I have always used VirtualBox and never thought about other software for the same task. Just installed VMware and HOLY FUCK it's superior in every aspect.
Any other software that is clearly superior to its "popular" counterpart?
I have always used VirtualBox and never thought about other software for the same task. Just installed VMware and HOLY FUCK it's superior in every aspect.
Any other software that is clearly superior to its "popular" counterpart?
VMware Workstation 12 Pro key:
Thanks Pajeet! 10 rupees have been deposted to your western union account
Well, time to try kvm then.
I've also been using Virtualbox for years now. I remember I tried VMware once or twice and had bad performances on Windows guests.. though I probably didn't set it up correctly.
Why do you like it more?
>not using Parallels
qemu/KVM with virt-manager master race
>using paraLELs
and one day you will grow up, learn a little bit more about computers and discover qemu/kvm
I've been playing with for like an hour. The performance is clearly superior with the same "specs" of the VM. Using ubuntu with unity DE in virtualbox was painfully slow, while in VMware is smooth. Install time was clearly faster too.
Not op but I like it because you get fill out half your settings and it will work. As a hypervisor (ESXi) the only thing I dont like about VMw is that I can't administer from a linux machine.
Is this a joke?
I hope not cuz its true
>HOLY FUCK it's superior in every aspect.
lol, nice shilling
Had both installed and it's not true what you say.
Is that shit even usable by now?
What's true?
The fact that qemu/KVM is superior.
Just that it isn't
>listening to the virtualbox meme
>not having an inherent ability to determine superior software on your own
technology is not in your blood, son
But that's not even what said
Keep believing that, freetard
not that guy but
>people too stupid to use qemu-kvm
If you actually learned how to use it, you'd realise just how much better it is than vmware in every way.
QEMU is good but its not better than VMware. Also any thing is good if you learn to use it.
What are the pros of wmware? Never used it.
Umm, you know that they recently fired all their developers, right?
>QEMU is good but its not better than VMware.
qemu is more feature complete than vmware as an OS based hypervisor, in terms of advanced features like better hardware passthrough and networking configuration capabilities.
qemu is also more scriptable for feeding your vms automated commands since it itself runs on a cli base.
And to top it off, qemu is not only free as in beer but also free as in FOSS. Please stop giving your opinion on things that you don't understand well enough to discuss properly.
>What are the pros of wmware?
pajeet gets a few sheckles as commission every time you buy into it.
>More feature complete
Such as?
>Better hardware passthrough
Examples of?
>Networking configuration
Do tell
>Qemu is more scriptable
In what manner?
>runs itself on a cli base
Just like VMware, and even Hyper-V
Vmware kernel does not support backing and delta images, does not allow software raid, and does not have a useful implementation of ssd caching. Granted two of these things aren't specific to kvm itself but to Linux.
Yup, virtualbox sucks.
If you're referring to workstation, it's overall a better product than VirtualBox. Esxi is the easiest to use of the bare metal hypervisors.
>using virtual machines instead of emulators
>actually believes hyper-v is usable outside of micro deployments
You're bad at trolling
You get a negative score.
>not op
For it's the ability to easily give vms raw disk access. Installed linux on a few drives and put them in old comouters a few times because installing linux takes too long while the drives are in the said old computers.
you can use any kernel you want in fact all you need enabled is Fusion MPT for it to work.
Are you talking about workstation? If so there's no comparison, esxi is comparable to kvm.
yeah workstation
We have this VMware in my school for every students private desktop and it works good.
>If you actually learned how to use it
People who are unable to write usable programs should be banned from developing for life and forced to work in coal mines instead.
And no, unusable programs aren't better at anything. They simply don't even are for me.
Some games/programs that run on vmware don't run on or only very bugged/limited on virtualbox and vice versa. They are basically both shite. If you are dependent on windows programs in a non win environment you mostly best of with installing both.
VM Workstation -> ESXi -> Sophos -> LAN
all you need is a dual NIC
Closed source peice of trash.
VMWare is too much of a pain in the ass to use, which is weird considering it used to be the only one worth using.
I remember VMware was the first virtual lab setup I used. I use VirtualBox now because it's lighter. I'm just that kind of guy. Like people rag on me for using Mplayer instead of MPV but I would never use MPV, which uses Mplayer anyway.
Doesn't vmware check how many times a key has been used?
Funnily enough, no.
they seemingly give 0 fucks, there used to be a vmware employee on Sup Forums that said vmware workstation is such a small amount of business for them they don't care
Hyper-V scales fine on large and very large deployments. Please at least try to have an idea of what you're talking about...
>need linux VM
>get virtualbox
>try out many different distros but something is always broken
>usually the system just shits itself after a few boots
>download the free version of vmware thinking it's gonna be the same shit
>everything just works
No idea why since I used Virtualbox before without much problems, VMWare just feels way more polished
Drop it, Pajeet. These guys know.
kvm & qemu can get around 99% gpu performance in VMs
virtualbox is shit, it used to be decent.
Yeah vmware is pretty good.
Just used the posted key next to OP and everything's fine and dandy. Thanks fags.
Alex, I'll take the vCenter web interface for $10,000.
>qemu is also more scriptable for feeding your vms automated commands since it itself runs on a cli base.
What the fuck are you scripting on a type 2, desktop hypervisor? You should be using ESXi and esxcli. Don't nigger rig it.
Is VMware just as easy to use as VirtualBox?
>is not a programmer
Learn to write something more complicated than "hello world" then get back to me about your retarded opinions on usable software
shut the fuck up kid
anyone who programs, good or bad.. should continue to do so. and keep doing so. It's great to have huge variety of programmers and lots of choices to choose from. the SJW faggots who just cry about variable usage and don't contribute are only ones that should BTFO
i just tried it out with the key in the first post in this thread
installing debian and its easy as fuck
basically just press enter enter enter enter enter
and you can probably customize a lot if you want
vsphere HA > everyshit
... you may want to include that this is only true if you use PCI passthrough
And if you have a CPU with VT-d.
god tier. these plebs cant even afford it yet again.
thats absolutely not how jeopardy works fuck you. you win nothing.
What do you think about hyper-v?
sadly both vmware and virtualbox run like shit on windows if you use it very frequently with many VMs
vmware constant bugs with network
virtualbox cpu load issues
Last time I checked, VMWare had
- better USB modem support
- Tab support
VirtualBox doesn't.
The performance difference between Virtualbox, VMWare and Hyper-V is so minute you can only tell the difference whilst benchmarking.
Is so minute? A time unit?
It's pretty good, It eat VMWare and destroyed Citrix.
Minute can also mean very small my non-native friend.