Is OpenBSD filled with FBI backdoors ?

Is OpenBSD filled with FBI backdoors ?

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Probably not. It's just a somewhat shitty BSD distro that wants to think it's more secure than the rest of them.

Open sores software is inherently insecure and open to fed bugging. It's quite probable.

how is it shitty?

Fucking retards don't even know how backdoors work. You think the FBI has some fuckyfucky gadget that they press a button and they hack into your OpenBSD gibson?
Post-2006 Intel CPUs have backdoors, that's the shit you should worry about.

If you're too retarded to know what a backdoor is, how they work and what it takes to implement one, OpenBSD probably isn't for you.


Whose hand is that?

Nah, it's just FUD


it's theo's hand

OpenBSD doesn't right click on my laptop. Linux does, and really well.

Is "security" only for ThinkPad users and not for Dell and HP users?

>mfw neo-Sup Forums don't know about based Theo

Works fine on my Latitude, even the touchscreen and pen work

they'd rather suck RMS dick while theo actually still programs to this day

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And a fucking gay tripcode at that.

Yeah, but theo is a little whiny bitch, though.

at least he's useful

and funny sometimes

SmugBSD when?

>openbsd devs couldn't find the fbi backdoor even after being told about it

any non-public remote exploit, that's being held private by certain organization on intention is a backdoor

Nice damage control Openbsd c.uck, but OpenBSD has FBI backdoors and is insecure. Use freebsd if you want to be safe

post proof, if you can't you don't know.
I highly doubt it, Theo is based and still coding unlike RMS

No, but I filled your mom's backdoor.

Security is the only thing OpenBSD has

Please don't take it from them


Just in case anyone wants to see more of those giant assets.

OpenBSD is touted as "le most secure distro ever :o" so of course the FBI and NSA have it riddled with backdoors. The NSA even has a whole team dedicated to infiltrating open source projects and putting bugs in code to make it less secure.

Homer Simpson

I'm posting this from OpenBSD running on a MacBook Air. I work from this machine. I like the work they do--pledge is a really neat concept. I've used it on a number of machines, and it has never let me down.

Chinese Bot-Master.

>thinking their dev team wouldn't be able to notice one guy making the lousiest commits

No, but it's still shit

oh hey what's up, do you have those peer reviewed research papers that prove that openbsd is insecure? ;^)