>finally decide to ditch my ol trusty feature phone and get a smartphone
>pick a used Nexus 5 because Sup Forums says its a great choice for someone new to smartphones
>and cheap
>set it up, callendars contacts and all. And music
>while copying and deleting files I discover bugs here and there with file transfers
>files not showing up on PC, stalled transfers, cant even do more than 1 thing at the time. MTP is a buggy mess and so is Android
>search for fixes
>discover this bug is over 4 FUCKING YEARS OLD and plagues most phones since 4.1 but jewgle doesnt give a shit
>the most widely used mobile operating system in the world cant even into usb file transfers with a pc
>lagdroid fans are actually ok suggesting bandaids like airdroid, ftp and samba instead of an actual fix
>later phone starts shitting itself for no reason, play services using all my data, ram and battery, chrome is a laggy fest and the ui is retarded, material design is a shit
>have to revert to CM13, simple and non bloated it just werks but I still cant transfer files from my pc reliably
Why do people defend this piece of shit OS again?
Has anyone here found a fix for the unusable MTP file transfers?
I swear to god im going to get an iphone at this point, back then android was lauded for the freedom it provided to the user, if this freedom comes with half a decade old bugs and half assed features I dont give a shit about freedom anymore.
>tfw fell for the android meme
As opposed to worthless gimmicks and Siri the cunt?
try transfering via wifi
>worthless gimmicks
This goes to both OSes desu, at least one does it right and isnt listening 24/7 while selling your data. Also it cares for your privacy.
I have this issue too OP. I hate MTP. I usually just pull my SD card out now and use an adapter. I don't want apple as they're too fucking expensive for a phone so I'll stay Android. And I'll be honest, iTunes isn't much better. Can still be a bitch and a half to get working fully if you only want certain songs. Plus, certain codec support is none existent.
Go away
No, see how can you be ok with this? This is why jewgle doesnt bother anymore, its all about pushing shit nobody wants instead of making a solid OS first.
What about windows phone? I dont care about all the gimmicks android offers? All I need is a decent browser, navigation system, basic apps and advertised features actually working.
As a fellow android user i have to say op has a point. The funny thing is, google could fix this shit in an instant but for some reason they don't care.
this has nothing to do with Android and everything to do with mtp being a massive pile of dogshit
you're not the only one who hates MTP
MTP is cancer made by Microsoft
funny thing is it works better on Linux than it does on Windows
They bother to make their OS simpler to sell to the masses, google wants to fix all the shit on their OS's, but the mobile carriers don't let them because it will remove all the bloatware that they carefully made a contract to put in there.
Even if thats the case google and manufacturers are fucking retarded for taking out the mass storage option knowing mtp is a pile of dogshit beforehand. A friend used to have an old htc with no usable internal storage that he kept updated until 5.0 with custom roms. Never did it give him any problems like this. I know it has something to do with a linux filesystem and android emulating it for the pc, surely putting a trusty fat32 partition in the phone shouldnt be hard to do.
>Galaxy s5 sport here
I have no fucking idea what you're talking about
MTP is a shit. Where is my mass storage?
>buy a used, old, budget-when-brand-new phone
>surprised it's not flawless
this is why you poor people stay poor. no sense with the little money you have
also i've never had this problem but then again I'm in 2016 and use google drive/dropbox, but yes MTP just isn't as good or smooth as it could be. the rest of the android community moved on and use newer methods, and yes they are better, which is why no one cares about it
also lol, first smartphone and not just using default OS for a while to even learn what you should do to it
anyway back to enjoying my nexus 6p, please take your frustration and stupidity away from Sup Forums
>fell for the nexus 4 meme
>"getting updates first"
>""""""""OK-tier battery""""""""
>been shitting with me for 3 years
>have s5
>use "unstable" cm13 nightlies
>everything works flawlessly
I didn't even encounter the problems you listed in 2011 with gingerbread.
>pushing shit nobody wants
Like? Are you just talking out of your ass here? If you think using wireless methods to transfer files is some meme shit that google is "pushing" you're an idiot
they don't care because it's not important. the few users who actually care about usb file transfers and use it regularly deal with MTP or get frustrated and move on to a new service.
then there's the subset of those few users, the chosen few princesses like the OP who feel the need to whine on the internet about it, but they aren't important and putting time into that failed protocol isn't worth it to them
ayy nice
are you enjoying the 5.1 marshmallow update? Anything new you noticed?
In the trash thanks to cucked fucking idiots like >use google drive
Good lord, so much fucking freedom right here.
>implying that has anything to do with it
Im pretty sure the Nexus 5 will get Android N, no reason for those faggots to not fix it.
>also lol, first smartphone and not just using default OS for a while to even learn what you should do to it
Im not going to do what my phone wants me to do retard, its the other way around.
Its from the official CM, I know XDA is rajeet land you can tell in 5 minutes after lurking it.
Let me see if im right, the S5 has both internal and external sd mass storage right? I have no doubts it works properly with the sd but what about the internal one?
Wireless methods have existed long before this and afaik googles official alternative is drive, ftp and samba arent theirs theyre just alternatives people are forced to use and were probably availabe in the gingerbread era.
>they don't care because it's not important. the few users who actually care about usb file transfers and use it regularly deal with MTP or get frustrated and move on to a new service.
>then there's the subset of those few users, the chosen few princesses like the OP who feel the need to whine on the internet about it, but they aren't important and putting time into that failed protocol isn't worth it to them
Oh yeah because using a cable to transfer YOUR FILES FROM YOUR COMPUTER is so archaic right, better move to le google cloud and just put up with inane data caps and lack of internal storage because reasons, nobody cares right? thats why samsung didnt back up on its decision of removing external storage, oh wait.
Fucking idiotic fanboy tons of people like you on xda
opinion discarded, bitch
I'm I meant the internal storage of the s5. I've never had any problems transferring files to and from it. Both usb 2 and 3 modes work as they should.
anime website
I used RiseFTP (ftp server on my phone) and connected with filezilla since day 1. Never had a problem and never thought about using cable or any other shit.
> crying on the internet
> not just using adb commands to accomplish simple tasks
Thanks, as much as I dislike samsung for some reason I see why theyre on top of sales lists. I´ll try to get my hands on one.
>its perfectly ok to relearn how to do simple tasks through convoluted non-standard methods
And you guys shit on apple users, lel.
caring this much about muh phone
>using a phone for more than 2 years
>being this much of a consumer whore
>muh dead in a year mini tablets
no thanks
but user, they're standard methods for the platform, how is this difficult.
If you had an iphone you'd have to do all this through itunes, a standard method for the platform.
You see where I'm going with this.
I don't really like them either, especially after realizing how shitty touchwiz is. I'm not going to talk about the obvious facts that it sucks in general and samsung delivers updates quite late.
I updated my phone to 4.4 from 4.1 when I bought it and I realized that they added two shitty non-removable programs called "%100oyun" and "cellograf". The first one is a store program of gameloft and the second one is literally an app of a fucking printing house. A fucking printing house paid samsung money to have their shitty app included in the local version of touchwiz. That made me finally flash CM13.
Their hardware is usually quite good but their software is shitty. If you're going to buy a samsung phone, take your time and learn which ones has good community support. I wouldn't recommend actually using touchwiz to anyone unless voiding the warranty is a problem.
no, read the official description of Sup Forums
it specifically takes effort into excluding anime from being a subject of any higher importance
but besides this,
all the founders of Sup Forums have grown out of anime.
anime is not really something you can enjoy once you reach a certain level of maturity. and i don't mean that in a condescending way. it's just impossible to give a fuck about subject mater, be it the story, the writing or the drawings.
literally no one who founded Sup Forums watches anime anymore
I know, I was just memeing. Though I think we can all agree we like posting cute girls. I havent watched anime either in over 2 years.
>then there's the subset of those few users, the chosen few princesses like the OP who feel the need to whine on the internet about it, but they aren't important and putting time into that failed protocol isn't worth it to them
Then why couldn't google force manufactures and make android treat the storage like an sd card?
Call me stupid but it's the little shit like this that makes android a forever shitty os. You'll never have the best of anything and the worst of any os that has ever existed. It's why people would rather use any other operating system than android on a mobile device if they could.
But you just wanted your daily pay didn't you Rajeet?
>ones has
ITT retards who can't figure out how to plug a phone into their computer and dragon and drop files.
what about manga?
Not so much that its difficult but that its non standard for the average person. When I for some reason happen to be in a situation where I need to plug my phone for file transfers in a pc that isnt mine I should not have to bother setting up an ftp connection or installing airdroid on the pc. Standards exist for this. Ask the average person what adb is and watch their confused eyes.
If youre putting the option there either make it work properly or remove it so the actual working option becomes standard.
I dunno about applel but if it works im ok with it then,
>im a retard who cant read
Thats exactly what im trying to do but jewgle and its pajeet legions insist I should do things their way.
I'm too lazy to read the entire thread but all you said is that mtp doesn't work. Specifically what issues do you have with it?
>files not showing up on PC, stalled transfers, cant even do more than 1 thing at the time
Not even rebooting works at all. And its a 4 year old bug. People defend this piece of shit OS.
Works for me and has worked for me with all of my previous Android phones.
>discover bugs here and there
you almost got me, this was what blew it for you
>anime is not really something you can enjoy once you reach a certain level of maturity. and i don't mean that in a condescending way. it's just impossible to give a fuck about subject mater, be it the story, the writing or the drawings.
But that's not true.
This, if all you watch is silly moeshit like Umaru of course you´re going to think like that.
That's very strange, I've never encountered anything like that in the 5 or so years I've been using Android.
Search for "not all files showing up mtp", it goes back to 2012, probably a mix of lack of external storage and incompetence from google. Samsung tends to try doing things their own way if they can, they want to move away from google claws and their phones dont have this problem according to anons itt.
Interesting. I've had a Motorola droid RAZR m and a Moto X Pure right now and I've had no issues with either of those.
Well both have a microsd slot, and the razr m is from the ics era. Dunno what exactly google did but seems something to do with the media database, but samsung fixed it though, I woudlnt be surprised google intentionally avoids fixing it so idiots move to their services. Thats what I get for getting a meme phone for fanboys, oh well.
I'll admit that I miss UMS a lot, but...
>using a cable to transfer files
I have an xperia Z2, and I have never heard about this "bug". If you download files to a directory on your device after you've opened that directory on your pc, you probably need to refresh, but that's it.
gentle please
let me reiterate
there is a difference between watching anime, occasionally. yes, no matter how old you are anime will always be somewhat relevant.
my 83 year old white american grandmother watches anime. she actually enjoys it.
but she certainly will never store any images of anime on her hard drive in any unironic sense. i believe storing more than a few images or videos of anime draws a basic line somewhere. you obvious take anime more seriously when you do this. you think 'deep' anime is extremely original and creative, while mature people see otherwise because their mind is more developed, they are 'smarter' and thus consequentially not as entertained
do you still believe the PS2 system had an amazing library of games?
this is a good way to determine how fucking retarded you are.
if 99% of the library hasnt aged to shit for you by now, then you certainly are an idiot
>caring this much about what others think of you
>being this childish
Faggot, I like it because its cute, same way cats are cute and everybody likes them. Nobody thinks theyre deep or something, they just elicit responses hardwired in our brains, cant remember the exact term but we want to protect cute, small living beings with big bug eyes as a mean of ensuring survival of the species.
>inb4 quentin comics
But user, Dark Souls is a PS3 game!!
moot still hung out with ZUN and shit though, so it's still a weebsite
Yeah lag and tons of it so I'm switching to cm12 stable tonight wish me luck
S5 guy here and yes it works perfect internal and external I torrent off my phone while at work and sleeping so I constantly move larger files on and off of it