/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Weebs edition
Trying to cheat will get you banned with approximate chance of 100% edition

Old thread New to /ptg/? Have an enquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions.
Or update it yourself if you have a problem with it. Then check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki
Paths to get into trackers, updated 2/05/16: a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf

Various HTTP/FPT servers with content:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, IT CAN'T and you WILL BE BANNED with those bastards laughing at you
>this is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview

Other urls found in this thread:


I can already tell this thread will be shit


Will be a fuckton of shit


Wow HDB has big reqs, I'll probably never make it into it :(

>Q8 How do I get into HDBits (HDB)?
>They are currently recruiting on Bibliotik (Elite and PU - 150 wks+).
>They are also currently recruiting on PTP elite. One user remembers that the requirements are 750 GB seeding size, minimum 1TB download, minimum seeding time 1 month, account older than 6 months but thinks that it could have also been 750 gb downloaded and 1 TB seeding size - not certain. Another user states that both seeding size and minimum download should be 750 GB and this user appears to be more certain about the reqs.
>Banned countries are China, Egypt, Israel, Latvia, Turkey, Vietnam. Previously, they are known to have recruited at AHD.
>For limited times they have been known to have invite threads on PTP, BTN, AHD, SDbits, CN, and various other "well known" movie/TV trackers. If you want to get into HDB your best chance is to max out the userclasses on those trackers. Any application offers or invite offers you see on forums are fake because HDB does not allow users to give invites on other trackers.

I cant understand shit about this

It's really not worth it. The staff there aren't very nice.

>It's really not worth it. The staff there aren't very nice.


My hard drive failed. I got it in march.

There's no time limit on elite on Bib. Easy as a FUCK compared to the PTP requirements.

You should really learn how to reply on Sup Forums correctly. Community is a big deal for private trackers. It's not just about how many uploads you have, or the average uploader quality.

Doesn't 150 wks means 150 weeks account age?

Yeah, I just used abbreviations when I was writing the doc.

I replied and quoted it, faggot

And community != staff. Not really

you can't train people to be neurotypical man
just thank them for the efforts they make

* any time period mentioned in the document always means account age (from the creation of the account). It does not refer to the requirements required to reach the userclass, however the userclass requirements are always less than recruitment account age requirements (if they have one.)

Community= staff when the staff determine who gets to participate, and who doesn't.

Yeah, they try.

This is all you have to understand:

i miss the old days

nCore is so based

looks like shit. has black bars on the side.

new aotw on ab but still no new aotf
fucking lazy cunts

I can't do what.cd interview because of country restrictions. Applications for AB are closed. Is there any other way to get into trackers?

read the op retard

where are you from?

Where are you from? Country restrictions mean an awful lot of recruitment juggling - what.cd is the least of your worries.

How so user?


Bit of a tricky one: 4gb HDTV 1080p DIMENSION or ~1.5gb 720p WebDL NTb? Show is person of interest by the way.


Brazil. Please don't judge me.

Sorry, what do you mean by being the least of my worries? I didn't find any recruitment threads yet. Also I got no friends.

Some recruitment threads also have country restrictions.

haha hue hue

new AOTW dropped @ AB

I've already got into it. I didn't find any recruitment threads for what.cd yet.

what is aotw

>we will never have the Golden Era of /ptg/ back

lol me too. Don't judge me. Wait for ab to open. It will soon, probably, it's 16.895/18.000. Unless it's closed for another motive

anal of the week

fucking finally

>10GB upload credit
love these advent calendars

Because it will severely impact your ability to get into good trackers via invite threads and I haven't been keeping track of country restrictions unlike the recruitment restrictions. Can tell you right now that PTP and HDB don't block Brazil but I seem to remember that BTN did.

It seems I have no opportunity.

wrong. this is rare. iirc, x264 restricts, and that's it. It isn't even a top tracker

My memories are extremely bad, maybe you can remember better than I can. HDB's current thread bans six different countries luckily for user Brazil isn't one of them.

yes, brazil isn't banned. i feel sorry for the banned guys

X264.me might as well be dead

No you don't. All they do is trade and cheat and the 10% of them which don't are worth the sacrifice.

didn't know, never had interest in them...

Ok so I guess it's just WCD.
user should wait until AB opens (Elite, 6 months) → WCD (there are no stated country restrictions in the AB thread). AB's a pretty good second anyway.

well, thinking about it, you're right. it fucks the whole community. Sad it looks like cultural

Yes I'm waiting. Hope it opens soon.

wcd only bans interview. and yes, ab is the best choice for him. and he will get into ptp at the same time

Wcd thread is unofficial on AB

You can try hdt, there is a thread inviting to ab. I'd invite you to wcd, if Sup Forums wasn't so watched

no, it isn't

Yeah the same retards who take months to email one invite to an address probably just can't be fucked bothering.

It's official.

Good to know, just checked. I don't know why I thought it was unofficial.

>I don't know why I thought it was unofficial.
Because it used to be unofficial and then WCD stepped in to prevent people getting in on AB PU.

> what.cd/forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=207529


Wew, based WCD

It seems there is no ETA for ab so I will keep waiting. Thanks for the information guys.

>guy is a dick
>can invite me to hdb
>is a real dick that fucker
fuck me

you can try their irc. if you make some friend there... just don't go asking for an inviting or saying you're banned out of nowhere

Send me your email here and I'll invite you to AB. You better not get me banned:
[email protected]

I would just like to say encodes are superior to sources in quality most of the time. Deal with it.

you can enter mam. they have some invite threads. and they're open right now

>mfw 150 lumens

When will BTN start recruiting again?
In light of what happened recently, I assume they realized their servers are garbage and can't even handle a tiny influx of new users. Staff also probably have their hands busy sorting out the downtime so they can't spare any resources into recruitment.

Yes I've tried. Unfortunately I could only ask for some questions. It's okay.

Sorry for being such a newbie, is it a Russian tracker?

>watching some comments on PTP
>one of them mentions something about /ptg/ and Sup Forums
>notice the disabled icon next to his name

It's true, they do mark and ban you.

That's awesome senpai!

I obviously don't need 10GB upload on a ratioless tracker but I love a surprise :3

We should just move to TPS

the cu.ck asked

That is why you don't mention you browse /ptg/ on private trackers forums. Most people (including staffers) equate Sup Forums with Sup Forums, and that means you're le troll and le degenerate pedo to them.

is b the scum of Sup Forums?

It's /r9k/ now

out of the loop, what's there?

Hopeless beta nales that should get a job or be deleted from society.

There's always user class climbing

>grabbed 2 times the golden popcorns of the day
>25GB buffer
why is ptp so comfy

Can't wait to get in in 1 week assuming the recruiter replies quickly.

you got /marked/

I intentionally fudged the week no user.

nice... i need only a couple days. can't wait

Now you got marked dickhead

i'm already in ptp, calm down, cuck

Just looking out for you user

Holy shit I am freaking out. So I was in the WhatCD interview (i stayed up for over 24 hours) and they just asked to do a Skype interview? Is this normal?? What can I expect in the Skype interview?

Don't let them know you live with your mom

They need vocal permission from your mother. Just get her to make a vocaroo and that should be enough

Only when interlacing is present in the source.


Autism mostly

Are you fucking serious? they do skype interviews now wtf.

wcd is being cuck? wtf

Yep. Here is an example of the mother granting permission. Don't leak this elsewhere please.

Which pt lets me catch juugs?

at least change the filename dumbass trollster