Post your customized VM screenshots

post your customized VM screenshots

Other urls found in this thread:

my vm is in seamless mode

cute image btw

ty you too
here is my VM in fullscreen
I assume most people will post fullscreen shots and that's OK!


5k is worth it if you can spend $2000 without TOO much issue.
Also I forgot I had a lunch break, so here's that wallpaper.

Why are you using XP?


please dont sexualize the miko.

Fuck off

cute desktops

wait i meant to say vms

I'll show you later

Hello Kumiko appreciator

nepneps are so cute

shes just being a major qt like always while taking a bath which is not sexual

qt, ram & rom have nice butts also

S-she's my favorite


nice shot
here's my arch vm

this is my VM (faVourite aniMe (character))

cute arch, that's alot of akari's

i'm going to finish the rest of aria after i watch today's new episodes; it also reminds me of tamayura btw

yeah I've been told that I would like tamayura since I liked aria so much

I want to ____ shinobu

you should def. watch it, it's a really good show

hug & give donuts to

desktop threads have gotten increasingly shit
not even yuuji posts here anymore

>not even yuuji posts here anymore
that's: good

this is a VM thread not a desktop thread thank you

i'm waiting for shinobus hug desu

I really like this pic desu

btw, this is a screenshot of shinobu open in a seamless arch vm

>not even yuuji posts here anymore
That's a good thing.

Actually I noticed the absence of desktop threads lately.

Anyways,posting my 2000 VM. I also attached the list of VMs I have. Some are riced some aren't.(generally NT 3.2,1.01 and slower builds of LH like 4066,4039,5048 and Chicago 58s)

For anyone wondering about LH 3804,it's just clientized Server 2003. (aka Server 2003 converted to XP Pro)

>Actually I noticed the absence of desktop threads lately.
They're literally banned. The previous thread was manually put on auto-sage even.

Why do you have so many VMs?

why are they banned?

Each VMs run the said OS'?

I couldn't get 1.0 DR5 and NT 3.2 to work. 1.0 says wrong DOS version and NT3.2 throws a invalid system disk error.

For centuries these walls protected Djelibeybi. Even today they are still quite heavily guarded, though against what is not quite clear. The city's buildings jostle against each other below, forming a colourful, if rather jumbled, landscape. The elaborate bell towers, spires and domes that rise skyward ranged to the northeast are a part of the temple district, and the riotous Djelibeybi bazaar lies in the distance to the southeast. The wall leads away to the northeast and south.

because mods are gay pedophiles
seriously though, they let the homescreen threads stay and they're the exact same thing

wow, that's pretty gay desu senpai, soon enough the homescreen threads will become the same cancer the desktop threads were though.

I need this (the one with the feet), this and this wallpapers for r-research reasons.

Terminal font? Looks good.

Doh, thought neofetch had that printed.

The font is knxt. Had to change from my tiny font as it was wrecking my eyes.


>literally noone posts a VM
are you people retarded or just hiding you shit desktop threads?



tee hee


>researching furiously



I'm about to cum to some conclusions

Oh ho.

Oh ho.

Which would you be?

Any of them



kek, thanks mods for banning ben.

his ghost still haunts these threads

vm's are technology

where ftbuntu at? need to see him.

in the trash under grossposter

Pretending to be homeless to get free coffee.

that's rude.


please stop

you can't stop us

Name the next title Battlestation Scrots

dumb tripfag cancer



dumb tripfag cancer

Hello, I'm here for the free (You) please

I see

(You're CUTE!)

(You too)


nice vm


ako is super cute


Can't wait to play Overwatch later today, I wanna main Zenyatta


Did you call the number?

I am playing that video game today.
It's pretty fun, might buy it.

It seems fun but nothing crazy amazing, I guess today I'll find out for sure. But right now I don't think I'd pay more than $35, honestly.

How did you find this thread? Link from previous one?

There should be some new standard keywords that should be included so that we can find it in the catalog. like AMD Now Improved Mechanical Ecology
or in other words



what show?

I just wish it was on Steam. I bough Call of Duty last week and then refunded it when I learned it's basically turned into a weird circus game where luchadores shoot each other. Now I got 99 bux on Steam and no games I want to buy. I just had them refund it to SteamBux because I was going to buy Overwatch but it ain't in Steam

Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?

Yeah, it's only. Oh well, what can ya do? Who do you use in Overwatch?


is this autosaging?


buy nekopara

Oh nevermind I see your question.
I am trying all of them, but my favorite one so far is reaper

Yeah no thanks

Ah, nice. He seems cool.

Can you join my cute Steam group Jordan? :3c

Nah I don't really do online friendship things

if anyone knows what fonts I need or whatever that would be great
it does the same thing on wine too

you'll like this one