doing some metaslave shit, but I have an itch to play this again.
No, I mean the worst game in the series.
>using words for which you don’t know the definition
>go to dungeon
>collect item
>return item
That's Oblivion
>tfw you have 100s of hours in every Bethesda game
>tfw literally nothing else to do in any of them
>tfw going to preorder as soon as possible just for something new regardless of how bad the game looks
no recall or intervention can work in this place~
there is no escape~
Nah mate i wasn't baiting. I really think that morrowind quests are shit. I really love the dungeon crawling tho, maybe i'm just retarded
There's almost no dungeon crawling in Morrowind.
>mrw dem joocy Argonian nipples
Oh come the fuck on.
Narration is shit.
Navigation is shit.
Story is just some generic thing noone cares about.
Melee combat is shit.
Bow and crossbow is meh but not really viable on it's own.
Magic is the worst there ever were.
Stealth is the best in the series though. It does suck big ass but is the best.
That game was never good.
Even as a walking simulator and adventure is sucked Morrowind's ass with all that grotesque vvarderfell views and navigation.
shame on you sweet nerevar
Bring Wraithguard. I have need of it.
You misunderstood.
It use to be good for nothing, now we at least have that.
Morrowind Quest
>Go to quest giver
>Quest giver dumps two pages of well writen text on your screen
>gives you a general direction of dungeon and description of location
>scour the craggy countryside for quest dungeon
>Find unrelated ruins
>Explore ruins
>12 hours later randomly find quest dungeon
>Explore dungeon
>find item on a shelf in the corner of the deepest, darkest cavern after killing the cultists in the lower caverns and fighting through a band of mercenaries that occupied the upper levels
>Finally, return to quest giver.
>Stupid N'wah! It's not like I wanted this anyway.
Skyrim quest
>Ho! Hail fellow Nord! Care to retrieve my mother's first cousin's NORDIC LONG BLADE #47?
>Here, let me mark it on your map.
>Fast travel to dungeon
>Follow arrow on compass into dungeon
>Murder yet another wave of draugr warriors.
>Follow arrow to item.
>Fast travel back.
>Return to quest giver
>You're my hero Dovakin! Here, please take 15 gold.
Is that a knot?
Arena and daggerfall?
I just finished morrowind a month ago, all the major quests besides the vampires and a few smaller towns. Never once did I have that issue. If you actually believe them and stick to what they say you usally find the dungeon pretty easy. Only issues I had were the naked nord, of course, and finding a skeleton on a mountain for the temple. Even that though they give you a ring of detect enchantment 100ft so it wasnt hard when I actually did the quest properly instead of flying around pretending im smart.
this and because there were a few updates of mods and openmw
Came here for this
The Heart of Lorkhan is a gateway to all sorts of mutations.
Hasn't anybody seen this guy's new EP?
There's, perharps, little artistic value even for those of us who enjoy modern hip-hop, but the very fact that there is an entire full-length EP dedicated to Oblivion is hella cool, eh?
(akaviri is straight fire tho)
why does the heart have a feminine figure with titties?
>Morrowind's VA was acceptable, and also good on some parts like Dagoth Ur
>It became complete shit in Oblivion
how come?
Are you sure we played the same game ?
You've got that right
Because a superior source would of course take a superior form. Akulakhan should have had titties.
You obviously haven't played Morrowind. It has barely 15ish actual dungeons. Everything else is small tombs and shrines.
Well either way the actual dungeons in morrowind are much better than in skyrim
A lot of the simple townsfolk voices are the same people though. The difference is they got some big names as well, baurus and uriel obviously but may others as well. Might have affected how the rest were paid so maybe thats why some left.
Bosmer female stuck around though to finish out oblivion and shivering isles though at least. Others as well but not all.
does yung post on Sup Forums?
Yeah I do
don't you dare
didn't we all?
I really liked getting fucking lost. Nowadays you can get accurate maps, annotate and other fancy shit like that, so a game with no map HUD would work even better.
Thats how it is suppose to be though. The smaller dungeons are good for gearing up between towns and building an arsenal to be able to survive the larger ones that are usually involved in a late faction quest.
If they were all huge then what would be the point? Also since you can go anywhere from level 1 the idea is that each region has things to do for people of all levels, that means a lot of smaller dungeons with somewhat weak enemies across the entire map. With tougher ones fewer and the actual dungeons fewer still.
Its not a good "game" design for someone who might want to truly get lost and struggle in dungeons but as far as depicting a province it makes sense not all the dwemer ruins are massive citadels and so on. Same goes for all the ES titles as well they just suck more each iteration in dungeon design.
>has several centuries
>cant even finish one false numidium
I think were gonna be ok.
Not to mention more tense because of dangerous monsters, and more interesting because of hand placed rare and powerful loot.
grab it,
drop it,
talk to guard,
pick it back up,
grab dagger and note(if you have finish hriskar's quest mod added) and the higher priced alcohols
go outside grab fargoths ring
next office, drop everything (including release papers)
grab something to get the captain to the other side of the room and stuck on the geometry of the table
grab key to warehouse next door, drop it,
talk to captain to remove aggression
pick everything back up
go back to the courtyard
put papers in barrel
jump through the seam in the corner of courtyard out into seyda neen proper and STEAL EVERYTHING NOT NAILED DOWN
how often have you done this... probably way too often I'm guessing
I like jumping through there but I didn't know about the stealing part. Do they not catch you or something?
Come Nerevar, come and look upon the heart~
Upon the heart~
If you dint finish the intro the guards never leave the just a warning phase from before.
I've done it before but would use the tower sign instead of the key since I never thought that much into it.
Latest playthough made me realize how pointless it all is though.
The worst part about Skyrim's dungeons is that most enemies are functionally the same. A level 1 draugr is exactly the same as a badass super draugr except the super druagr has a measly shout that barely nudges you.
spent all of their money on patrkck stewart, lmao
bethesda does that a lot where instesa of getting several good VAs, they get a few REALLY good VAs and the rest might as well be paid homeless people
jesus, didn't they like find pressed-in gravey locally
all that's been said and done, was Skyrim really that bad?
mechanically skyrim is a better game. better engine. looks nicer. combat input is vastly improved. but this is the gas that gets the game going, and the actual car is fucking shit.
oh yes, swinging a sword feels nice
>except combat very quickly boils down to higher level = more health thats it
oh yes, the game's engine is vastly improved. very pretty and with physics
>except, the entire world is bland barren tundra and shitty instanced "cities" made of like 5 houses
Oh sure, there are hundreds more dungeons
>copy pasted assets with an equal or more likely lesser number of them than previous games containing any meaningful loot or story and also they are ALL fucking caves. only caves here, friend. not even ayelied ruins.
the NPC's have full voice acting and radiant AI
>the npc's have full voice acting and radiant AI
I like skyrim. I love elderscrolls and bethesda games. They are getting exceedingly better at the core gameplay loops. But vanilla morrowind is an actual experience. Modern beth games are just shallow romps and mod factories. Which is ok, but its unfair to even compare the two. Different gaming eras, different teams, entirely different design goals.
Morrowind is one of the last classic RPG's.
No. Skyrim was a great game. Just not Morrowind great.
The worst part about morrowinds dungeons is that most enemies are literally the same and never scale. A level 10 steam centurion has exactly the same attacks as a level 18.
Also I never realized how fuckin HUEG akulakhan was
Craig Sechler (male elf) and Wes Johnson (male imperial) are unironically good voice actors. Fight me
It's been a decline since Morrowind. Skyrim is just Oblivion, but slower with less variety in everything.
Behead all those who advocate level scaling.
a shiny gold-encrusted turd isn't better than a dirty, dusty gemstone.
partial level scaling is fine, many enemies were not scaled
Better than oblivion, worse than morrowind
So Skyrim VR comes to Steam in one week, so can any PS4 bros tell me if Skyrim VR is any good? I love Fallout 4 VR and I didn't really like Fallout 4.
>there are hundreds more dungeons
Thats wrong, and the previous two have insanely copy pasted dungeons. Lemme just explore ancestral tomb number 54 and find the exact same shit as 99% of the other ones. Or how about another generic mine or cave? Oblivions caves are absolutely trash as well. All 3 do this to varying degrees and skyrims actually combine tilesets a shitload more than the others which factually means there are more unique "looking" areas to explore. Doesnt mean the stuff inside or the layout is any fucking good though. A shame really, but the expansions always come and remind you how good these games can be.
i've probably got 500 plus hours in morrowind. I've owned 3 copies of it. I don't have stats on it. But god damn i wouldn't be surprised if those hours aren't 90% in seyda neen and balmora.
Balmora is my favorite city in any game ever.
said, they continue the warning thing. however i believe other cities still put you in jail. it likely has to do with the guards. I haven't tested it to see if other cities manned by imperials continue it. But again, like
said. Its an entirely pointless and extremely autistic habit. You can make way more money in way more fun ways and I've found that morrowind in particular benefits from doing your own kind of nuzlocke roleplay runs.
Takes the immersion to the next level.
there's a place for it, just certainly not the way skyrim does it.
I would say it's still a "good" game in terms of fun, weren't my immersion completely broken every time I play by bugs and obnoxious choice direction.
I can't imagine it is, fallout 4 vr probably works because the gameplay doesn't suck, skyrim's combat is literally just swing swing swing swing unless you're using spells then it's cast cast cast cast or caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast if it's a channeled
Oh definitely, I enjoy the playthroughs that have really stupid and restrictive rules like never wearing armor that has been worn before.
Its the same shit only fantasy. If you played a melee character in fallout you played skyrim with vats. Skyrim has so many more npcs and towns I think it would be proper.
godspeed youngscrolls
i love this game so much. ive played it too much to go back though.
>copy pasted assets with an equal or more likely lesser number of them than previous games containing any meaningful loot or story and also they are ALL fucking caves. only caves here, friend. not even ayelied ruins.
i wonder how much worse it will get.
give it a few years, you'll be back
>that same meme pic
Lets break it down:
>actually the biggest dungeon in the whole game
>a linear Ayleid ruin barelly different than the Skyrim one
>Blackreach not pictured
will skywind EVER be finished? they're still working on it afaik but it's never coming is it?
I agree with you, actually. I'm almost certainly looking at morrowind's dungeons in particular with rose colored glasses. It's been a while since i've done a proper runthrough and actually i think i might just role a char today.
However I still contest that morrowind's dungeons were significantly better in that even though it was usually just fetch quest flavor text it was far more interesting the reasons you were sent to them, and they often had cool little secrets, named items, notes, just general flavorful shit.
I think the designers of oblivion and skyrim thought that puzzles and almost every dungeon in skyrim having a word of power made up for the lack of uniqueness or meaningful loot. which it sort of doesn't but also really doesn't.
again, skyrim and more recently fallout 4 have EXCELLENT gameplay loops and pretty fun romp and exploration. I just wish they wouldn't spike the ball so hard on fucking shitty stupid quests.
I still need to play the other skyrim expansion. The vampire one pissed me off because the transformation was just as buggy as werewolf and also fucktarded to have a giant beef demon transformation for a vamp. Also was NOT into the forced waifu. I prefer to pick my own, unconventional and likely extremely degenerate waifus, thankyouverymuch.
Even if it does, it'll be shit. No multiplayer.
>gameplay loop
Is this the new game designer lingo for shitty gameplay?
At least you could get lost in some of the dungeons in morrowind. Most of them were somewhat samy, but not the extend of skyrims dungeons.