Why isn't eSATA hard drives more common? The interface is twice as fast as USB 3.0 for transferring data (6GiB/s vs 3 GiB/s) and can double as a USB port if you don't have any need for it so there is no excuse for not putting a port on every laptop.
Why isn't eSATA hard drives more common? The interface is twice as fast as USB 3...
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Who is that?
What is the advantage over thunderbolt 3? Is it mostly just price for licensing it?
because the USB port can also be used for other applications
hence "universal"
having a port on your laptop dedicated only to external HDDs is nonsensical
I literally have a USB plugged into my esata port onto my laptop RIGHT NOW and it works fine.
USB ports are already ubiquitous, and the double port isn't standardized
That is Maki Nishikino, a 15 year old first year student at Otonokizaka Academy and a member of the school idol group µ's! She is skilled at playing the piano and her favorite food is tomatoes!
... but it's twice as wide as it needs to be, and the nonstandard pins wear out much faster
google "esata usb mechanical failure" if interested
You mean 5, nigger. Although it is slightly faster in real usage I dont think its worth the hassle of adding an exclusive port when a usb 3.0 work almost as well for it as for anything else.
>I literally have a USB plugged
>"a USB"
your bait is showing
For some reason your post feels like a pimp describing his best girl to a thirsty and fat neckbeard.
Maki is a pure girl and would never do stuff like that.
Sup Forums says she sleeps with old men for money
This is true. I have paid for her myself.
I can assure you she does not
Who´s telling the truth!? I need to know before making her my waifu!
She's an idol. You don't get to being an idol without sucking a few cocks.
everyone in this thread needs to die
USB 3.1 is 10Gb/s, suck it nerd
How is your favorite food tomatoes?
Like who eats just tomatoes?
>Why isn't
>anime reaction pic
Kill yourself
>Like who eats just tomatoes?
is actually a thing.
probably because approximately 0% of EXT HDDs on the market support eSATA.
I have one of these esata combined with usb 2 ports. does anyone know if it can deliver enough power to run a drive without any external power supply.
wrong girl
i can't believe people here are this autistic about how other people refer to things.
> browses Sup Forums
>surprised at autism
You probably don't understand the importance of language, then.
>i can't believe people here are this autistic
That's why this exist on best laptops
Yes but how good is her pussy
Good enough for her to reach idol status.
Unless she took it up the butt
It's a shitty connector, and USB3 is "good enough."Are there any instances where eSATA is absolutely required for some task? Like Firewire in the DV tape era.
Where did "jump drive" and "zip drive" even come from?
Every black person I know calls them that.
Top fucking strawberry kek.
>zip disquette
going to use that from now on
The future is >=USB 3.1 Type-C
>10 Gbit/s
>UNIVERSAL (not limited to hard drives)
>cannot plug in the wrong way
Yeah its just retards not willing to accept that apple has better tech than them again, if it's not on a laptop that runs windows it doesn't exist apparently
I want to fuck her in the ass and make her suck the shit off my gigantic cock.
Got the right idea.
You are gonna DELETE This post right now
>listening to Sup Forums
This, any [$current_year] motherboard worth anything will have USB 3.1 and USB type-c
zip drive was a 100mb magnetic disk system from the late 90's, fuck knows where jump drive came from
Yes but only if its 2.5, if you mean whether the usb 3.0 port can run it at full speed without additional power like expresscard usb 3.0 ports then yes it should be able to deliver enough power, same with esata. Its part of the specification otherwise theyd incur in misadvertising.
>having a port on your laptop dedicated only to external HDDs is nonsensical
falling for the apple "laptops can only fit so many ports" meme
Dead protocol.
meme connectors always die
>Dead protocol
SATA is far from dead.
>not using NVMe
lmaoing at ur life
SATA died with the coming of SSDs: PCIe and NVMe and M.2 can't be beat
There is also no SATA 4 coming, the jack itself will be deprecated
Meant port, lel.
What interface do you think maki uses for her external storage needs?
>hfw I stick it in
She uses my dick for everything.
No, she isn't. Nico, on the other hand, is the very definition of cute.
Nico a shit
They're all sluts.
In the same way that IDE did immediately die as soon as SATA came out, SATA will be the same.
only one of them is a JAV idol
> did immediately die
didn't, rather
>he doesnt know
Hard times for Honkers
Know what?
Sorry, nothing.
oh nevermind
Jump drive is the correct name you fucking Mongoloid
delete this
everyone take a look
I'd fuck it.
Looks like slutty panties
Can you guys stop sexualizing Maki pls? ;w;
is this from a hentai movie or just a pic?
This was already deleted once earlier in the thread and it will be deleted again.
just a pic
thunderbolt was made by Intel
Hasn't been deleted yet.