Whis is Arch so comfy, Sup Forums?

Whis is Arch so comfy, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=How to make Windows 7 look like XP

Stockholm Syndrome.

Because pacman breaks xorg.conf

because it's actually not

>fell for the arch meme

because your a beautifull ricer

arch doesn't use xorg.conf


It just is, Kaspar.


It just is.

pacman doesn't break xorg.conf, or any .conf files for that matter.

>>year 2016
>>not using fully functional Windows
just kill yourself

Memes aside, I use Ubuntu but I miss using Arch for the AUR. I switched because I was sick of having to fix shit after every other update. If there were "stable" Arch repos I'd probably switch back.

>2k + 20 - 4
>Using Windows
kill yourself

I've been using the exact same installation of arch for years and it's never broken
you're either lying or completely retarded

I feel liberated after switch from Ubuntu

Because it allows you to set up your system EXACTLY the way you like, and doesn't cuckold you like Ubuntu and spawn.

This is the exact same way I felt.

Old Arch linux user here, Ubuntu is far more comfy and all of you sooner or later will come back.

But Ubuntu is already set up the way I like, including the best DE available by far, Unity.

Where is your handler??

On the tech subreddit of a chinese cartoon image board where 80% of threads are started by obvious windows shills, it would only follow that aforementioned windows shills would talk shit about Arch, the best linux distro, and recommend and heap praise upon ubuntu, the shittiest linux distro.

Because no idiots allowed
Best OS
Best users

hi Jordan

Why are you using so much RAM?

unused RAM is wasted RAM

Yeah, yeah, I know but that's not an explanation.

Maybe allocated to APU graphics(?)

Because you managed to get a brief moment of respite before it breaks again

I love Windows XP and think its the comfiest OS ever but I'm not gonna go back to it. It's too unstable and risky now.

What I'd do to figure out how to make 7 look like it though...

Tldr: Install Debian faggot

It filters the sub 100 IQ people away with it's installer
Waiting for the you's of people I triggered now, come on show me how easy you're to bait lel


>Because no idiots allowed
>Best users
Needed a good laugh user. Thank you.

"Your Sup Forums post has been sent to Sillicon Valley's database. Thanks for defending our products."

-Microsoft Team.

lmgtfy.com/?q=How to make Windows 7 look like XP

Because your using GNOME
GNOME Shell is best Shell

[CURRENT YEAR]+1= Year of the lincuck desktop

That's a PERFECT explanation

Had cs:go running at the same time

No, it's not you inbreed retard.

The only reason I was using Ubuntu in the first place was because they were the only distribution that managed to boot into X11 instead of just crashing back in 2004. It was a bit rough coming in as a beginner, fresh off the boat after using Windows from 95 up to XP, and trying to figure out why the display drivers weren't working. It wasn't like much of my DOS experience from before that could help much either.

These days, though? No matter what hardware you've got every distro will start up in a workable state without having to fiddle around first, and Debian based distros are shit on anything not a server. Even there it's outclassed by Red Hat, really. Fuck that mess.


RAM is neat for storing incomplete downloads

>think something on Sup Forums isnt a troll attempt for once
>install arch
>mess up partitions and I lose Windows
>whatever, less reliance on Microsoft I guess
>try to install anything with pacman
>same errors over and over

I did this on my only pc and now I have a $1,300 piece of shit since I can't get a live Windows USB to work. Now I have to do everything with my phone

>maintenance all day erry day

You're an idiot. How is this Sup Forums's fault?

No other online community masks troll attempts as genuine advice so collectively as places like this board. Other places moderators care about their users

Are you implying Arch is a troll attempt? Gentoo is a troll tempt, because it's a complete time sink but Arch is a pretty good distribution.
Again, you are stupid and there's nothing we can do about it.

how is it arch's fault that you're not connected to internet?

>All this false-flagging and babies crying "WAAHHH MEMES"

It's not our fault you were too stupid to install Arch. I'm pretty sure even a down syndrome kid could, it's literally just following simple instructions. I've been using Arch for years and it's never once broken my xorg.conf, or anything else.


Because it has Cinnamon.

After reading the arch hate threads I actually switched from mint to arch. It's pretty simple as long as you have the attention span to read the install page.

AUR is godly.

>never once broken my xorg.conf
That's a proper accomplishment user. Poor little old me breaks it at least 6 times before supper.

this desu senpai

>you caught us, this piece of advice was in fact a troll attempt.
>but this other one is legitimate!! I swear

I might be stupid but I'm not stupid enough to fall for this again.
It's so embarrassing bringing this into my school's tech support and they didn't even know what to do. They told me to go to the computer science department and ask around. It'll be so crushing if I run into my past or current teachers and see that I can't even care for my own computer but want a cs degree

It's not that we're stupid, it's that we find it stupid to manually install/configure an OS. Computers are supposed to automate things, and any effort you waste in an error-prone install process that has you copying commands from a wiki can be spent in far more productive things.

Also using bleeding edge packages is pretty stupid too.

Love it too, and love the hate it gets on here even more.

pacman is godly, AUR is godly. It's just a really simple distro that just makes sense, without any magic.

Gentoo > Arch

Please fix your font rendering.

I lolled

My font rendering is godly. It's even infinality patched JDK you fucking retard. Open the image in a new tab fag.

>too dumb to configure internet connection in arch (takes total of 2 commands)
>cs degree
Epic. Give up honestly, learn to be plumber or something, you are too retarded for uni education. I actually hope this is bait, otherwise I feel bad for you/

Bad news bud, he's serious.

Also check em.

Yeah i accidentally made my arch a little wobbly during an update. Ubuntu 16.04 was coming out a week later so i just waited for it instead of fixing my arch.
Probably a sign arch isn't for me anyway

>can't even support multiple versions of a package at the same time without faffing about with makepkg

Sure bro, keep sucking that dick.

I just installed it. Chill man

Installing arch and setting it up is as simple as reading the wiki and following basic instructions and entering basic commands. If you can't do this then maybe all you should be using is your phone

>656 packages
Cause you just installed it. That's coming from someone who has mained arch for 3 years, also.

Why is Gnome so horrifying?

My setup is complete. Don't need more packages :^)

>Use Arch
>install Gnome 3 anyway


Try to open a saved picture from imgur, get back to me on that :^)



Gah, it does sound horrible. It will be impossible to get letters of recommendations in the future if I go in and ask for help on my personal computer.

I think I'll go another route. Luckily I got an extended 3 year warranty on my Dell so I will just say the hard drive glitched up on me and windows disappeared

Also, bare minimum arch comes with 490ish packages, no GUI. X has about 50 packages, and gnome probably has about as many, so it seems like you just installed gnome, X, and are now shitposting about how your literally bare minimum install is "enough"

I can't even run the LiveUSB, so is shit


That's right. I install Java and Lisp into my homer folder so they don't count as packages for screenfetch. And that's all I do on computer. I browse Internet and write code.

>homer folder

Now see, I know I could do the Classic theme (I've already aped Win95 on another computer via that) but that's not what I'm looking for.

I'm saying I want to make 7 use Luna. Completely different beast.

I've gotten decently close with registry edits and Classic Shell. But I can't get the window borders and taskbar to the proper appearance.

I've had a feeling that Visual Styles could be the key, but there's very little documentation on working with them where I've looked.