Leo or Vincent?

Leo or Vincent?

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Why the fuck is Julian in jail this time?

Vincent is more portrayed as the main character, but Leo's ending is more poetic

Leofags get off my board. /ourguy/ Vincent doesnt play ding dong ditch on widows.

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I'll take the boring one over the one that couldn't maintain their accent consistently

/ourguy/ Leo doesn't betray his friends.

Leo every time

they're both pretty dumb

Leo the bro.

Filthy backstabbing Vincento needs to go and stay go

Guy on the left looks likes Bruce Campbell and guy on right looks like bill engvall

Vincent hada no reason to actually kill him, he could've just let him go.

Leo living is always best choice

>Vincent is already in failing marriage
>Vincent has only ever held his kid. Growing up without a dad wont hurt the kid much compared to a dad that died
>If Vincent dies his wife will get checks and life insurance
>Vincent stringed Leo along to get him to go get the diamond and get revenge. It was practically entrapment when you look at it


>Leo family relies on him. They are literally living in a shitty trailer park
>Leo didnt wasnt even resposible for Vincents bro's death. Vincent put him on the case undercover and Harvey pulled the trigger on him
game was such bullshit
Leo shoulda served his time but then again Vincent is a backstabbing bitch

Leo on top of Vincent.

>It was practically entrapment when you look at it
This was my thought as well towards the end. The only consolation I found was that the escape and murder were ideas both brought forward by Leo, with Vincent asking to help. Even if it was Vincent's plan as well, Leo took the initiative and wasn't coerced.

You're forgetting about the fact that Leo is a criminal on the run.
There's no way he and his family will have a normal life unless they move to Cuba or some other shithole country that doesn't care about criminals.

This, what the fuck.
He could have thrown away the gun and just arrested Leo right there. The only reason Vincent fought him at the end was self defense, when he had the upper hand he didn't have to kill him.

>Growing up without a dad wont hurt the kid much
You do realize Hitler was raised by a single mother

Why Vincent went so determinated to catch Leo at the end?

I mean, Leo was never the mission, also, they became real friend at some point.

>WW1 veteran awarded with iron cross
>author of a really known book
>Chancellor of Germany
Being raised by a single mother didn't stop him from getting his goals accomplished.

Let me guess, one dies?

Vincent gets a reboot to his life and marriage, Leo becomes a cop killer and takes his family on the run with him. There is no poetry to Leo's ending, it's terrible.

one kills the other

There were indeed lots of opportunities for Vincent to drop the fight while they were inside that facility.

Not to mention to unecessary shot at the end. It was almost like Vincent also wanted to settle things down for good... maybe protect his family from an avenging Leo?

Anyway, let Leo escape not only would make sense, but also could set a starting point to a sequel.

Vincent. Leo went full retard after the reveal.

Shit, shit, you piece of shit, shit, shit, ahhhhh.

well desu he was on edge at the time

the one with the alpha sideburns

That would be nice. Certain situation could force those two together again or it could even become a totally different game, some kind of adventure/PvP game where, as Leo, you would need to set things up to kill Vincent and as Vincent you would try to investigate and arrest Leo.

>Growing up without a dad wont hurt the kid much
tell that to a huge majority of the criminal population