Guys,i started my pc this morning and its like this since, i restarted it a few times but noting.pls help what do?
Guys,i started my pc this morning and its like this since, i restarted it a few times but noting.pls help what do?
Why dont you install gentoo you fucking piece of shit?
dumb frogposter
Looks good to me.
What's the problem?
Your GPU shit the bed
What the fuck is this, 640x480
You're in tablet mode. I installed windows 10 yesterday and I know this. C'mon mate.
Op here,i took a screen shot of my desktop but it may not look the same to you as i see it.
anyway-Everything is in fucking negative color or something like that
Bwahahaha, nice drivers Windows!
Top kek
That doesn't look like Gentoo...
Have you even tried installing Gentoo before asking stupid questions?
Nice GPU did you fry eggs on it?
Fucking kekerrino
post some meems first lad
Seems right on my end
GPU el broko
Go check your device manager and see if there is anything you can salvage
Other solution is that your dumbass keeps booting into safe mode
>This copy of Windows is not genuine
Get out of safe mode you fucking liberal
Welcome to Sup Forums tech support, please take a ticket and kill yourself.
Either way he needs to get tested
This guy is right.
It could also be your graphics driver updated and it's not supported.
You are in helmet mode user
>random "funny" reddit images on desktop
fuck off
>Wrath of the lick king
>files on desktop
>New Text Document
>New Text Document (2)
>Shortcut on desktop
>Recycling Bin 'N'
>Uncracked version of windows
>No wallpaper because previous greentext
please die
This is some top-quality bait right here.
Here's to you, OP. May many more graphical malfunctions and GPU failures occur in your lifetime!
this, ded vram gpu. time for new one OP
I fixed something similar by replugging my shitty displayport cable.
>Popcorn Time
Install Gentoo then kill yourself.