Why did it die so fast?

Why did it die so fast?

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Flavour of the month player drop, nothing out of the ordinary.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone that a niche series/title getting mass attention doesn't keep that attention.

Everyone who knew about it and wanted it already beat it. It kinda lacks content as far as MH goes.

It's been 2 months. But here's the part where you tell me hundreds of hours of content is absolutely nothing because every single other game in the series had a million hours of content. Disregarding that they doubled up the same quests between guild and story, made a third of them nuts and berries gathering, and mostly reused old monsters.

already had top tier gear by the time I finished the game and most of the gear looks like shit anyway, no incentive to keep playing

normalfags' attention span only lasts a few weeks. And since capcom successfully alienated actual monhun fans to capitalize on normalfags who don't play for more than a month, the game died quickly. It might see a slight resurgence with PC but that won't last for very ling

Capcom paid out the ass for streamers to promote it. Kinda obvious to anyone who isn't a meme gamer.

The only thing to do is grind and nobody is stupid enough to keep paying PS+ for longer than they need to.

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Not for me, Im still farming augmented weapons and im on hr50 i bought the game on released

Ps+ its free retard

Oh no sweetie

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I feel like this is the shortest MH game I've played beyond the first one. After a few Tempered mons you don't really feel like there's anything left to do.

Deviljho went down like a bitch too.

>t. Nintenbro cuckery

Other games came out. People are playing Ni No Kuni 2 and Farcry 5. Its not like Switch where we have to be held over with 1 game for 6 months

Post tempered Deviljho solo proof

Waiting for spring festival update.

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What's the point to keep playing? Grinding monsters for loot? You can do that in any shitty mmo but at least those have more things to work towards than grind monsters.

No it isn't.

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GQs weren't just doubling the quests. GQs are absolutely essential for a HR game to have lasting content and challenge. Could you imagine playing nothing but village quests in 2, tri, 4, gen, etc? In U games it's okay becuase no one playes HR and just rush to G rank. But in a HR game, which already makes it easy, with no GQ the challenge is basically non existent.

No Guild Quests is absolutely the worse thing about World since it KILLS solo play.

the REAL fans are all playing MH on Nintendo consoles

normalfags reached xenojiva months ago and got bored, fotm dead game s.m.h.

It's surprisingly much easier to solo tempered Jho.

Monsters are easier solo than they are in multi due to the way HP scaling fucks up part breaking and the stun/flinch threshh olds.

post proof then

Flavor of the month casualised western garbage

>any criticism of World makes you a nintenbro, the thread #5993

Flash pods. Rathalos is a pushover with flash pods.

I would argue it's easier multiplayer as long as you don't get a player intentionally trying to triple cart to ruin your investigation. With more people, the monster's attention is divided and you have more chances to heal/sharpen/set traps/attack.

>farming elder dragons
>already have all of my desired armor and my optimal weapon
>HR 36
I just want to fight tempered monsters, why is this grind to HR50 so long

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Solo temp jho is still a fucking health sponge. Its the only temp monster where they increased its health for both multi and single significantly. You would know this if you actually fought a temp jho solo.

Its easier to solo any monster in World

Is it really dead?
Im saving to buy a Ps4 just for this game

I'm 100 hours in and have the best weapons in the tree and best armor at max rank. World babs will defend this.

>Almost two months ago anow

I play every Monster Hunter up until I hunt the final monster/elder. Once I do that I'm done with the game. I honestly don't understand why you would continue to play after that

>Herp derp it's not a monster hunter game unless it takes 500 hours to grind two weapons to max.
No that's called a shit game. Grinding is bad, retard.

it's a 60$ demo dumbed down for gaijins

At this point you're better off waiting till the PC version comes user, you'd just be missing out on ~6 monsters at the time of their launch

No, it's still active, it just hit player drop off as any video game does

Yup. It's already lost 50% of its players. It has no endgame and the devs idea of new content is a single new monster that takes 10 minutes to down in a group of non mouth breathers.

The game is best played solo so it doesn't really matter

This is my problem.
I have 19 weaponsets all maxed out without much overlap and I'm at 150 hours and have no idea what to do anymore

Capcom is kinda dropping the ball with the one monster a month dlc thing they're doing. Apparently they learned next to nothing from the sfv and marvel fiasco

Has it announced a G rank or it just tops at high rank like 3rd?

No, shitposters have been saying this stuff since the day it was released.

right on cue

sos temper slots fill up in seconds.
where are people getting dead from? sony doesnt give out numbers so idk what you people are talking about. you better not be talking about normie twitch numbers either

Don't Tempered Investigations fill essentially the same function?

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Why the hell would I commemorate something I did that's so easy. Is this the only outlet you have so you can prove yourself? I play games for my enjoyment, not as a pissing competition.

Becuase they removed guild quests like a bunch of retards effectively killing solo and multiplayer is a fucking joke. I've played every other HR game and non of them where as sad as this shit. Everything else people complain about is completly trivial compared to solo qiests being gutted.

>Say a predictably stupid.
>Predict the obvious "you are wrong" remark.
>Act smug about it.
Maybe you should change your outlook rather than act high and mighty about it. The changes made in MHW are good. They whittle down the tedium of older games. 100 hours is plenty of time and you can easily get more than that out of MHW. You don't need to artificially extend game time by making every drop absurdly low.

Dont worry, crapcom will give you a single monster next month. God I can't wait until XX gets localized.

So you never fought a solo temp deviljho then. Cool.

Tempered jho is absurd. I think I've managed to win one out of every 20 SOS I join.
My PS+ ran out at 150 hours though so I doubt I'm gunna touch the game again for a few years.

>God I can't wait until XX gets localized

Tried to appeal to an audience with short attention spans.

monster hunter world merged the village and guild quests making less content in the process

it doesnt help this game is casualized as fuck and most of the things die in two hits

No G rank and way less grindy than past installments.

As of now, just High Rank with monthly monsters.
G Rank is sure to be announced, whether as DLC or another game, by the time PC MH has released

I have bad news for you, friend.

I did. It's nice.

We'll be lucky to even get that

>Best played solo.
>Forces you to make a lobby even when you're offline.
>Will constantly remind you you're offline and should get PS+ every single time you leave for a mission.
>Has a playstation store link in the goddamn main menu.
This game is judaism incarnate.

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It only increases damage. But not health or flinch resistances. Shit dies way to fast solo becuase it has half the health they should have and gets staggered every couple of seconds. Everything is virtually like playing only the village quests in past games. You can experience monsters with their multiplayer multiplier turned on solo only in the arena.

Sure you did kiddo

not him but post your Super Deviant Astalos solo

>stating that my time of play and build progress is predictably stupid
It must seem that way when you literally have no defense other than HURR GRIND shitposting

Then I'll play it in Japanese? It's better than World regardless of language settings.

>world babby can't believe someone doesn't find a challenge fighting a monster they've fought a hundred times in previous games

its not a g rank game

Yep, too bad the quest is gone now and I can't do it some more.

If you are retard them it isnt, i bet you also didnt know the eshop exploit, jes plebs are so disgusting

People desperately wanted another TORtanic but it ended up being a massive hit. Saying that the game died prematurely even though tempered SOS missions fill up in seconds is the last line of defense.

>Can't solo a tempered deviljho.

i bet you haven't solo'd bazel either

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>Will constantly remind you you're offline and should get PS+ every single time you leave for a mission.
this is a lie

This is actually my first time fighting Jho, and I was disappointed that he didn't live up to the hype. Still loved the monster though.

Yeah still not seeing any proof. Sorry but you can't say a monster is easy without providing proof of your time to kill and what weapon you used...sorry but thats just the way it is guys :(

Am I a cool guy if I solo'd the double Bazel quest

Re-read your post.
>I'm 100 hours in and have the best weapons in the tree and best armor at max rank. World babs will defend this.
Let's pull this apart.
100 hours is a long time, yet here we see you complaining that you have reached the limit of upgrades for weapons and armour in a single tree. Claiming people will defend this also implies this is a bad thing and it should take you more time and materials to grind out to the max level.
This lead me to believe you play these games for the grinding and bragging rights, which is a bad thing for you to do as it encourages a self-righterous elitistic attitude like the one you have while also being tedious and monotonous. Somehow you linked the absurd, boring grind to skill and you're making fun of others for not enjoying the boring grind.
On top of this, you're claiming I misinterpreted your post (which in this case, would be your fault for not stating what you meant clearly).
You're ignorant.
Good day sir.
Go offline and play solo and leave for any mission.

So you never fought a solo Deviant Astalos then. Cool.

Veterans finished it in 2 weeks and hated it and casuals have the attention span of a goldfish. Gee I wonder why it died so fast

>world bab thinks any fight in this game is hard
>he probably had to SOS the elder dragons and tempered Kirin

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I played the whole campaign before I ever went online and it didn't bother me about going online once.

The message appears the first time you go on a mission offline. It never appears again until you quit the game and reload your save file.

>SOSing tempered kirin.
Literally why?!
All they're going to do is cart for you!


Similar situation here for Xbox One, but it really only bothers me about Xbox LIVE when I start it up. Otherwise I ignore the reminders, they're not THAT intrusive when I begin missions. What bothers me is not that it's suggesting that I pay for online services, no, it's actually the simple notion of telling me I should play with friends. Capcom can fuck off with that, I almost exclusively play games alone.

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I never claimed to have fought it you autistic retard.

>100 hours is a long time
>Yet here we see you complaining that you have reached the limit of upgrades for weapons and armour in a single tree
The top tier of each element and status in the entire tree
>Claiming people will defend this also implies this is a bad thing
It is
>and it should take you more time and materials to grind out to the max level
Correct. I'm glad we agree this is bad game

it's player retention through raw content is shit compared to other recent MH games, the casual market either lost interest quickly because they still saw it as too much of a time investment, or hit some wall they couldn't surpass so they got frustrated and stopped (despite this being the easiest game in the franchise's history, even MH:Stories provided more challenge to me.)

the comparison to Dark Souls that was made about the game spelled out it's doom because, even if casuals didn't see those pieces of media, it is the same conclusion they might have come to, not that they're bad at the game, it's just that it's 'too hard', it's not that the game has systems that require learning, it's just 'a hard game'.

but, Capcom got their sales, so they'll probably keep doing this, it's still a massive success in their eyes, the thing that makes me hate this game the most, isn't that it's not on some arbitrary 'other system', I have a system I can play it on, it's the DLC practices that the game's shown, I'm frankly horrified from what was stuck behind paywalls on day one, and it only got worse from there.

Do you take a picture of the biggest dump you make?

What the fuck. Why does it keep popping up for me? Happens every single fucking time.

I'm waiting for more multi-hunt events to crown hunt, already got everything else pretty much done

Are you closing the game to play something else, and later start it up again?

Sure (you) did, kiddo

No, I do several missions in a row before taking a break. It appears during the load screen each time I leave for one.

wtf are you even saying?

>100 hrs not a long time.
Fuck, have I become a normie now?

Are the destiny players finally gone? I've been away from that game for about a week now

>Turn off auto-renew.
>ps4 updates.
>Auto-renew is turned back on.
Jesus christ, Sony.

Because modern games are basically movies. You go through it once and you're done forever with it.