>BOTW : 163 GOTY awards
>Witcher 3 : 251 GOTY awards
>BOTW : 163 GOTY awards
>Witcher 3 : 251 GOTY awards
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I'm not sure what your bait is implying
Nintendo fans like to say BOTW is good because it won lots of awards, so TW3 must be even better.
First of all, your numbers are completely fuckong wrong, BotW has won far more GOTY awards than you suggest.
And Two; there aren't as many GOTY issued now as there were a year or two ago.
So get fucked.
Doesn't seem like a fair comparison considering BOTW is still up for more awards as we speak.
>there aren't as many GOTY issued now as there were a year or two ago.
prove it
This. OP is a crybaby faggot who can't get over BotW more than a year later.
>game released on more platforms with 50 times the potential players
>more GOTY awards
Wow, that really activated my brain cells!
tw3 is vastly superior
botw was still fun though
BotW won a higher % than TW3, BotW also won every major award which TW3 didn't.
189 out of 331 is 57.1%
257 out of 439 is 58.5%
But then The Witcher's closest competition was Fallout 4.
>BotW 97, 108 reviews
>TW3 93, 32 reviews
Really makes u think huh.
>Multiplat won more awards than a Nintendo exclusive
Wow. Almost like some magazines and publications only cover certain platforms or something.
>both: boring empty open world shit
Really does make you think.
On an unrelated note does anyone seriously find soyposting funny? Worst then wojaks now if you ask me.
>Butt hurt Nintendbabies
Yeah Nintendbabies are sure butt-hurt over their 97 GOTY 10/10 genre-defining masterpiece a full year later.
Good God your tear are simply delicious.
>nintendo buy off critics
I find this unchecked delusional world-building to be fascinating.
Why do normies love the open world meme gameplay so much?
Shit got boring after the 2nd Ass Creed.
Its t. you retarded shitposting faggot.
If your gonna shitpost atlease do it right.
Sonybros everyone.
>Witcher 3 : beautiful open world filled with interesting quests and characters
>BOTW : empty physic sandbox open world filled with korok seeds and shrine entrances
LMAO who are you trying to convince?
it's multiplat u dumb drone. there are more Witcher 3 reviews
Both of those games are dull as dishwater.
Breath of the Wild drops in quality after 20 hours of playing, and keeps doing so every 10 hours after that
professional review sites don't have time to 100% the game and as a result give it high scores based on the early game
BotW was pretty mediocre desu, better than Skyward Sword (only Zelda I ever dropped), shittier than the rest
Never finished Witcher 3
You don't have to play BotW for 20 hours. You can finish it in an hour if you want.
BotW had a more competitive year than Witcher 3.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Super Mario Odyssey
>localizations of Yakuza 0 and Persona 5
>Divinity 2
>Nier Automata
>Sonic Mania
>Xenoblade 2
I dunno. I played BotW for 250 hours and had an absolute blast. It's like Nintendo made a Zelda game just for me.
You're the only crybaby faggot that gets triggered every time someone points the flaws of your spwecial video game
when you've got that many fucking GOTY awards floating around its amazing there are games out there that DONT win at least one
>still believing in Nintendo "scores" and "awards"
Absolutely S E E T H I N G.
Why can't Sonybros get over Breath Of The Wild?
>nintendo exclusive
Cry more
Why do you think it's only Sonybros? Oh right. The false narrative we have to maintain.
This place is Sonygaf, pretty much all shitposters are sonybros
Oh, right. Sonygros and shitposters. Thanks for correcting the record.
you have to actually be good at games to do that
that being said I went to hyrule castle pretty early on since there's no penalty for death and got royal weapons and a hylian shield pretty quick, went to the center and they make you fight all of those copypasted x-blight bosses in a row that you haven't beaten yet, I got through 2 of them before realising that the game would probably end after this and reloading a save to escape
I take it you're enjoying Far Cry 5 at the moment? I haven't played since 3 but I like the hook of the series
So you hate Zelda games?
Is Witcher 3 Complete Edition worth 15 bucks?
>I take it you're enjoying Far Cry 5 at the moment?
Actually yes. It is what it is; Ubishit. But it's still pretty good fun. I haven't burned out on it yet.
>So you hate Zelda games?
Been playing Zelda since 1986, what about you?
You have gotta be a fucking retarded fanboy at this point if you still would blindly defend BOTW.
this picture needs to be updated because BOTW DLC Pack 2 barely added anything and both packs together are not anywhere close to the level of Blood and Wine by itself.
>hate Zelda games
>play them for over 30 years
Really makes you think.
There were more rewards handed out in total back in 2015.
Soy more
m8 its general consensus here that nips made THE worst DLC and xpacs imaginable. I mean ffs the only DLC that they made that is close to decent is Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen.
>Witcher is on more platforms
>Zelda only on 1.5
I don't hate Zelda games though. BotW is one of my favourite Zeldas.
When you only own a Switch and have nothing else to play but Zelda, of course you'd waste hundreds of hours on that shit. Same way with millennial shitters who have never grown up playing CS 1.6 think Splatoon is the best shooter ever or manchildren who dunno what XCOM is think MarioXReddit is the greatest strategy turn-based game.
Based Ninty livin in ya simp head rent free
>I dunno how metacritic works
>When you only own a Switch and have nothing else to play but Zelda, of course you'd waste hundreds of hours on that shit
Thats wrong because my Switch is collecting dust after I played BotW for 90 hours. I don't think I'll ever play the game again, I did everything fun thats possible.
Keep crying shitter. I'm still working through my backlog of Switch games. Looking forward to playing Crash so I can laugh at how shit it is, thanks for beta-testing.
>the witcher 3 came out on 3 different platforms
>meaning that publications that only cover one platform gave W3 GOTY
>BotW came out only on nintendo consoles
>still got over half of Witcher's GOTYs
I'm sick and have a huge fever but I'm still smarter than OP. The fucking state of it.
Better activate my witcher sense so I can do this interesting quest with the interesting characters! Alfred, Analyze these samples for me.
Witcher 3 is a piece of crap so those “awards” given out by sites like “coolkidsgaming” are pointless and worthless
Not one Nintendo fan anywhere has ever said that. BOTW is great because it’s a GREAT game
>And Two; there aren't as many GOTY issued now as there were a year or two ago
Yes, cause two years ago is ancient history by now and has noyhing to do with the current time.
kys please neo pleb
Winning GOTY for 2015 compared to 2017 is not very difficult at all. Keep in mind 2017 also had Odyssey, HZD, Persona and a handful others while 2015 had... Fallout 4...?
the fuck...
lmao eric
Thanks for keeping the seat warm Nintendo and CDPR.