/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
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Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

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How do you install programs locally so that you don't need root?

I just noticed there was a new /fglt/ thread, I'll copy paste my question from the dead one:

If my objective is programming, reading pdf/djvu/chm/epub/mobi, instant/online messaging (like Skype and IRC) and casually listening to music and monitoring my hardware what would be essential software to have?

totally root-free:
install to your home dir
chmod u+x $FILE

install as root, execute as normal user:
install to somewhere (/opt/whatever is a good choice)
chmod g+x $FILE

Do you want GUI software or stuff for the terminal?

to find out your own group:
id (as normal user), look for gid=x

For debuntu you can do apt-get download and then just unpack the .deb that just got downloaded with dpkg -x *.deb. You may need to prefix that dpkg call with fakeroot if it complains about not being able to set permisions. Also you might need to set LD_LIBRARY_DIR to the lib/ path of the unpacked things too. Oh then you need to worry about dependancies...

Honestly probably easier to make a chroot with fakeroot. Or just use something othogonal like NixOS packages. Or be root all the time :^)

Is it possible to run an old version or a newer version of a package/program next to the default package? I guess I'd need it's requirements, but how to set this up? On Windows I'd just download 2 different versions and run then, but on loonix?

What distro are you using (regardless the answer is probably no).

Terminal or ncurses-based (I guess that's the terminology if it's not forgive me I'm still learning) but it can be GUI if it's the only alternative.

Debian unstable.

this needs a thread itself
calibre supports every little ebook format, but I personally prefer mupdf
weechat for irc
everything but skype, mumble is nice
depends on your needs
my personal suggestions:
gui: deadbeef
curses: mpd+ncmpcpp or moc
conky is like rainmeter, but it's a better idea to use a panel like lemonbar, but for this you need scripting knowledge
the essential for a quick task manager-like overview is htop

So OpenWrt is forking. lede-project.org/
There is more of their rational in the IRC meeting notes but it looks like their plan is to make the LEDE project a more general embedded linux solution and OpenWrt will become a networking focussed "flavour" of the LEDE project.

They talk a lot about stakeholder involvment on IRC but the openwrt founder was posting on HN saying this was the first he had heard of it and one of the lede devs was saying he was going te stop contributing to openwrt so I hope it works out.

Personnally I looked at openwrt/buildroot-ng everytime I had to develop a platform for a new board at dayjob but it always looked so opaque and ad-hoc. Having a focus on more general embedded development will hopefully mean more docs and streamlined remixing support. Hopefully they can give openembedded/yocto a run for their money because I hate that bloated shit.

Thoughts? Does this look like a disrespectful shortsided fork or a well intentioned effort to make buildroot-ng all that it can be?

you can manually install the newer version to something like /opt (not using the package manager for the newer version)

or, you can build your own package with a different location in the filesystem (like /usr/bin/program-version) and install that package

in both cases, you can use update-alternatives to switch between versions

in both cases, you'll probably also want to adjust the location of config- and logfiles

No. You can roll back with a bit of effort but the only way to run two versions would be to use a chroot or container.

>use a chroot or container
Where can I read more about this?

Oh yeah, or like said just unpack (dpkg -x) and hope the deps haven't changed too much. Maybe run as different user would be the easiest way to use seperate config files.
You can get older versions from snapshot.debian.org.

Thank you all for help.
Have some rare internet in return.

Here is an example of manually making a chroot for debian wiki.debian.org/chroot
A chroot basically means the kernel makes it look to any programs running in that chroot that the top directory is actually /, so that means that /lib will resolve to /srv/chroot/stable/lib or whatever so it just isolates stuff from you main system.
On that debian page they use debootstrap to make a whole other debian install (sans kernel and grub) into a directory and then you can chroot into that. Of course you loose you mounts like /proc and /sys and /dev so you have to screw around with bind mounting them into the chroot.
There are programs that help with managing chroots anyway, I used to use schroot when I played around with this stuff.

Why some icons doesn't change to custom ones on panel? I'm using XFCE4.

Merci. I'll check this out.

Probably because you didn't install icons for these programs.
If this is about numix icons, install numix-circle icons in addition to numix icons

I'm trying to use HexChat on Ubuntu 16.04, but it's very strange. Doesn't HexChat have the hability to connect to more than 1 server, or join more than 1 channel? I can't!

But the new icon is showing on applications menu.

Could you show us the folder you put the icons in, which icon theme and the icon/appearance settings?

Awesome! Thank you.

XChat (which HexChat was forked from) can do all of that, so I don't see a reason why it shouldn't.

For Servers: Network list -> connect, repeat
For Channels: Server -> join a channel, repeat

I connect and join using commands!

I'll use mpv and deluge as examples.
Icon theme is ultraflaticons.

Deluge icon is fine, it shows on applications menu and when I alt+tab but mpv only shows the correct icon on applications menu, when I alt+tab it shows the default one.

open a new tab

what's the linux equivalent of cubic explorer? I tried double commander and didn't like it.

Today on GNU/TV:

>Libreplanet 2016, Edward Snowden (Prerelease Video)
mpv media.libreplanet.org/mgoblin_media/media_entries/357/snowden-prerelease.webm

that should be a thing already.

with media goblin

One of the recent Firefox revisions fucked with the file picker and they got rid of the Recent Files bookmark/places thing and I'm so mad. Is it possible to put it back? Right clicking provides no useful options.

What's the easiest way to password protect a folder / file?

retardproof guide to setting up a mail server on debian/ubuntu?
Got as far as installing roundcube, but I can't create accounts or log in.

Do I need ldap, or something?

I already have other stuff set up so iredmail won't work right.

Who has -currently- better drivers:
AMD or Nvidia?

Or is that not an issue anymore?

I have a fedora install that I want to install a wifi driver on.
It has no internet connection though, so I can't get build dependencies.

What's the easiest way to download everything I might need to build the driver?

Where can I download the low latency kernel for buntu 16.04?

how to use sed to rename a file name which a lot of %20 in it with _ instead
is sed the right tool

You could use sed, but rename is a more appropriate tool
rename %20 _ filename

Umm... compress and encrypt it with 7zip? Do you want a normal folder that you can view and access but no-one else can? Do you care about root viewing it too? because if not just chmod go-rwx ~/myprivatefolder/

nvidia. From complaints on here some amd cards don't seem to be supported by their drivers.

Free: AMD
Proprietary: Nvidia

Although it really depends on the GPU used. There is also the new AMDGPU driver, but I haven't tried it myself, so I can't really comment on it.

chroot, but you're looking for something simpler probably

Not sure there is a binary package. Why do you want it?
This page says "based on the -generic kernel source tree, but uses a more aggressive configuration to further reduce latency" help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel and points to bitbucket.org/thismaechler/ubuntustudio-14.04-realtimeaudio/src/2694b72f21fecb00150593c53e3e13cd804d3fda/HOWTO?at=master
So presumably you need to grab the normal ubuntu kernel source (eg apt-get source linux-image-amd64) then run those config scripts on then build and install.

Anyone know where I can read up on which paths are commonly used in desktop environments and their functions?

I would have assumed to be part of the freedesktop standard, but can only find XDG prefixes.

What I mean by that for example is, where it is standardized (more or less) that /usr/share/icons contains icons, that I can overwrite/add my own in ~/.icons instead of in ~/.share/apps/icons etc.

I'm just a bit confused.

that works but only for the first %20 in the file name

how do I bluetooth on linux?

read the man page. there are lots of modifiers. like g for global subs.

rename 's/%20/_/g' yourfile

Just made space for a babby's first GNU/Linux partition.
>a-are you proud of me, Sup Forums?
First reply decides distro.
inb4 install gentoo

I'm not even kidding.

rename: not enough arguments
sorry user need more halp. man pade is ridiculosly small. i think it a pearl rename but im not sure

I'm starting to wish I'd done that instead of just installing it on a different hard drive. Probably would've run faster on my ssd.

look into systemd-nspawn

Hm... This does not appears to be sufficiently h4ck3r l33t.

You probably finally got the GTK3 version. Mine still has the recent files and for bookmarks, just add your folder manually amongst the "normal" locations.

I want to use parallel to convert multiple audio files at once. What would I have to change in this little function for it to work? I assume I have to get rid of the for loop first.

convert() {
if [ ! -f *.flac ]; then
echo "No FLAC files in directory"

mkdir "mp3"
for f in *.flac; do
ARTIST=$(metaflac --show-tag=artist "$f" | cut -d "=" -f 2)
ALBUM=$(metaflac --show-tag=album "$f" | cut -d "=" -f 2)
TRACK=$(metaflac --show-tag=tracknumber "$" | cut -d "=" -f 2)
TITLE=$(metaflac --show-tag=title "$f" | cut -d "=" -f 2)
DATE=$(metaflac --show-tag=date "$f" | cut -d "=" -f 2)
GENRE=$(metaflac --show-tag=genre "$f" | cut -d "=" -f 2)

flac -dc "$f" |
lame --cbr -b 320 -m j --noreplaygain -q 0 --id3v2-only \
--ta "$ARTIST" --tl "$ALBUM" --tt "$TITLE" --ty "$DATE" --tn "$TRACK" --tg "$GENRE" \
- "mp3/${f%.flac}".mp3


someone got a transmission-cli config file handy?

just need a starting point

replace xargs with parallel wherever it appears.

enter localhost:9091 url in you browser

I will try my best and probably shit up the thread with stupid questions.
Yeah it's better this way.
Was a pain in the ass because Windows claimed the entire drive for itself and put system files all over the place so I couldn't shrink its 250 GB partition by more than 15 GB. Had to do a fresh install.

>I will try my best and probably shit up the thread with stupid questions.
Just follow the install guide, it's all documented there. If you don't want to spend time doing it though anything should be fine, it's all the same shit essentially, just repackaged.

What options should I be adding to my fstab if I have a SSD? Should I be adding those options to the swap partition?

find . -type f -iname "*.flac" | parallel -j $(nproc) ffmpeg -i "{}" -c:a libmp3lame -b 320k "{.}.mp3"

Anybody else had this problem lately?
guake was fine not showing tray icon like I told it to. Then a few days ago it updated and has been showing tray icon in spite of being told not to.
So noob question: what is wrong and how to fix it?

Why 320 CBR? Use V0 instead

>Windows claimed the entire drive for itself and put system files all over the place so I couldn't shrink its 250 GB partition by more than 15 GB
use ntfsresize in linux, it can move "system" files

does the echo stop?

What are some good small projects to improve your sysadmin skills? So far I can only think of maybe building an active/passive drbd cluster with a db running on it.

it does around 22m

I am about to install Xubuntu. Any advices?

Make sure you use lots of lube

nevermind it comes back...


hi noob here and just installed gnome gdm on arch and getting login loop. login comes up i login starts to work then login screen comes up again.

I was told to look at logs but not sure where that log is or the name of the log. i see a few in my home directory?

*pic eventually related

You can use rename --urlesc which changes all %20s to spaces

i ran the command journalctl -e -u gdm

and all get are lines of ~ at the end it states

May 04 23:41:42 arch-vb systemd[1]: Stopped GNOME Display Manager.

maybe arch is too much for little old you, if you don't even know where the logs are, or how to find them

just install fedora

arch logs are located /var/log/

So I decided to make my old PC usable again for torrenting or something at I could kill my time.
>CPU is Athlon 1500+
>x86 kernels from popular distros don't want to cooperate with it
How long would it take to compile gentoo on it?

so I set up Gigolo through SSH but I don't seem to have write access to the PC I'm connecting to. How do I fix that?

Are there any drawbacks to hibernating and cutting the power instead of shutting down and cutting the power?

Hibernation is hit or miss in Linux. Just power it off.

Compiling gentoo probably wouldn't help your case.

But not long. Just do genkernel all and it will be done in a few hours. Install a lightweight wm like openbox + tint2 for speed. For torrenting you might like something like rtorrent or deluge.


>-- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/dlib-18.18/tools/python/build
>Build using cmake . . .
>[ 1%] Building CXX object dlib_build/CmakeFiles/dlib.dir/base64/base64_kernel_l.o
>error: cmake build failed!

Anyone have an idea why my Raspberry pi won't let me install dlib?

so it either works or doesn't work? that sucks.

would be nice if I could easily keep my second workspace's state.

hi friendly looked around the logs, even used terminal root to acccess locked ones, but im lost. so which log do i look at and what am i looking for?

i did try lxdm when gdm wouldnt work, but went back to gem

Yeah, from my own experience hibernation worked in 4.3 but stopped working in 4.4. I haven't tested 4.5 yet but you get the idea.

I started my collection in 320kbps, before I realized that v0 is just "as good". Having half of it in 320kbps and another in v0 feels weird. Gotta keep it consistent.

I've been hibernating every night for the last few years (since i got a new mobo didn't suspend right), reboot every month or so for new kernel. Up until a year ago I had fs corruption every few months (couple of unlinked inodes on ext4) but other than that it's been perfect, ymmv

hullo, im very new to all this so excuse any ignorance

ive been using kubuntu on my school laptop just because i didnt want win10 and picked a very user friendly distro

however, i noticed KDE may be too much for this poor little AMD E1 cpu/gpu combo thingy.. i was wondering if Xfce or Cinnamon would be better? and how would i go about installing either of those/getting rid of KDE..

thank you! also i am in IRC if its easier to help me that way

You should be keeping your collection in FLAC and converting to put on your other devices when you need to

nevermind I was trying to write in root instead of home

You might want to read this