Watchu want nigga

ITT we post things we want but can't justify the cost.

Other urls found in this thread:

5960x+crossfire fury x

>xfire ever




>10 cores

more like bugs, incompatibility, heat, etc etc
not fucking worth it

xfire performance is shit 7 out of 10 times.

Fucking this

I want a new CPU but I can't justify spending more than a 150 on something that's better than my cheap and still working Phenom II X4

it's a server CPU. last i heard they go up to 18 or something like that

My crossfire HD5770 is still chugging along fine though.

Pretty sure a used workstation with an 1155 i5 or better would be a decent upgrade. You can even recycle some parts like ram and psu.

Most of Apple products
Lightshow mechanical keyboards

>16 GiB ram
>Mechanical keyboard
>144 hz monitor
>gaymen gpu

I just want to be happy like those people who fell for the memes

>Macbook Pro 15 inch
I would like this just because of the OS and specs, but apple charges way to much for it, which is why I don't have one yet.

>fall for meme
>be happy
only outside Sup Forums

>t. gaymur with $1800 of console hardware and a desktop PC that idles at 70C that I paid $3,500 for (before upgrading graphic card)



kek i have this, scph 7501 too. optical is somewhat weak/ded.

fugg do want


Modern vaio laptop would be awesome. I've got an old one with the i7 2620m and battery dock.
Kicks ass

The Vaio Pros are fucking shit, you need to get the Z series.

Pro Problems;
>massive flex
>glossy touchscreen with a matte LCD panel underneath, so you get a reflective piece of shit that is also grainy
>overheats like a piece of shit
>3-4 hours real world battery life
I use one at work and I absolutely hate it.

I have two Sapphire Furies that I managed to unlock all the cores on to a full Fury X for one and 3840 shaders on the other, crossfire worked really well in some games and made my computer feel like dogshit, even with freesync in others, so the other one is in my partner's computer for the foreseeable future

feels good to have my work buy me one as soon as they came out with intel iris

I personally want this, but my current phone still works, even if it's shitty. Feels bad to live in a shit country.

>have this
>plays burnt games
>no controllers ;_;

Xiaomi phones manage to look both sexy and cheap at the same time. How they do that is beyond me


Back to shitty tech blogs

2 yuan has been added to your Xiaomi Associates Account. Thank you for participating Zi Huang.



>doesn't even fucking exist

and a new graphics card to go with it.

>people posting cool processors without a comprehensive list of compatible motherboards with PCI-Express x16 slot(s)
fucking assholes

I would get 400 € for my old Z77 build but this would only give me 30 % more conversion speed.

Keep pretending that you wouldn't, Sup Forums

I want this with those bezels

LSU haven't done it because there aren't low rep 2011-3 cpus worth a shit.
I want a monitor that supports gsync and freesync.
Never. Jpg


AFAIK there's only two

>i7-5820k 6 core
>12986 points on passmark

>e5-2670 8 core
>12502 points on passmark

>Intel S2600CP Motherboard w/ Dual E5-2670 SR0KX , 128GB Ram

It's a meme. I took off my second R9 390X and I saw literally zero improvement in BF4. GTA V reacted to CF better but realistically just save your fucking money. Games are made so badly that you benefit like 10% if you're lucky.

I know but less single threading. I'm not a 'professional' user, just ripping A LOT of blurays and converting them same as MP3 and FLAC.

There is also that 5650 Xeon but its platform is too old, I don't want to miss SATA3 and USB3 without having 1000 adapters.

Although, I've been thinking of mounting my monitors like that, all movey and swively and stuff.

I honestly feel like nvidia are going to start supporting freesync at some point, early on gsync was far superior, but the gap between the two is closing. and with freesync over hdmi coming and no actual hardware, more manufacturers are going to be willing to adopt

>e5 2670
>runs like shit in games
>Single core turbo boost

Im not buying a desktop, fuck off

>falling for server-grade hardware meme for gaymen activities

Gtx 670 here.

I'm getting almost perfect scaling in battlefield 4 with sli. Pushed my average from 70fps to 120fps with sli enabled.


GTX Titan X for mah gamen and video rendering

1TB or 2TB

My inner common sense prevents me from buying this.

But why, you can get a 780Ti which gives you the same performance.
>MFW downgraded from a Titan X to a 780Ti
Can't wait for Pascal

Sony STRDN1060
just want a little more than my current
105 watt per channel


What is going on here?

Tablet, probably a pixel c but i ve heard it has way too many problems :-(

>single threading.
Valid point

>single core turbo boost

>falling for server-grade hardware meme for gaymen activities
I don't game.

Not sure, I saw i7 2600's for 80 €, would it the useful to build a station just for converting?

looks like two part expanding foam. A barrel full of part A and bucket full of part B.


it depends on what you intend on using it for, but generally yes.

Whether or not its worth upgrading depends on what system you currently have.

Z77 3770K OC
I would upgrade whenever a 400 € octacore somes out, the current 5960X is too expensive
I only play games in 4K and seriously play only Mass Effect 3, but I'm going to put in 1 or 2 1080Tis when Andromeda comes out to max it.

The other things I do is mostly shitposting, having 1-3 browsers with 50 tabs open, some webdesign and converting. My PC serves as a multimedia server and storage.

I was curious, so I backtraced it:

Good answer for one of those FBI threads.

>blllrrrwaaaarrrrghhhh glub glub glub

One of these bad boys. The price is almost fair for what it is. I just don't have the spare money and it's really overkill for my needs at the moment anyway.

Once I get a job I'll be saving up, I've been wanting a POWER workstation for years

thing is it not that expensive compared to what it can do, but still way more than I can justify spending.

Not worth the upgrade

Oh, and I'll have one of these, and one of those and that too... Still overkill for my needs. Dunno what the hell I'd do with 12+tb of storage.

>only getting the 4 core
I hope you don't use Plex for more than one device at a time streaming your 1080p high bitrate animu.
8 core can handle two 1080p high bitrate streams, but starts shitting the fan after the third concurrent stream.

>tasking a NAS fileserver with a media transcoding workload
Now that's just silly.

If you're just going to use it as a fileserver, why not use the cheaper C2350 motherboard?

2 of these
>tfw I could get a fury instead and would still be happy

I got one of these from a goodwill for $10
git gud

Because that combo was the one that came up when researching DIY NAS a few months ago and since it wasn't something I could justify buying I didn't look further into it. Also some cursory searching says that option is a lot less available, even assuming you can buy a C2350 on a board with that many SATA ports.

I fell for the Xeon E5-2667 V3 ES meme, what's this passmark thing and where can I download it to test and show off my ePeen?

I want a dual socket 1366 board and two hexa-core Xeons, but I can't justify paying hundreds of euros for old tech.

You'll beat it !!

Is that one of those squatty potties?

>2 x5570 $50
>24gb kit $50
>dual socket board $200
pretty good price/performance
only thing that you don't get is usb3/sata3, which can be solved by waiting a year or so and getting 2011

All Avotons support up to 8 lanes of PCIe 3.0, which is more than enough for 4-port SFF-8087 RAID or controller card, which you can split into a total of 16 SATA 3.0 ports. Just go on eBay and find some used LSI SFF-8087 or mini-SAS HD PCIe 8x card. Just make sure that the bandwidth on the SAS port is at least 6 Gbps.

>Xeon E5-2667 V3

ay my man
do it, trust me

>no dedicated cursor keys or numpa
>having to perform key combinations to use the function keys

jog on

>wanting a autism layout keyboard

You a drawfag too?

senpai please
graphic designer, buying a 22uhd soon i think after a few more jobs.

>no arrow keys
>no numpad
>no fn row
how do you live with such a sparse layout?

Synology NAS at least 4-bay with 4x4TB HDD RAID5 or RAID10. I don't know yet.

But before I can buy one of these, I have to set up a better home network since it's all wifi

no need for a number pad for me, i never need it
arrow keys i don't really use either except when i'm nudging things, i just hold fn and use ijkl
i don't need fn keys senpai

i cri evr tim

you must only watch youtube videos then

My job requires a computer, I help create advertising campaigns and graphics for all kind of companies and people
the layout works for me dude, no need to hate

normans out rooo etc

>my workflow is the only workflow

never change Sup Forums

i can justify the cost but why do i need 6 cores?

compiling, transcoding, virtual machines, BOINC

200 canadoo is too much