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>tfw your son lost his virginity before you

Why does Shaun look Arab?


Oh god.

Do you understand how sons are made?


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Someone thought to themselves, "this is fine, this is a totally acceptable side quest"

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It would've been fine if you only needed to do one 5-10 minute stage or some shit to advance, and then the other puzzles were optional if you felt like it. Otherwise you just get cockblocked when you want to play some open world shooting and scavenging and end up puzzling instead.

Yup, happened to me. But who am I to complain? No sex until I have grandkids. Artificial insemination, baby.


Had literally zero problems with this. Crushed the whole thing in no time and it was a nice distraction from the same thing I had been doing for the entire game beforehand.


when are we going to get a fallout with 4's graphics and new Vegas' story?

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exactly, ooooo do the thing, hear the exposition for the thing, to hear the thing, for the other exposition for the thing to find the thing for the reason for the exposition of the thing.

at the end of it i always choose danse purging them with fire, or the institue purging them with fire, or purging them with fire myself.

its easy, but its just such a sharp jarring tone shift to have a slow section just thrust in your face that you HAVE to complete in order to finish the main portion of the story.

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did they update f4se yet

Do you think Shaun was disappointed to learn his mother was a dirty slut?

Looks terrible.

I'd never call my son Shaun.

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american education

such a quality game

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I'm sorry what?

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G-good thing I uninstalled

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your wife's son?

put me in the screencap

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...and that's a good thing

>Wanted to be a psychotic cannibal
>No have to be a father looking for his son no matter what

Fuck Fallout 4 man.

Excuse me but what the fuck?

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>>tfw your son lost his virginity before you

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And here's why....

>Wanted to be a psychotic cannibal
>No have to be a vault dweller looking for a water chip no matter what

>Wanted to be a psychotic cannibal
>No have to be a tribal looking for a GECK no matter what

>Wanted to be a psychotic cannibal
>No have to be a teenager looking for his dad no matter what

>Wanted to be a psychotic cannibal
>No have to be a courier looking for his package no matter what

Ass and tiddies only got me so far might give it another shot

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Were you supposed to like this cunt? He's a massive fucking asshole and the inability to painfully kill him tears my heart in two

what the fuck kind of time paradox bullshit is this

I killed him

>I'm gonna take your daughter out tonight
>Gonna show her my world

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Every playthrough I kill him

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We need more, something like stick him in the FEV tank

>muh free and immersive rpg


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>daughter steals your wife's virginity before you

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I really wasn't expecting her to grow a dick in this


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I am very confused.

sauce please

Well, looks like we're going to have to have the talk again. Let me break these out.

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Stop replying to yourself cocksucker

that's not crescent fresh

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firstly tattoos are disgusting

secondly, where is this top end tattoo parlour in a post apocalyptic hellhole

I mean I guess it’s possivle if you donated sperm

lmao I had totally forgotten this segment. Still more enjoyable than the DC metro.

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To be fair with the cannibal perk you can be a psychotic cannibal who is also doing those things

>Tattoos have been documented as far back as Ötzi the Iceman in 4th century BC.
>Prisoners routinely do elaborate tattoos with the bare minimum materials and tools.
>Thinking their wouldn't still be tattoo artists in the post post-apocalyptic future.

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it's not. She's wearing a strapon and hypnotized into thinking it's a dick.