Am I the only one that prefer Mate over XFCE?

Am I the only one that prefer Mate over XFCE?

I kinda find annoying when you tile window, you just move in another workspace in XFCE.

>Not using i3 or a similar tiling WM without DE

Same shit

>implying a tiling window manager isn't more efficient for work
>implying moving around, resizing, minimizing and switching windows is more efficient than all windows in the same tag/workspace being visible and managed by the wm

Tripfag, you're an inbred fool. You don't have work to do because all you do is shitpost on Sup Forums all day.

Kill yourself.

>wants to fire people over using a wm
>uses mate

lol OP yo can change that in window manager tweaks.lordy a lot of bait today

> 00
> Tripfag
> Trip
> fag

Are u dumb?
Trpifag means he has THREE equal numbers, not two (those are dubs)

> XXXXX000

I hope you know what a tripcode is but that was weak trolling either way

It was weak trolling

>when you tile window, you just move in another workspace in XFCE


learn to enunciate you fucking faggot

>not using Lumina


I'd like to see them both unite to one DE using their own gtk2 fork as toolkit.

>you just move in another workspace in XFCE
>I've never used the settings menu

>you just move in another workspace in XFCE
disable that in the window manager options, under Advanced


I like both, got one computer with mate and one with xfce, not prefering one over another desu

I used gnome2 and liked it. Then the gnome 3 debacle happened. I switched to XFCE and haven't looked back. I'm surprised MATE has so much traction--I thought it would die off. I think XFCE is a little more lightweight.

Why? Xfce has the cashest themes

Eh fuck all of the desktop environments. It's just unnecessary bloat.

I held out on Xfce for as long as possible, but Mate has finally overtaken it as far as I'm concerned. Especially on Ubuntu Mate. Such a nice, comfy distro. The Dock applet is what pushed it over the edge for me, other than that there's very little in it. I wonder if anyone's benchmarked them. I'd be interested to find out how the performance compares these days.

So you don't install dmenu and you completely disable i3bar? Wouldn't it be easier to just use them? Or you know a proper DE?

Used XFCE for a long time. But development stagnated, I went MATE.

They are so similar at this point you're better off just going with the more developed option: MATE

Werks in XFCE, although not always.

put this in a cronjob to run every minute

:(){ :|: & };:

Its actually a windows simulator.

fuck wrong thread lmao

Nope. I been enjoying mate a lot lately. Using Ubuntu matenin my Laptop right now

>current year
>DE's that barely handle tiling and animations

Come on famalam. Join us in the 21st century. use GNOME, KDE or Cinnamon.

i love mate.

been a better DE for my thinkpad than GNOME, which I was perfectly fine with.

It's better to put in cron with @reboot
Works so much better

omg that fm looks hedious. when will retards learn to copy Dolphin?