How's it feel that for all the time you've wasted trying to learning javascript and fiddling with xorg configs in linux that this 10 year old has already achieved more than you ever will?
How's it feel that for all the time you've wasted trying to learning javascript and fiddling with xorg configs in linux that this 10 year old has already achieved more than you ever will?
>10 year old
>Jani has been interested in coding and video games since the age of eight
Fug :----DDD
>He made a week's salary for normal adults
Wow! Amazing!
That's $10k more than the NEETs around here will ever make.
Thats pretty cool hope he dose well with the money.
Neets should be killed anyways
Stop it
7 grand/week clean is not what the average adult makes.
Its not that much, but far from the average.
Not making 340k a week.
Might as well just become neet soon.
how did he put malicious code in the app? i know nothing. care to explain?
half a million a year is normal now? wow i feel inadequate.
300k starting.
Is his hacker name Zero Cool?
>Jani found vulnerability in Instagram that could delete Justin Bieber's comments.
This sounds like an easter egg, not a bug.
>weekly salary
lmao dude i make that much an hour from selling weed lmao
>>Jani found vulnerability in Instagram that could delete Justin Bieber's comments.
reported to facebook instead of removing EVERY Bieber comment.
supposedly the exploit could only be used to delete 1 comment at a time, so it'd have been a pain to do so.
just remove EVERY comment then
>Jonne not already hacker enough to automate that
baka, what a noob...
>week salary
Litterally wut ?
explains everything
Isn't somebody gonna come in here and explain how what the kid did was actually really easy and that anybody could have found it?
Come on fellas, Johnny here's gotta feel good about himself!
The true reason I don't get 7000 GBP from facebook is because I refuse to use it at all.
>all these people getting jealous and bothered by a kid finding a bug and getting rewarded
Taking manchildren straight to its definition
I can imagine some 30 year old neckbeard ready to give the beat down to some 10 year old
Probably... same old story...
>hurdur it was really easy I could have done that too
True, but you didn't so crawl back into your cave.
Not to mention, everything is easy if you know how.
>7 thousand English dollars
That's chump change
Fuck off tripfag
A.K.A. the Dunning-Kruger effect.
GTFO tripfag
>being this salty
so what? i've been mentioned in a lot of articles too.. i guess a lot of people here have been.
Haha I make double that selling acid xD xD xD xD xD lmao 4⃣2⃣0⃣
>facebook gifts 10 year-old kid
>facebook gifts
It's not a gift. They PAID him money for finding a security vulnerability that an adult could have found. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you pathetic faggots are making fun of a fucking CHILD for being better than you.
No, I heard he goes by the hacker name "Sup Forums".
>all these mad neets that will never ever make this much money in their entire pathetic lives
Surely there would be a way to automate it