For someone who isn't interested in computer games and tinkering with operating systems...

For someone who isn't interested in computer games and tinkering with operating systems, is there any reason not to use a Mac?

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The price

Games, corporate business, proprietary solutions, professional art/creative software: Windows

Computer science, security, back-end infrastructure from databases to web servers: Linux

Facebook and Reddit machine: Apple OSX

>mint incident
>has been confirmed to have the most vulnerabilities

What's stopping people from programming and art/editing on a Mac?

I use mine as a Sup Forums machine. :^)

>laptop parts in desktops
>thermal throttling
>overall bad performance
>lack of user upgradeability and serviceability

>doesn't like tinkering with the OS
I use a Mac and I love tinkering with it.

>inb4 hurr durr locked-down meme
XNU and Darwin core is fully open source/free, and I can use dtrace and step through the running kernel if I want and develop all sorts of drivers for it.

>website gets hacked to to wordpress
>fucking wordpress
>hurr durr linux is insecure
End yourself

>"I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about", the post

>still using 30 years old deprecated versions of coreutils
Try harder

Professional environment.

Have you actually seen any major programming house or film rendering studios use Macs more than at PR conferences?

Homebrew is a joke, and no actual computer animation house uses Macs.

Games, corporate business, proprietary solutions, professional art/creative software, computer science, security, back-end infrastructure from databases to web servers: OS X
Facebook and Reddit machine: Windows
Reddit and Sup Forums machine: Linux

>to to
Due to*

>you can't use mac for programming because these people use high-end linux blade servers for their rendering

>ui and corresponding applications completely closed-source
Nice botnet

Hackintosh exists
Dont pay for shitty overpriced hardware

No one's stopping you from using hobbyist OSes for professional tasks, user.

You can go and write the next-gen competitor to ZFS as well on Cygwin, doesn't mean you should.

Likewise for doing anything on Macs. The whole ecosystem is hobbyist. Most people choose it because "it's intuitive" i.e. "I'm too stupid to learn how to do things properly and I like pretty shiny interfaces".

Solution: Don't use non-free software then. It's not like you're actually forced to use stuff that comes with OS X. I mean, what need do you really have for GarageBand and what need do you have for an free as in freedom version of it?

But doesn't Hackintosh have driver problems and such?
Might as well pay the price for reliability

At that point you're better off uninstalling everything except the kernel, and then building your way back up.

Why would you do that when Linux exists.

An Intel atom netbook would be better.

Also, let's not forget 0.8ghz.

There's no such thing as "hobbyist" in the software world. Every single piece of new software starts out as someone's hobby and then it takes a professional turn if it becomes popular.

Linux started out as Torvald's hobby project to make an OS for his 386. Facebook started out as Zuckerbergs "wall of shame" project for mocking the girls he slept with in college. Microsoft started out as two geeks reverse engineering an Altair and pretending to have a company.

No one sits down and designs a feature-complete software from ground up in a "professional" way, it's always just some hobby project that becomes serious.

Just build a machine that's compatible

Because OpenDarwin > Linux.

>There's no such thing as "hobbyist" in the software world.

Pic related.

Do you like to take it up the ass? Then Macs are for you.

>Terrible hardware compatibility

>windows is good because it's closed and proprietary, and that means professional and high quality
>linux is good because it's free as in freedom
>gnu is shit because GPL is cancer
>bsd is better than gnu because it's not bloat
>linux is shit because it's UIs look shit

>mac os x is shit because it's UI looks good and is proprietary/professional, while the stuff that really matters is not only non-GNU BSD master race but also free as in freedom and a proper UNIX

>run OpenDarwin on a mac
>bad hw compatibility
u fucking wut m8?

hackintosh has better drivers than linux
Works Better On My Machine

Are you trying to imply that Macs are just hobbyist now but are going to somehow become mainstream?

Because they aren't. Mac OS market share is miniscule, like 5%, and going down and it will only get worse from here. Not only that, but iOS market share is tanking, Android is destroying it.

I just don't like Macs, okay. Deal with it, faggot.

>Entire usable OS is closed-source
>"Free as in freedom"

>Buying a mac

>Are you trying to imply that Macs are just hobbyist now but are going to somehow become mainstream?
That's not what I am implying, no. I am implying that all good software has hobbyist roots. After all, Apple's foundation was very anti-IBM and their first computer was "build it yourself".

>Mac OS market share is miniscule, like 5%, and going down and it will only get worse from here.
Are you really going to bring up minuscule market shares as an argument for ... anything?

>the window manager and the bundled programs is the "entire" OS

It's like you don't even know what a kernel is.

"Hobbyist" is not the opposite of "mainstream". "Professionals" do not make up the majority marketshare of computer users. You're an annoying idiot.

Hobbyist is by definition not mainstream.

It's funny how Macs are used by all the liberal paper pushers sitting back in their ivory towers, then when it comes to get real work done, the Windows machines come out.

Picture related.

No, hobbyist is by definition a noun for a person who has a hobby. It's not an adjective that describes something as "not mainstream".

Also, it is by no means the opposite of "professional" either. There are professional fishers, and there are people who fish as their hobby.

There are people who have programming as a hobby, and there are people who do programming for a living. There are even people who do both.

>Mac OS market share is miniscule, like 5%
So bigger than Linux on desktop and given with their aim at the premium sector.

>and going down and it will only get worse from here
That's not that the numbers are showing. Macs are the only desktops that don't tank in sales extremely. Apple could easy secure 10-15% if they would make their stuff affordable to poorfags.

>but iOS market share is tanking
It was never big beyond few years after launch because Android had shit hardware. Lagdroid might have a higher market share but Apple gets over 90% profits from the smartphone market. If you're an app developer, it's the only sensible choice.

But "not mainstream" is not by definition "hobbyist". Macs are not "hobbyist".

You might want to go back and look at a dictionary again.

>Completely unusable without an interface to interact with it
Wow ur smrt man

with all these arguments in favour of windows i don't know if it's Sup Forums anymore

>liberal paper pushers sitting in their ivory tower
You know, if it weren't for these paper pushers then the ISS wouldn't even happen.

Also, running monitoring systems is not a great feat.

No, you're right. Those without much interest in tech should use a Mac. I don't say this as a joke, I truly mean it. People act like Apple is the devil, but if you put some consideration into it, if apple wasn't real some other company would take its place.

Who are apple's customers? Teens, hipsters, and adults who don't know any better - the ignorant. You don't know what you don't know.
For example
>be your parents
>we need a computer
>walk into best buy
>wow that nice young man says I should get the Apple iMac, it is fast, has an intel processor, and etc etc
>well, if he says its the fastest, I want the best for me family

>be tween

>be hipster
>walk into starbucks
>take out Macbook
>I finally fit in!

Anyone who knew what they were doing would refuse to pay a grotesque sum for something that can be surpassed for a third of the price if done elsewhere

Macs have 5% market share and Linux 1%, both are absolutely pathetic compared to Windows which is around 90%.

>implying the proprietary GUI shell is the only way to interact with XNU
>implying opendarwin doesn't exist
>implying quartz server doesn't exist

>look at this space man, I use the same computer as him because I have the same needs as a space man

where are the other 4 percent? are iOS/Android more popular than desktop linux?

What are the remaining 4% that apparently crushes Linux completely?

Professional solutions generally have lower marketshare than consumer solutions. It doesn't help your argument.

>look at 90% of the world using Windows

Then why wouldn't you just use Linux and get better hardware compatibility, instead of buying a shitty mac and wasting time on a horrible proprietary-acting kernel? :^)

FreeBSD and other obscure shit I imagine

That's hilarious because Windows is by far the market leader in business, it's even worse in the business sector for Macs than it is on the consumer sector.

By this logic Mac OS X is about 18 times more professional than Microsoft Windows.

>lol look at those hobbyist F1 drivers with their stupid hobby cars, don't they know that honda civics are used by way more people?

>he thinks XNU is proprietary
>he thinks Linux has better hardware capabilities
I happen to like an OS that doesn't drain my battery empty in 40 minutes.

Also, proper UNIX micro kernel and FreeBSD userland > Gahnoooooooo PLUS Loonix

F1 driving is by definition a hobby, because it is a sport.

It's not even certified to drive on regular roads.

Linux has far and away better hardware compatibility. Macs are locked to their shitty proprietary hardware.

This. Also HomOS X is generally a shit operating system for doing even simple tasks. Just stick with a windows APU laptop or build a cheap AM1/FM2+ desktop if you're not interested in vydias and ricing your desktop.

It's like pushing out cheap garbage for consumers is a good way to increase your market share! As seen with Lagdroid too.

Depends on the business, it's pretty shit for anything creative. Office is the only reason they are still relevant for it.

I don't consider businessmen checking their emails to be "computer professionals".

I would never recommend someone buy an F1 car to drive on a regular basis, just like I would never recommend someone to use a Mac on a regular basis.

This. The throttling is horrible on macbooks, yet they still advertise them as machines for rendering and productivity

What's the point of supporting 15151515 different pieces of shit hardware for professional users?

linux is worse
literally all gpu drivers on os x are better than linux's

Windows is fucking shit for anything that isn't related to games or any proprietary Microsoft shit

>shitty proprietary hardware
99.99999% of hardware is proprietary, even RMS runs his shit on proprietary hardware.

>being able to run on ancient SPARCs without an PMMU
This is hardware COMPATIBILITY (and it's not fucking useful).

>being able to run on a laptop for more than 8 hours instead of draining the battery empty in 40 minutes
That is better hardware CAPABILITY

"computer professionals" LOL

We're talking about real people in the real world working as professionals, not just computer nerds.

The business world uses Windows because it "just works", unlike Mac which is incompatible, overpriced and locked down.

"Proprietary-acting" != proprietary

Werks on my machine btw, 8 hours of battery life on my x201 with a shitty 9cell, and fantastic on my desktop regardless. Not gonna buy horrible mac-specific hardware in order to run an a kernel that already has horrible compatibility with most existing software! :^)

>on Sup Forums
>tries to make an argument that "computer nerds" are not professional

It's funny because I put Windows on my MacBook and it runs faster and the battery lasts longer than MacOS.

> Windows because it "just works"
The Indian delusion.

>"I make up words that don't mean anything"
>"I also make up shit about compatibility issues"

>it just works
Has literally been the slogan of macfanboys on this board since forever. Fuck off.

Not really. Of course a mactard will have trouble using windows at first. Using a real OS compared to having used a gay fisher price OS can be pretty scary I guess.

The irony is that Windows is the OS that "just works", not Mac.

He didn't mention linux.

>you should use Linux instead of OS X on your Macbook because Windows has better battery life

This is fucking ridiculous. Do you have any real arguments?

No, actually, we were talking about people doing professional tasks with a computer. Programming, animation, etc. We weren't just talking about anybody who happens to use a computer for their job, which is basically everybody.

Only in your mind. Even most Linux distros are more of "just works" these days.

It's a pretty good OS. Depends what programs you want to use. If you don't want to use Mac software there is always Dell who sells preinstalled ubuntu on some of their machines.

This. Software support and general ease of use will always be better on windows. This is coming from an ex macbook owner.

>Still defending your shitty purchase

Okay tech-illiterate that doesn't know what the word "proprietary" means, you win this round!! I'll go pick myself up a Mac in a few hours and enjoy the wonderful darwin kernel that I'm sure everyone here has installed and built an OS from the ground up on, right?

Say hi to Reddit for me, by the way! :^)

Where are you getting Linux from?

We're talking about how Windows is far superior to Mac.

>Just works
Pajeet, please

Windows doesn't even comply to POSIX, how can anyone even understand that arbitrary cobbled-together POS made by a thousand indian monkeys?

The windows interface is more "fisher price" than OSX, though

Ubuntu is shit along with every linux distro. If you want to get work done or not have to play tech detective for days with your computer then stick with a windows laptop.

>Even most Linux distros are more of "just works" these days.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day.

>Linux has far and away better hardware compatibility. Macs are locked to their shitty proprietary hardware.
Look at the first fucking word.

what should I get if I just need to do school work and browse the web?

>Where are you getting Linux from?
Follow the chain of posts

>We're talking about how Windows is far superior to Mac.
We were not.

Darwin isn't even the kernel, you fucking mongo. Tell me what your fantastic "proprietary-acting" means then, because if you mean "interacts with proprietary components" then that's what your precious Linux does too when it interacts with your GPU driver.

>unix is the only operating system, anything that isn't unix is impossible to understand

>Have you actually seen any major programming house or film rendering studios use Macs more than at PR conferences?
u dont have any real world experience do u?

Seriously? Look at this baby's first OS.

Nice input buddy. Most grown ups with jobs that require windows have company PCs provided to them. Please go back to your graphics card discussions about how they will improve your elder the scrolls FPS and your cross-strike FPS so you can hit global supreme rank.

mfw Sup Forums defends windows

Like I said using a real OS can be scary for mactards. You're proof of that. When people are scared of something they come to irrationally hate it.

On windows 8-10 I completely agree but not compared to Windows 7.