/edc/ Everyday Carry

>no edc thread on Sup Forums

What fresh heresy is this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Either /k/ or /fa/.

We've had edc threads on Sup Forums for ages, newfriend.

Not that I'm a fan since it's always the same shit (muh minimalistic (no fun) wallet, special import phone, guns/knives, fedora, etc.).


Only top quality™ ex-ussr contraband® cigs

is this the daily autism thread?

>21st century
>still smoking cigarettes

With what we know know only a complete moron would smoke cigarettes.

I like your spooky keychain.


The fuck is the box with the old lady on it?

On mobile I can't see properly

Cancer sticks.


old but I can't be bothered to take a new one

What's the thing above the glasses?

And they've been as off-topic as /wt/ for as long as they've existed. Now we're getting clothing threads more frequently as well. At least the Sup Forums posters are discussing fucking technology.

You're fucking disgusting and are the reason this board has become the dumping ground for anything even remotely related to "technology." You are shit.

my wallet

Sorry, above the sunglasses*

A bunch of lighters.

Or if you mean the thing under the sunglasses, it's this here. Practical as fuck since you can easily fit it into a pocket


pic related

Is that a t430/t440? lmao, you fell for the chinkpad meme

Where did you get that carabiner from? Looking for something exactly like it

Ah, okay, that is quite the interesting lighter

I have a fuckton of lighters from the time when I smoked. The tobacco shop I always went to constantly had new cool lighters on display right at the counter, so I usually ended up with one new one each month.

Too lazy to take a new one but I've since found an olympus XA

>tfw no ricoh gr still

is that a smith?

would you die if i took of the mask?

It would probably be a little uncomfortable

>ruskie faje z przemytu
>blackberry bez toolbelta
jedyne czego brakuje na tym obrazku to orzeczenia o uposledzeniu

Yes. .38 Special

>wanting to carry around a 2 inch thick brick

Got it at Microcenter. Not sure what it is called.

>Yes. .38 Special

Looks nice. Cheers

Changed the phone case and switched to X61t

you're a big guy

Only when (You) enter the thread.

Nice. I want to get an X200.

Any recommendations on thin wallets that fit into front pocket?

This is Sup Forums remember

w tej kategorii cenowej lepszych pohcohów nie znajdziesz

Have small card wallet, good for 6 cards and some 5-6 bills, attached to it with some velcro small 2400mah card sized power bank and this combo is still much smaller than average regular wallet.

no chiki briki here
speak english

i get them for 1.55USD a pack, that's a bargain
Dog bless belarussian smugglers.

First time posting in one of these threads

>fuck anime
>moonspeak all over e-reader


in Eastern Romania we get cheap smuggled cigs from Moldova. Fuciking EU and their taxes.

What the fuck is the butane torch for

I'll be glad to replace this outdated iphone 4 when my new phone comes in on saturday, but I'll sure miss the case.

Burning things. What else do you use butane torches for?

Are there any good Japanese smartphone with Android M now?

Are you a dab nigger or something

I never tried dabbing, but it's great for lighting just about anything from cigarettes to joints to pieces to shit books (what I used it for most recently). I've got a bunch of different lighters, I just love my butane torch style ones for the reaction you get from people when using them and the effectiveness when it comes to burning shit.

And most people always have trouble getting them lit properly for some kind of reason that's beyond me.

back in the day when I used to smoke I could get a pack of quality smokes and lane tyskie for a tenner, I'm glad I quit some years ago since I never fancied smoking this russian trash, it always tasted like straws swept from the floor of a barn

for your small sized mother

74.2% of anti-anime shitposting is done by anime peeps

Not shown: Sony Xperia Z5

You always remind me that I spend too much time on here.

Those Milwaukee markers are pretty great.

Lol blue collar wage cuck

Depending on the job I wouldn't mind a comfy blue collar job. Shoot the shit with coworker all day. I enjoyed the brief work I had in a warehouse

>enjoying talking with other people
You don't belong here.


You're a big guy

No he ins't, his boots are like size 6

Nice watch.
Tape measure in EDC brofist.

>minivan keys

>le loner meme
back to with you

>3 fucking lighters

What phone is that?


I haven't been outside for 4 years.

shit doesn't set itself on fire you know


Do I need to report you as a potential arsonist?

Pls b in London

Every time I post, that gets asked

No. Murka


What are you doing? getting ready to invade Poland? lmao


Wow, look at this faggot with a gun. You look like such a try hard. I bet you're a scrawny white beta. Protip: you're not scaring anybody. If you tried to pull that shit on me I'd beat your ass, kid. Now shut up, son.

nah, they already know about me

Becuase you're a grill

Not trying to be weird but would you be willing to add me on Skype? You seem like a really nice person and I would like to get to know you .

Also I have a gf so it's not like that


What the fuck am I on /soc/?

... You're determining me as a really nice person off of three incomplete sentences?


Never change Sup Forums

>that watch
My nigga.

My blunnies are size 12.

sent :)

>Partners in Time
good taste

how are the earbuds? was thinking of getting them to replace me CX200's that recently broke. do you know if the kz-ate S model is noticeably better than the base model? thanks

desu I come to these threads hoping for liberal butthurt over muh babby killin' salt weppinz

>still uses 35mm film
hipster detected, eat shit

>milwaukee tape measure
>not using an infinitely better irwin one for the same price
disgusting, but your samsung headphones are dope tho

Something tells me you're the scrawny white beta.

Those Samsung earphones came with my tablet. As far as bundled earphones go they're the best I've ever used. Average in the grand scheme of things though.

I can't vouch for the Kz ate s but I like my Kz ates

Nope, panhandle Florida. And if you think thats bad, you should see my updated one. I got a purse that's twice as big and now I carry twice as much shit.

I have the original Superstar Saga for GBA in the GBA case as well. Currently playing Golden Sun.

eazy eazy

Someone's mad they can't buy those where they live :)

Are those bitch sticks?


wow, not thats a fucking disgusting backpack if i've ever seen one. holy shit.

>Dentyne Fire

Muh nigga

Whats so good about thinkpads?

Thanks for your statement, I don't care

They were mainly used for businessman, and built very rugged, thee old ibm ones, idk about the lenovo thoughs.