It's over Nvidia is finished

It's over Nvidia is finished

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Does no-one remember the rumours for the last 10 years of graphics cards releases?

Why does Sup Forums care so much about graphics cards? Is it because you guys are all elite-level competitive gamers?

Of course not, it's always hype hype hype. But keep in mind though, a broken clock is right twice a day and 28nm to 14nm should actually deliver. I'm actually thinking these Polaris cards will have overclocking headroom as well since Polaris was said to have been a major improvement in TDP.

490 x here i come

have over a grand waiting for a new gpu and monitor

>not having a grand for the monitor alone

That's nice, retard.

>I do i just dont want to piss away that much as i am waiting for the new oct cores to come out

>a broken clock is right twice a day

>he doesn't use a 24h clock

new philips 43inch ips 4k came out, 700-800$ price range...

it's like they put out the monitor just for me. i don't want 4k for making things sharper/aa, i want it for productivity without the need to scale.

no one does, and the need to constantly do math in your head for your watch gets real fucking old fast... wish everyone used a 24 hour clock... so much more convenient.

Why the fuck would you want a 4K tv sized monitor?

I was looking at 28" 4k but it was a absolute rip here in my country like double the price at 800-1000aud so i am going to get a 2.5k screen as i want to be able to read text in games

because its an actual monitor, designed for computers and productivity, not the "i have to have hardware AA because i cant handle a jaggie" crowd

wait... i

what in the fuck were you looking at a 4k 28 inch for if you were concerned with text in games?

Im not 4K is a meme i tried downsampling and it didnt look any better text just looked like shit

drones will still buy 3.5planned obsolescence. it's never over

Yes. I have to win dota and csgo

>I was looking at 28" 4k

no shit the text was bad, especially without a well scaling game.

43 inches 4k is just about what 1080p at 24 inches dpi was at. personally i prefer windowing games, so i would get the equivalent of a 1080p monitor, then 3 more monitors of space to dick around in

if the game permits, something 2560x1600

and if an old game forces me, full screen 720 or 1080p and not have shit scaling as 720p is 3 pixels wide, while 1080p is 2wide on 4k, shit would look nice even if its off resolution full screen.

Last time charlie talked bout metal layer problems at Nvidia we got Fermi

even better than i thought

480 is only 200$? and runs close to 390X

holy fuckballz

Would feel like 2007 all over again, when the 4850 was cheap as fuck

>MFW the GP104 die bursts into flames during a benchmark and reviewers film it

seriously as long as polaris meets a certain level i dont care beyond that

give me 60fps on high-ultra settings on 1440p for 200$ and 175w tdp and I dont need more than that


Where does this leave me with my Fury X???

Sell it now.

Yes, and this year looks like fermi year again.

>43 inches 4k is just about what 1080p at 24 inches dpi was at
40" at 4K is the same as 2560x1440 on a 27"

Sounds meme-tier for vidya but if you're doing shit like video editing, 3d modelling/cad or even coding it's a fuckload of uninterrupted screen real estate to work with

I'm seriously looking at one for my spare pc just to try it out and see how I like it

for me, 4k, an ips display, many input methods, and being 43 inches while made for pc... this is a dream monitor

depending on how shit goes, i may get one, i may not... would suck to not get one but not sure.

gameing, its 60 hrz, and i play most shit windowed, being able to not have a second monitor while still having a very large amount of screen space left over, or hell, having an ultra wide resolution would be nice in some games.

not to mention the fact that 720p and 1080p perfectly scale to 4k, where as 720p does not scale to 1080p perfect, and where i would put this, my bedroom, it would be a massive upgrade for watching netflix/youtube/pirated shit a distance away from me.

You are fine until 2017, the 490x the bestest of best optimism will gain 5% on fury x

No silly, with DX12 you can combine different GPUs together.

if developers allow it and nvidia will not purge the ability from drivers

Yes, I have to win league of legends and euro truck simulador 2

Sure, there's that risk. But in all likelihood compatibility and driver support will only improve as time goes on.

it's not just risk, Nvidia WILL kill this feature
99% accuracy, they do it every time

Fine by me; you will still be able to combine a Fury X with 480x or some such.

>why does a technology board care so much about technology

faggot doesn't even know he's on a technology board

That broken clock thing has sparked a thought of mine. Although it may be right 2 times a day when broken, when are those 2 times? And by what standard, because we will always have a variation of time even if it is an Atomic Clock. What defines our time? When exactly is 12 O'Clock? These are the questions that ponder my mind at night

Graphics cards are by far the most exciting in terms of technological growth and development. They can also be tested and compared in ways that are also fun; unlike comparing, say, SSD write speeds.

almost everything else is stagnating or getting worse. CPUs, laptops, cell phones, televisions, etc. are all plateauing in quality. Computer technology as a whole is slowing down in being able to actually offer new use case scenarios.

When a 13" macbook can hold a full voltage i7 without throttling with a thunderbolt 3.1 port, then I'll be exciting for something other than graphics cards

oh man that takes me back

still have a 4870 sitting in my room somewhere and a 3870

You can get a 4k 24" monitor with a PLS panel and 100% sRGB coverage with freesync for $400

anyone paying more than that for a monitor is falling for one meme or another

Imho i cant wait for my lappy to be 4mm thick

I got a titan x so I can play cs go at 400 hz. Now I just need a gsync monitor that can keep up with my fast twitch muscles.

>You can get a 4k 24" monitor with a PLS panel and 100% sRGB coverage with freesync for $400
what screen can i ask?

been looking for a good 27 28" screen


Lel no

Confirmed Professional Gaming League members.

I'm more interested in what form factor these will come with

Since they require far less power I hope they come in a package as small as a Fury Nano. Got a SFF system waiting for one of these to drop into

Doesn't matter when a fucking GTX980Ti can't run any game at 60fps with 1080p at ultra settings.

but are they backrupt?

more importantly, are their regular customers at risk of taking their own lives?

Now they just need to have good Linux drivers and I'll switch.

will it have drivers on linux? or at all?


>Note: The following is for professional and student level subscribers.

I'm a jew, can you screencap the fulltext plz

Dont you love how big and strong some cards look?
Like the Toxic from Sapphire looks like a brick, that shit looks imposing

Nah, I rather cram big power into small volumes

Have a watercooled nCase build I'm working on and the only two card that'll fit with my current design is a Fury Nano or a 970 mini

So I will buy a good GPOU for 200. i dont care if it isn't nvidia. that is a damn steal

Fuck thin laptops and phones for that matter

who the heck cares? you see the card three times in it's life time:
1)when you buy it
2)when you insert it
3)when you take it out and sell it

this, unless you are a fucking ricer faggot with a windowed case

stop this ancient meme you shill, their drivers work great

Is gtx 980 ti overkill for 1440p/60fps gaming?

I clean it every 4-5 months, but yeah, only faggots care about how their hardware looks.

Just right actually.

No. Actually, it's not good enough to maintain 60 fps at 1440p in many games. It's overkill if you play assfaggots, battlefield, COD, f2p garbage, WoW, cs go etc.

>video game shit

manchild pls. you're talking about toys here, not technology. gpus will never do anything positive for the field except for making little manchildren like you happy.

>falling for one meme or another
you're exactly the kind of person I'm talking about

they have a 28" variant for around $600 but it's not a PLS panel; I mean, it's probably the best TN panel ever produced (I saw it on display at best buy) but IMO there's no point in settling for those shit viewing angles in 2016

>exactly the same happened with Fermi

GTX 480v2 inbound

games I want to be able to play without lag

unreal tournament alpha
kingdom come deliverance beta
need for speed 2015
far cry primal
also those image attached

do you even GPGPU

What interest me the most here, is to see if laptops are going to finally have the same cards as desktops.
If the TDP is low enough with this new generation, then it's goodbye to higher end mobile GPUs.

>saying AMD drivers work great
>calling other people shill

no, that's like the people saying that a 970 or 290x is "overkill" for 1080p
that's the kind of card you need for 60fps and no compromises

I'd say that the 980ti in particular is overkill since SLI scaling is fucking shit. save yourself $500 and get 980's; you can even overclock them if your motherboard and PSU aren't garbage

but honestly, for 2 cards, I'd wait to see the pricing and performance of the 1070/1080. It's literally a month away

also, in all honesty, I would go with an AMD GPU. If Polaris is half of what it's cracked up to be they'd be much more worth investing in than Pascal at the mid-high range. Of course Nvidia will have top dog single card spot but that's essentially meaningless if all their other cards are crippled in DX12 and outperformed by AMD equivalents in everything else

>calls other people names and claims that GPUs are not technology
>I'm the child

Wew lad

dont expect ubishit titles to run good ever


Am I being rused, or did they get the price wrong

that's what polaris 11 is supposed to bring to the table

new macbooks are supposed to have them. Would be pretty fucking crazy to have a 390 level card in a macbook pro

>plays with video games
>presumably 18+

pick one and only one, gamergate manchild. go back to your 8gag safespace where you can complain about women and SJWs to your hearts content

I'm working with a P8Z77-I DELUXE so single card solutions are my only options.

I mentioned nvidia as I never had one of their cards. The last GPU I had was the AMD 7970 GHz from gigabyte. To be honest it sounded like a jet taking off when I would load up a game. I've head this is less of an issue with nivida due to better power efficiency?

Thanks for your input!

I would kill to see that kind of shit happen again.

well, the 380 is over $200 so they probably pulled the number from that

UT4 is the only one that scales nicely
Kingdom Cum is absolutely not ready and you would likely need two titans or fury's to get 1080p 60fps even

Its really unopimized but its fucking gorgeous.

the biggest issue with heat/noise has more to do with the cooler on the card than the actual card itself. for instance, lots of nvidia cards naturally run cooler than amd cards but the coolers are mediocre and they also have coil whine, where as a sapphire vapor-x 290x runs dead silent and cool as shit. I myself have a 290x with an Arctic Accellero III cooler I put on there myself

I'd wait to see the reviews on coolers and noise

490X when

wolf new order doesn't support SLI

just go for strong single card. one 980ti is good enough, and it'll have a nice resell value for when you want a stronger one

Yeah i was thinking of getting a gaming laptop for the lels but its totally pointless for me.

Would rather just put polaris 11 490 in my pc and be done with it.

Man i wish my area still had lans and nerd gatherings, would be hilarious to rock up with a 480m and whipe the floor of most pc's there.


Top b8

In a month.

1070 and 1080 in six months.

Nvidia is finished.

Christ cant it just come out?

Im still rocking a 770 from fucking 2013 but i cant upgrade it because nothing is coming out!

If only you had gone with a 7970 back then, you'd still be getting top performance today.

>no1 does

tell that to the hotshot crews and other forestry fire fighters

780 SLI here, I know that feel

Was eyeing a 980ti or the fury x (or even a pair of nanos now they've dropped a bit in price) but with new shit so close it's a waste of money

I don't believe in anything until various sites have benched the cards.

The Fiji series of AMD was a pure dissappointment and didn't deliver.

>having expectations for AMDead


I heard someone say 1000series would be in summer

>video game shit
What is video rendering, for 1000.


if AMD releases first:
>AMD has until nvidia releases as best GPU, nvidia will outclass initially, but slowly driver improvements on AMD side will mean that by the end of the generation the AMD part will be ~40% faster than the nvidia part.
nVidia will not undercut AMD's price on release and AMD won't pricecut for ~4 months.

>if nVidia launches first
nVidia will have crown performance until about halfway through the generation when AMD's driver improvements catch up, the AMD card will end up ~40% faster than the equivilent nVidia card at the end of the generation.
AMD will undercut nVidia's pricing on release

>Not waiting for Vega
>Not wanting 16GBs of HMB2

I lost interest when AMD said Polaris wasn't considered "high-end". I'm just going to save up and if Vega flops I'll just get two Polaris cards. Probably not though, I'm a sucker for futureproofing

8 is for pedos
9 is for gags

>still have HD4870
>see this post

Nvidia are about six months behind AMD in their manufacturing process.

it is coming out in the summer. its pretty much confirmed to be releasing in july/august time. they won't be doing a massive unveiling at the bf5 event if their cards aren't out on a mass scale by the time bf5 comes out in september.