GTX 1080 benchmarks leak: Does not outperform 980ti
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misleading title
We've been saying this for months retard
Everybody knew this
its better than the 980ti
Looks like you didn't click the article
Let me guess, you are a waitfag and this whole time you could get a 980ti but decided to wait because the 1080 was better and now you are on full damage control for being a blubbering retard
Are you retarded?
>As always look at graphics score
27683 - 1080
24305 - 980ti
10102 - 1080
8026 - 980ti
Looks like you didn't click the article, as 1080 one shows faster than 980Ti. Mhm
>that pic
Is the guy behind that random hiroshima chink real? I hope that the tattoo isn't if his neckbeard is.
Not like Nvidia won't gimp the 980 ti and make sure the 1080 stomps on it hard, just so you spend all your NEETbux on it.
>mfw it costs as much as a 980ti and actually slower
>8gb, wew had that back in 2013
>1850mhz core still cant beat a titan
House fire confirmed.
Guess nvidiots will be waiting for the 1080ti
how the fuck do people honestly expect the 490(X) and 1080 to be real powerhouse cards?
they are more efficient and whatever, but they they only have 256b memory buses, GDDR5X or not.
Oh good one OP
this thread is living proof that nobody on Sup Forums actually reads any of the articles posted here.
This benchmarks show the 1080 is almost 20% faster than the GTX980 Ti though.
its even faster than your average GTX 980Ti Overclock of 1500/4000.
Could the 1080 the first card to hit 2.0Ghz?
It boosting to 1800mhz out of the boost and this is a reference card, aftermarket cards should at least be able to get 500mhz more out of this.
Don't fall for the AMD shills, it's one final pathetic attempt before we finish them off for good.
>random hiroshima chink
>guy behind
Random fanboy
Man, the full chip with 60 SM enabled gotta be at least 50% faster than the Titan X.
Nvidia won, Why does AMD even bothers.
why do people even need these new graphics cards, what demanding and good modern video games justify them?
>AMD beats similar offerings in 3DM11 and Firestike benchmarks
>"Wahhhh these aren't real benchmarks and are synthetic"
>Nvidia beats it self in 3DM11 and FS and suddenly they are applicable benchmarks.
Not choosing either side here, but you people have to see this is retarded...right?
just wait till the end user has hardware in their hands before basing entire shill threads
on "leaks" and speculation
AMD always lies on benchmarks.
Only issue at this point is price; Polaris 10 will be the undisputed winner unless the 1080 goes for $500 or less
Because most people don't spend $600 on a gpu
I hope AMD beats Nvidia this time.
So they stop with this
>$1000 for 10% performance increase
ya no shit thats why there will be a 1080ti
>there will be a 1080ti
no doubt held in reserve to cuck amd a week or two before they announce vega or some other top-end piece of kit
No red flags on the 1850mhz core clock?
I need to fill the void in my life somehow don't ruin this for me
>shrink maxlel
>clock to the moon
>claim victory
it sounds like a pretty safe move to me, since it comes "free" with the process shrink
You people are retarded, business as usual.
The flagship of Nvidia is the GTX980Ti and it will stay the flagship.
Same with the Furies for AMD.
And fucking no, the R480X won't have performance close to the R9 390X.
If you'd care to look at the benchmarks instead of just reading the caption, you would see it is anything but close.
You guys must be all underage faggots.
>buying jewvidia cards
good goym
Dieshrunk maxlel with smaller SMs means higher clocks
can the 1080 even do DX12 yet?
why is the 290x outperforming the 980ti in dx12 benchmarks. this should be impossible
the 980ti originally cost $900
What does that has to do with anything?
fuckin this
Currently with my 390x I can't hit over 30fps on Arma 3 at 1440p, I get 8fps at 4k. I'd like to one day soon hit 60fps at 4K, because it's fucking beautiful. That's why.
This is worrying, AMD has been steadily improving the IPC of their GPU while Nvidia is almost running at twice the clockspeed.
There is a rumor that Polaris is hotclocked, anyone know anything?
>AMDtards think AMD will deliver,....yes they deliver, just like how they delivered with those Fiji cards :^)
Polaris 11/10 is aimed at the lowend/midrange market, confirmed by AMD.
And the performance is likewise. The R9 490X will replace the 390X.
The R9 480X will replace the R9 380X with a performance boost of about 15%.
Nothing close to a R9 390X.
You people are guilty as fuck.
Thanks for posting evidence.
That's because the 1080 will be a mid range card. How have you retards not caught on to NVIDIA's tricks by now?
The 1080 is meant to replace the 980 though.
You will see a premium card meant to replace the 980ti later.
Because retarded developers.
Maxwell has more DX12 features than AMD, yet AMD marketing managed to trick people into believe async was the only DX12 feature.
async isn't even useful for Maxwell as Maxwell schedule already makes sure they GPU never enters an idle state or tries to avoid it as much as possible, unlike AMD hardware which expends most of the time waiting for instructions being underutilized.
async makes sure those extra 2 GFLOPS AMD GPU's usually have over their Nvidia counterpart cards finally get utilized.
Forcing async on maxwell cards is just trying to override the native schedule which is more efficient than anything a game developer could ever come to with async and only causes worse performance.
This is something you can see with Nvidia's near zero driver overhead OpenGL applications, it's wonderful and hopefully Nvidia will push for Vulka instead of DX12.
You're right, the 480x won't have performance close to the 390x, the 480 will have performance close to the 390x, which will cost somewhere in the ballpark of $200
>being this deluded
IQ below 100 confirmed
> maxwell cards is just trying to override the native schedule which is more efficient than anything a game developer could ever come to
120℅ mad
Complete fake.
No, I just know that what you said is complete bullshit. The maxwell scheduler is a software one, thus using the term native makes zero sense.
Plus the major reason why maxwell sucks balls at async compute is because it requires a context switch - something that requires a pipeline flush on Nvidia hardware but not on GCN.
Just keep digging that grave.
Are AMDcucks this much jealous of nvidia??
>reading the headlines without looking at the benches given
So, 1070 will be as fast as ~970? Or closer to 980?
>spouts gibberish
>gets called on it
>replies with more idiocy
I'll give you a tip: 64 wavefronts will be the new hotness.
Im waitfaging for next gen gpus and more titles for the vive.. Probably getting all this in Aug
>1850Mhz clock
That doesn't fill me with confidence.
When you want to play games with Reshade and SweetFx at 4k 72 fps
>playing at 60fps with a 144hz monitor
Netburst ahoy!
Polaris Release date any one?
>2Ghz GPU
Computex soft launch, June hard launch for Polaris
Pascal has a soft launch tomorrow at 6pm PDT, but isn't rumored to hard launch until June
So around 20% improvement? Meh expected more.
>So around 20% improvement? Meh expected more.
1080gtx is 130w....
Literally nothing. People who buy expensive gaming machines don't play jackshit, it's all blatant consumerism. The actually good games are either console exclusive or run on literally anything.
I don't give a shit about watts, I have an oced 980 ti. Guess I need to wait for the 1080 ti or whatever amd releases.
Give me whatever shit you're on.
10 of it.
I can't play some games on my 770 because 2gb of vram is not enough.
It is you're being memed
Maybe, but Batman and JustCause3 still work like shit for me
2gb is pretty fucking old. even the low midrange gpu's like the 960 and 380 have 4gb now
that has nothing to do with vram
batman is literally the most unoptimized game ever and just cause 3 is not far behind
You need it to run Citra
TY brother
>software schelude
You are mixing up two completely different things, I can see why would you make that mistake though.
Of course it doesn't, but don't worry.
They are either going to cripple the 980ti or kill it with a driver.
Future games will run like ass on the old generation. Trust me.
>memoirs of a kepler user
considering that the thing is clocked to the moon i somewhat doubt there are any solid archtiecture improvements. looks more like a shitty maxlel shrink. and that means no ACEs aka no proper DX12 performance.
True. Nvidia will pretend something about their new architecture makes it way better, when really they're just gimping Maxwell. Fucking Nvidia.
>tfw GTX 770 owner
>GTX 1070 confirmed 7.5GB card
Are you ready for the memes Sup Forums?
Yeah no, 2GB is too little. Nvidia is always too cheap with VRAM for their cards. The 770 should have had at least 3GB.
No it isn't you fucking idiot. That is a card meant for 1080p at the very best and you won't be running newer stuff on high anyway.
As long as they admit it there is no problem. Nobody would have complained if the 970 would have been advertised as an 3,5GB card. The problems started when people discovered it 3 months after release...
It still hurts, user. How could they do this?
I don't think people care that much about their missing 512MB.
A bigger problem is when a game thinks it can use the full 4GB, which it actually has, but slow down drastically because Nvidia fucked up.
locked and loaded.