It's game over for the basement dwellers and autists. Finally some good news in the world: support for Linux is not officially deprecated.
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It really turns me on when you shill like that, user.
It really turns me on when you shill like that, user.
That's Pajeet. He's a regular here.
More like your thread will soon be deprecated, lel
>announcing report
Sorry if this is off topic, but can you still get banned for announcing your sage?
Yes and you also sound like newfag cancer who thinks a safe is a downvote
But OP is a dumb faggot who doesn't understand the article
It's clearly outlined in the rules if you bothered to read them
Fuck off, public sage returning would be a great thing.
I miss the days of visible sage. Those were better times.
I miss when this board was techloligy
Dumb anime poster
Dump trip- and newfag
Pajeet should be a Sup Forums cup player
Kill yourself westernfag, all western animation is completely inferior to Japanese animation. In fact, there is no good western animation.
>there are no good cartoons
>Trip/newfag calling others dumb.
So cute :^)
Are you liking Sup Forums so far, newfriend? As you can see none of us use tripcodes. Maybe one day (when you've adjusted to the posting medium) you'll shed your tripcode. But take your time, no pressure, its not easy moving to an anonymous imageboard from a regular forum.
Anime is high quality, western is for children and manchildren.
>no good cartoons
Miyazaki's cartoons are widely considered art. And rightfully so! He checks every frame personally.
That's because it's anime, they have high standards. They would never associate with gaijin garbage
I'm a Sup Forums institution newfag
A beloved and respected member of our vibrant community
There's like 1% good anime and the rest is trash
And it's not the shit Sup Forums likes I'll tell you that
every windows sysadmin knows that you upgrade only when the 1st patch of the service pack1(huge patch) arrives
That's because you're a casual who doesn't get it. Anime influenced animation far more than trash like Looney Tunes ever did, that's for kids.
>ur a casual
Yeah I am, because it's a fucking stupid hobby, anyone can become an anime expert in less than a month, it's an ultra low barrier of entry senpai.
Now if you want to go toe to toe on a real art form such as literature I'll match you any day.
Anime stories are usually better than western literature, some art.
I get what you're doing, you had me going for a while there
Good job
Anime stories are very complex, much deeper than western literature.
I see your point of view and I agree completely
Yeah, and I want guro back. We can't have everything we want.
I have no words.
You've never read anything that wasn't assigned to you in high school.
Anime is just gay Chinese cartoons, and media marketed towards literal manchildren can't, and never will, be deep.
Anime is often about deep and complex friendships user.
nice typo looser.
Nice trips winrar
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There's high caliber shit, but just like with regular media, it's rare.
most posters on this board can't even spell techloligy
you mean technoINSTALLGENTOOlology
We should ban all non anime images
>pic related