Monsters that will never come back
MH thread
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Vita 3U, 4U and XX when
When the Vita becomes relevant.
He had better come back. I miss ol' Molten Tigrex too.
Other monsters I want in MHW are Shagaru Magala (works with the elder crossing), Brachydios, Seregios, and Zinogre.
The 3 gods!
Pretty much these.
The Storm king!
Dragon Jinouga!
this curaihzy guy
literally super saiyan
in fact, the furious rajang is fuckin gohan from the cell games
I can't imagine tiggy and narga will not be in whatever World G turns out to be since making a pseudo wyvern skeleton just needs some tweaks to the flying wyvern one. Leviathans I'm far less hopeful for.
>Wanting to see Tigrex casualized even further
FU was unironically the last time Tigrex actually lived up to his reputation. Why do people still care?
He'd be fine if he got the same treatment that Temperedjho got. Base difficulty easy enough for worldbabs but a tempered version that is an actual challenge.
RIP temperedjho
Still the easiest Jho in the series despite P3rd, 3U and 4U doing their damndest to keep him relevant, with x2 naked Jho quests as well as Savage Jho and the eternal pin.
I want to see deiants, or apex, a tigrex so fucking hard you'll be begging for Land or Tremors.
If you count molten tigrex I would say he had one hell of a reputation in 4u.
Temperedjho is way harder than 4U Jho
The issue with Jho in World is that he came out when every player had grinded minmaxed end game sets (in addition to World being more convenient)
Hopefully the PC version will be released with all post-game content so we won't get that problem.
The only reason that's even a fight is because you can't zone. The triple tiggy in the arena is only hard because of the time limit.
None of these things do a particularly good job at making the player fear Tigrex. More like the arbitrary bullshit that comes with it.
>Flying Wyverns
lv140 apex jho was a fucking monster but people are stupid if they compare him to default jho
I really fucking hope the monkey gets in, if tempered jho made people that mad i can't imagine what super sayan monkey is gonna do
maps too small and fucking shit
aside from literally only the large middle area in Recess
Oh wait, you mean regular Jho? Not Frenzy, Savage or Apex? Well that's not a fair comparison. That's like saying the Giadrome in FU is easier than Ukanlos in P3rd.
Fair enough. It sucks, but MHW will likely never get difficulty like apex monsters. The best we could hope for is G rank, but I have a feeling that that'll be made easier like the base game was.
Second link was meant for
For sure, people forget that G-rank games are always easier except for the very ass-end of the game. 3U doesn't get as hard as Tri's LR until a fair bit into HR.
What is Apex Tigrex
>Put an Apex monster in HR2
Really starting to regret this no-evasion-arts run of XX. Would you believe I had more trouble with this cocksucking motherfucker than any G-rank monster in 4U?
FU's tigrex was simply "dodge to his left when he runs"
Not having stamina doesn't make up for the predictable patterns.
t. Didn't play FU. If you're at midrange and he starts charging you're already dead.
literally artificial difficulty
Monster Hunter is artificial difficulty : ^ )
>This and World is what became of MH
It's like someone read the manga made by that Fairy Tale fag and was like "this right here was the peak of the franchise"
Man, just simply looking at the old-school handheld MH games, I can't go back anymore. I'm looking forward to a U version of World, or at least World simply being built upon.
>You've fainted.
t. has never dodged to his left just before the start of his charge
I can sort of understand their choice for the anime. Crazy man casually preps for a slaughters hundreds of monsters is cool and all, but it probably lacks the demographic appeal of How to Train Your Flying Wyvern.
Seltas, my queen! Please return to me!
>never coming back
What mental gymnastics brought you to that conclusion? If there's one monster that will most likely never return it's pic related because 80% of its fight is underwater.
So this is just a gambling run?Many times Tigrex doesn't do charge attack which would have killed the player standing in front
I haven't watched the whole thing since I was really just looking for that specific point, but skimming through the video I can see him dodge, point blank, every single attack Tigrex does at close range. While heroics runs require a degree of luck in what moves a monster uses, Tigrex's is pretty easy to avoid as long as you don't lock yourself in animations for long between attacks, probably why he's using DBs.
There's nothing random about it. Gen1/2 monsters have predictable and easily exploitable patterns. IIRC Akantor works the same.
Another really dumb "hard" monster is Plesioth as he'll always do the beam if you stand in front of him instead of near the legs.
There's that one underwater bit in the Ancient Forest, you know where you swim under to the other side?
Yeah, def. never played FU. Stick to talking about World, you fucking newfag.
They mention Rajang several times in-game through dialogue and people show lot's of interest in having him back I think the devs already know that it would be a good idea to bring the monkey back it's only a question of how much time will it take to recreate this monster.
Just create the model and let him punch 99% of the time in absolute random directions and you are almost done.
Hire me capcom
My favorite little shit.
Fanged Wyverns like Great Jagras and Dodogama practically use the Leviathan skeleton already and Lagiacrus was in the game’s proof of concept test build (although they said Lagiacrus specifically wouldn’t ever be in World) so it’s definitely not too much of a stretch. The monkeys and bugs are the ones I don’t see making it into any edition of World, we’re gonna have to wait until MH6 for them.
World is SHIT compared to the old games and I still have 90 hours in it
I fucking hate what they did to the greatsword
They'll just usea brute wyvern skeleton except the torso is upright.
With Lavasioth taking Agnaktor's place I don't think we'll see leviathans in World.
Outside of new monsters, I think the only viable one would be Mizutsune.
Given that we only got two Piscine Wyverns in World and one was just a reskin of an old one I could definitely see them adding Mizutsune (because he’s popular in Japland) and a Mizu reskin of some sort.
>I fucking hate what they did to the greatsword
isn't gs supposed to be good in world ?
Apparently crabs, insects and arachnids are very unlikely to ever come back because they were really hard to animate and the amount of work to re-implement them in World wouldn't be worth it.
I can't say I'll sorely miss the hermitaurs - although I appreciated the variety - but it sucks.
the entire playstyle is different now. While it is a good weapon people who have played GS in past games and are concerned about maximizing their damage output have to play in a significantly different manner.
They could bring back Nibelsnarf as it's the only leviathan so I can spend more time in Wildspire than I already do. Seriously, bring Nibelsnarf back.
That’s disappointing. The point of World was to establish a new foundation for them to reuse for over a decade, you’d think they’d be willing to put in the effort now to never have to adjust the bugs again for 10+ years.
I wish for Zinogre, Rajang, Tigrex, Brachydios and jhen to come back. Is a shame Lagiacrus was ditched despite havin a complete functional model. I hope Glavenus gets added
So it's more about the fact that right now it seems like the weapon is just true charge spamming ?
Do you think we're going to get new areas soon ?
Seems that way as an observer. I myself don't use the weapon but I've heard many of the complaints and generally it seems that you want to get that TCS whenever humanly possible.
Snow areas would be great. Maybe have certain maps change seasons if they can't find where else to put it
Cold area is pretty much a given, seeing how we have cold drinks but no hot drinks yet.
Also, people think we'll get some sort of new island (small and volcanic) because of Big Z.
The Handler offhandedly mentioned that Zorah releasing all that bio energy in the sea (pice related) would create a new ecosystem there in a couple hundred years, they could easily accelerate that with Xeno’s Everstream tampering shenanigans and add a new area in.
GS just got buffs to the initial charge and strong charge so critdraw is totally viable again. Just play it the way you used to.
Really want to see all of these boys back again. The four flagships from Gen would be neat, too, but I'd much rather get the ones I listed first.
How about fatalis do you think he deserves a spot (also rajang needs to be in)?
Why are these graphics so great?
Is it because I started MH with them?
Fatalis and Rajang should both make it in, I'm just not a big fan of either so I don't really care about them.
Nigga, not everyone has played FU for the same time that dude has and more importantly not everyone uses dual swords.
That window for dodging the charge looks tight as fuck.
I mean for fuck sake he even knows exactly when he will stagger tiggy
Only if Stygian stays the fuck out
Gore, Rajang, Brachy and Astalos all need to come back.
Takes these fuckers 5 months to create one monster. You won't get shit.
I'm sure after World became their best selling title of all time, Capcom will be devoting more resources to it. That doesn't mean what they produce will be any good, but it does mean we'll get more of it.
I love it when I manage to dodge him and he gets stuck in a wall
>solo redhelm hunt
It's not just about doing it perfectly everytime, it's just knowing that you have to roll to his left side that matters.
Rolling to the other side, with the same exact timing and positioning, would get you hit by the arm.
>he hasn't fought the lvl 140 Apex tiggy
Whay could they possibly include on the ice map aside from Lagombi and Zamtrios? Not ice agnaktor because we would need the vanilla on the elder recess, and not Gammoth because his fight was boring as fuck, but maybe barioth?
>on an expedition run into one and a Akantor, take them down
>run into a great Jaggi and another Seltas
>fuck them up
I am getting somewhere in my MH experience, I fucked up Basarious easy on our first meet up. Stupid rock dragon.
Plz remember to keep your handler well fed and happy
Barioth seems pretty likely, Khezu, Giggi
It's probably going to be like MH4's desert and they'll wait for an expansion to add it.
Jade Barroth and World's (hopefully not the majority like with 4G) subspecies will surely be in.
Sorry I made a mistake, Tetsucabra. I am not good with the names. I just call Seltas, Kabuto Beetle.
I guess they could have Tiggy, Jade Barroth, Barioth, Giiginox + its sub, khezu, Ice Teostra (from Frontier)
>maybe barioth
Why maybe? Barioth better fucking make it in, I want that armor.
Tidal Narjarala
No. It's because it's the graphical peak of classic MonHun style. Everything that came after besides World was shitty handheld abysmal garbage.