/mpv/ - freedom matters

> Windows builds:
stable: mpv.srsfckn.biz/
latest: bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mpv-for-windows/downloads

> Low preset without interpolation:

> High preset without interpolation:

> Low preset with interpolation:

> High preset with interpolation:

Other urls found in this thread:


> Ranpha's installers with gpu based presets.
x64: imouto.my/download/lav-filters-megamix-x64/
x86: imouto.my/download/lav-filters-megamix-32-bit/

> not using modern device with modern os
> 2016

Kodi + Sonarr + CouchPotato + Jackett

What else?

Where could I download baka-mplayer with current mpv?

I have been GUIfag for some 8 years now, but then I tried MPV and seriously said, Fuck menus

all this and it doesn't even into dvd menus. fuck mpv.

Is there some way to sharpen this up without cranking up the acutance?


quick and dirty way


anywhere from 0.25 to 0.75 works well but you should probably never use unsharp if you are upscaling (works ok for downscaling or playing at source res)

I'll be upscaling everything because I have a 5k monitor.

I assume because of the name that 'dxinterop' is a Windows only thing?

What the fuck is even going on in this thread


Noob here, what config settings do I need in order to make mpv play with japanese audio and english subs by default? Also, how do I into config settings?

Color management autism.

This will not work with unmarked streams, but those are rare nowadays.

Thanks a bunch. Is there anything in the documentation or readme that gives a good rundown of how config settings work?

What's the main advantage of this over KCP?

Just use man or HTML version of the documentation here mpv.io/manual/stable/ . Its nicely structured and explains pretty much everything. You dont need to read everything, just poke around in different sections and read/use what catches your eye.

mpv compiled with openal for best poorfag home theater experience
The leading edge in color managed video playback, mpv is literally the most advanced video player because of this single thread
I'm really thankful of that macfag, if it wasn't due to him posting that Melancholia image since last year a lot of color management issues wouldn't have been brought to the attention of the devs
Best of all it's that fhoech is helping them too


I thought dxinterop was still experimental, is that not the case? Or is it experimental in the sense that Gmail was in "beta" for a decade?

It works fucking well on my laptop.

please don't link these terribly broken builds

Any other source for daily/nightly windows builds?

What about it?

Should I use ANGLE (backend=angle) with legacy/not suported anymore Intel and AMD drivers?

i built my own using msys2 tbqh
just read the guide (and use --enable-gpl3 later on)

Yes but for dummy/inexperienced windows users?

Everything is red with the latest user_hooks build (without even shaders).


Defend this garbage.

This the new gtk file picker?

Whenever there's just black video the subtitles disappear as well. Does anyone know how to fix that?


It's experimental mainly because drivers are still an issue on most systems

sorry for being utterly useless but how the fuck do I change hotkeys for mpv?

I tried this to change pageup and pagedown from go-to chapter to next file in playlist
it does not work

PGUP playlist-prev
PGDWN playlist-next

its in ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf

my subtitles settings there work

What tscale should I be using for minimum interpolation blur?

Also I know this is subjective, but do you guys prefer interpolation or not?



>mpv is bestest media player!!!
Can't play dvd correctly.
>mpv does not support DVD menus.
Source: mpv.io

Is mpv still the king of visual quality? I've heard madVR and MPDN are improving rapidly in those departments.

No one liked DVD menus. My favourite hardware DVD player (from back when DVDs were a thing) was one that skipped all the menus and just played the longest title.

As far as I know, the devs are fine with re-adding menu support, as long as someone cares enough to write a patch, which no one has yet.

Is latest build already fixed the bug about can't do screenshot if using dxinterop?

So, can someone direct me on how to add the preset into mpc? I installed CCCP and MPC and am trying to add the low preset without any interpolation as I am a poorfag with an integrated gpu and am pissed off at the ridculous load times with VLC.

will never be fixed
hwdec=no or hwdec=dxva2-copy


Any presets for linux?

Just remove "backend=dxinterop".

I'm getting
[vo] Video output opengl not found!
Error opening/initializing the VO window.

what to do? I have mesa installed.

Dvd menus aren't really an issue with feature length movies, I'll give you that. However, it is an issue on episode box sets. Apparently, the second episode on a disc was the longest so mpv merrily skipped the first then had no way to navigate to any of the other episodes.
For a player thats held so highly as "plays everything beautifully", it sure drops the proverbial ball on such a standard format.

Can someone who streams from a NAS post their config?

I'm trying to get the cache and buffering right

just use your OS print screen functionality, it is better anyway since it is more accurate

haasn the madman!

Kodi is so insane with sonarr and couchpotato. Download everything rename it download covers,integrate with trakt or stream it from a torrent. Shit is the reason I wont get netflix.

post log/file

>What tscale should I be using for minimum interpolation blur?
tscale=nearest :^)

>Also I know this is subjective, but do you guys prefer interpolation or not?
I can't watch videos without it anymore. Judder is eye-melting.

Reminder that “interpolation off” is just a different way of saying “interpolation on but tscale = nearest”.

So the question you're asking is “do you prefer mitchell or nearest neighbour”, and the latter just has horrible judder (= temporal aliasing).

Compile mpv with OpenGL headers in place

Actually don't, just remove the ‘WIP’ commit at the end. That one is completely broken

Oversample or Mitchell with clamp

most episode dvd's i've come across have a "play all" title which links to all episodes, and is naturally the longest title

pic related, opened with "mpv dvdnav://longest"

he said "minimum", so at least catmull_rom instead of mitchell

Holy shit, mpv does interpolation? Is this like those 120hz tvs that add frames between the frames?

wish I could enable this shit for XBMC/Kodi

that's not referring to that type of interpolation, and mpv doesn't do what you're referring to itself, but it can be done using vapoursynth/mvtools with mpv

I use SickRage instead of Sonarr. Sonarr couldn't search IPT which made it pretty much a no-go.

Any advantages to Sonarr over SickRage that I should know about?

is it actively developed? I remember it from ages ago

>mvtools with mpv
thanks for the heads up, is it hard to configure/set up? It's mostly a novelty for me as it doesn't look good in a lot of action movies IMO, mostly good for nature docus and such

I swear the "presets" posted get worse with every thread.


is this just a vaguely informational page? interesting but not useful

It's just meant to give people enough information to understand what the difference is between mpv-style “interpolation” the type they know from SVP/TVs etc.

why do i get this [ffmpeg] tls: Failed to read handshake response error and mpv crashes when i try to stream some file by using the direct link on windows but with debian it just werks

Are there any screenshot examples of the differences in settings?

Does ewa_lanczos really look good?

like lanczos, but without aliasing


Pfff interpolation is just a dumb copy of madVR's smoothmotion.

It will not work like madVR's smoothmotion because mpv is based on opengl shit.

MPVs interpolation is superior to smoothmotion

Nah smoothmotion is much better.


help to this idiot here

installed subliminal
but how do you use it? bindsym b for downloading subtitle but of course when i press "b" it it says subtitle download failed. What/which config should edit and how?
>putting locaiton of autload.lua to /.config/mpv/input.conf does nothing

I'm trying to watch a DVD with "mpv dvd://". I can watch it, but the subtitles don't appear even though there's subtitle options. What should I do?

Also everytime i skip foward i get the error "[ffmpeg/audio] ac3: frame sync error
Error decoding audio.

> shitty only for doubling nnedi3
> no fancy filters
> dumb anti-ringing
> devs with superiority complex
> oldish opengl only
> exists because it's maintained by a plex employee

Windows users want gui and fancy filters, so mpv is not suitable...

Ranpha has just upgraded (05/05/16) his installers with new mpc-hc builds.

Ranpha's full guide:

Ranpha's awesome installers:

Actually mpv is not a player for windows 10.

I have tons of vsync issues even with angle.
I have stuttering with interpolation, I tried any tscale options.
I have 3x GPU usage than with madVR for "same" settings.
I also have some weird issue with madVR however it's usable.

backend=angle or backend=dxinterop

mpv + youtube-dl + stremio = awesomeness

> oldish opengl only
I think you're confusing mpv with MPlayer

How much does Microsoft pay you? I hope you aren't doing this for free

What is this? They have some shitty web 3.0 page with no information

mpv is working as intended with subliminal if it shows the status of the download, the problem is with subliminal

Seems like some sort of shitty web 3.0 service for delivering low-quality versions of low-quality shows

mpv's default is to play the longest track.

So what's the best streaming program?


Is color management enabled by default and if it is how can I disable it?
I want all my animus to be as wide gamut as my display allows.

That's not an mpv but w10 issue, I had tearing even when scrolling or moving regular windows.

dxinterop if your drivers play nice with it

>Is color management enabled by default and if it is how can I disable it?
It isn't
>I want all my animus to be as wide gamut as my display allows.
That's not how it works, but if you want to watch stuff oversaturated then the defaults are fine

>That's not how it works, but if you want to watch stuff oversaturated then the defaults are fine
I have AdobeRGB display and never watch movies on PC

It destroyed my computer, seriously.
I got blue screen, reboot, black screen with noisy fan. :\

muh config

# Video settings
video-sync=display-resample # Keep audio in sync with the video by resampling the audio to match the video [required for interpolation]
hwdec=no # Most video filters will not work with hardware decoding

# Audio settings

# Cache settings

# Subtitle settings
sub-auto=fuzzy # Load all additional subtitle files which contain the media filename
ass-force-style=Kerning=yes # Force kerning on proportional subtitle fonts
demuxer-mkv-subtitle-preroll=index # Try to show subs at seek point

# Animu-like styling for unstyled subs
sub-text-font="Source Sans Pro Semibold"

# Screenshot settings
screenshot-high-bit-depth=no # "yes" triggers writing 16 bit PNGs with ~10MB file sizes

# OSC style

# OSD style
osd-font='Helvetica Neue:style=Light'

# Window position & maximum size

# Disable screensaver

# Enable streaming via youtube-dl

What appreciable benefit is there to using this? I read the manual entry but don't really get what it does or why it's better than any of the other options.

I don't need much of a GUI but I use


I mean it looks better in my opinion. Not so intrusive.