/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread


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whats the diference between the stock ram sticks and the hyperX from kingstone? i mean the hyperX has an colored aluminum, but is the performance much different?

What's the best version of Azureus? Yes I know it's terrible, but it's the only client that doesn't cause pic related

is there a good program for vectoring pixel art images? i tried inkscape but it shits itself if you use an image bigger than 10 pixels

Why can't I delete or right-click certain files in certain folders?

I'm able to delete files elsewhere, and right-clicking on my desktop and some other places is no problem. But for some reason, I can't delete/right-click any folder in my pictures and videos folder. I also recently uninstalled YouCam software, and there's still a folder in both of these sections I'm trying to delete. Weirdly, it says "this folder is unavailable" despite being still visible. It's like that in both folders. When I right-click it or any other folder in those sections, nothing happens. But if I move the cursor over to my desktop and right-click there, the menu pops up normally. So how can I delete these folders?

Also, drag and drop doesn't work. I tried that.

I suggest you fix your computer instead

Illustrator (Adobe)

The CS2 version is free.

The tool you're looking for is "live trace."

Best I've used is vector magic but it's still not perfect.

However, you should learn how to draw better in inkscape and trace over images in inkscape for the best accuracy.

Vector magic will output a SVG but you still have to fix that shit with inkscape.


what piece of fashion tech works on impressing ladies?

Is a Raspberry Pi mail server viable on a .5 Mbps upload connection?

None. Girls are after confident physically fit males who shower daily and have a job. No amount of tech toys is going to make any girl want to fuck you if you weight 200KG and smell of the dead every day while being a neet in your parent's basement.

However owning apple products can make girls think you're a homosexual so avoid those.

>all girls are vapid, shallow whores
One day you'll meet a nice woman

i'm about to buy an ssd, is there a way i can move my os from my hdd to a ssd ?

She is one.

I'm 2 meters and fit though

I just wonder how I can be hip

Are there any us carriers that offer unlimited high speed data for mobile hotspot?

I'm thinking about ditching Comcast and living on wireless internet alone.

You have 14 days but only 2 hours of playtime for an automatic refund

Heat spreaders are just for show
The numbers on the box are what matter

Just depends on how many big files you upload
Its really not a limitation of the Pi

Copy over user profile.
Reinstall programs

you failed before you even started

Does DAZ loader compromise the security of W7?

I am a poorfag putting together his PC with an old 2010 Dell, and I have all the hardware but I want to replace the HDD and don't feel like going through all the trouble needed to clone it onto the new one.

I intend on using this as my personal daily driver, so email, web browsing, banking, everything. I'm tired of playing msoft's games so I want to "acquire" windows 7.

Would installing with a legit ISO burned onto a dvd then activating with DAZ make it a botnet, or should I just install Linux?


In theory its possible since we don't have access to the source code but there has been no evidence that it does.

Is this legit?

how to into le encryption?
i have one ssd and two hdds
will it slow down my hdds?

using windows 10 atm but will switch to linux next time i format

Can i force all cores on i5 6400 to work on turbo speed on asrock B150 mobo?

can i oc a i3 4130t ?

>how to into le encryption?
> i have one ssd and two hdds
> will it slow down my hdds?

it will slow down everything. the price you pay etc etc

>will switch to linux next time i format
means you'll lose access to your encrypted volumes, linux can't read windows' encryption, so wait until after you've switched

There are many ways to into encryption
Technically it takes more processing when using encryption but unless you're using a potato it shouldn't matter.

I don't think you can override the turbo settings
Supposedly some people have had luck with base oc with skylake

not really

>Not hanging the Sup Forums over the word "technology"
Fucking pleb, whoever did this.

And yes, it is legit. IIRC, it's listed on MIT's "pranks" page or whatever.

that kind of sucks
>Technically it takes more processing when using encryption but unless you're using a potato it shouldn't matter.

my pc is alright but my hdds are old and are becoming slow as fuck
so if the performance is based on the performance of the drives then i'm fucked

I can't find an article on it



Depends on the motherboard BIOS settings and thermal stress. The stock cooler that comes with non-K intel processors is only enough to cool them at their base frequency. If you want to run your processor at turbo speeds 24/7 I recommend buying an aftermarket cooler like the hyper evo 212 else you risk the CPU sustaining permanent damage over time if temps are too high.

Unless you have a 3200rpm 250mb hard drive,there is no performance loss on modern technology

how can i make ubuntu mate look like this?

Install Ubuntu GNOME

(Or just try installing GNOME, if you're brave enough.)

install gnome3

i just want this button in my ubuntu mate

I've been doing a fresh install of vista. I installed sp2 yesterday and it's been checking for updates for almost 12 hours. What do?

I'm trying to install lmapm (MAPM BigInt library bindings for lua). I built and globally installed mapm to /usr/local. There is a libmapm.so.0 in /usr/local/lib/ and LD_LIBRARY_PATH has /usr/local/lib/. Trying to compile the binding fails with /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmapm. How the fuck?

So I only have to fill out the back if there's an X marked on the front?
If there isn't an X, I can leave the back blank?

Does MATE already have an applications overview/panel like in your image of the GNOME 3 interface? What functionality does that button provide?

(Disclaimer: I haven't used MATE or GNOME in at least two years.)

What would be a good super small case for a desktop computah? also anybuild recs?

I have no room righ tnow so something small and sounds fun. budget build with at least haskwell i5 and such

it's fucking gnome 3. come on now user. lol

How do I backup my files?

What email site should I use? I only know of hotmail, gmail, yahoo, and stuff like 10minute email throwaways

I can link other libraries from that directory, but it says libmapm.so doesn't exist.

all right, i managed to delete those folders. for some reason, they don't show up when you try to locate them after locating them through the hdd rather than just going start to pictures/videos. also, i was only able to delete them by right-clicking them on the side panel. still doesn't let me click in the pictures/videos folder. weird.

one more thing... this is related to webcam software i want uninstalled. i know sometimes after you uninstall software, you sometimes still have the folders located elsewhere, like sometimes it'll still be in the program files. real quick, could you guys tell me where i should be looking so i can make sure i've got rid of everything? thanks.

>plug in drive
>drag files to drive

Alright got it to compile. But it still fails when requiring the files. undefined symbol: luaL_setfuncs. But it exists, it's a macro in lauxlib, which is included... If I replace the macro call with a call to an actual function it doesn't fail... I'm getting spooked, this shit is all wrong.

Has anyone figured out how to shut down frozen programs easily in windows?

Sometimes the program causes a black screen and I can't get the task manager on top.

The last option is to log out but that kills everything else I have on.

Also, there's this "Waiting for windows to resolve the issue" which is completely useless. Is there a way to get rid of this?

Is there a way to prevent 2.4gh Bluetooth from interfering with 2.4gh Wifi?
I'm trying to play Dark Souls on PC with a DS4 while listening to music on Youtube but the Bluetooth makes my wifi pretty much useless.
I'd use a USB but I'm playing in a recliner with my laptop on my lap so it would be really awkward.

>Sometimes the program causes a black screen and I can't get the task manager on top.

switch to an adjacent desktop (winkey+ctrl+right arrow) and then pull up task manager as normal

I'm wanting to sell my late 2011 13 inch macbook pro, but the headphone jack is broken. I currently use a usb device for my headphones and the sound quality is much better, but how fucked am if I want to sell it? I don't even know what price to ask for...

>Is there a way to prevent 2.4gh Bluetooth from interfering with 2.4gh Wifi?

they don't interfere, unless something is wrong with your wifi card. wifi power is significantly higher and any interference by bluetooth is already within its noise floor power margin

try a new USB wifi adapter

mayb'e you're having a channel issue with rouet. try switching

Fuck me. I'm trying to compile it for luajit. After I installed luajit and luarocks on the system, I installed lua 5.3 as well. That overwrote the lauxlib.h file in /usr/local/include and included functions that only exist in 5.3.

Going to have to reinstall my luarocks now. Who knows what bugs are lurking.

My sister has a 2011 Macbook Pro 15". Recently it stopped booting, basically the apple logo appears, and the loading bar starts loading, and then it stops and just sits there. Sometimes after it stops loading it just goes to a blank white screen and nothing happens, even after leaving it there for hours. It won't start in safe mode either.

I tried everything I could (I know nothing about macs or how to work them). I reset the PRAM, I tried checking the disk using single user mode (which said the HDD was fine, but it has to be a HDD issue).

She has no recovery, so unable to do that either.

I'm pretty sure its the HDD, as I took out the HDD, put it in an external enclosure and tried to see if it would read on her iMac, which it did, but the folders were un-accessible. Basically, the folders appeared, but when you clicked on them nothing came up.

I think if she goes to the Apple store or elsewhere they will overcharge her. I think I should just replace the HDD, right? I'm thinking about just getting a 512GB SSD. How do I go about installing OSX on a new HDD though? She doesn't have the OSX disk that came with the laptop or anything, and I really don't want to have to re-buy the OS either.

mac is unix bruh, so of course you can't actually access the files without the proper credentials, have you tried a live linux? it should let you see the files and when you go to access them, linux will ask you to provide the credentials, just use her usernam/password

Not use vista

My shittiest shitbox:
>Pentium 2 (400MHz)
>64MB ram
>BFG geforce 5500 (128mb vram)

What can I do with it?

So then the HDD is probably working then? No I haven't tried Linux, I run W10 and was using her iMac to see if I could get any files off the HDD.

I think it's something else then, maybe the motherboard or something else on her laptop, I'm pretty sure it's a hardware issue though.

I had this issue too, I basically had to reinstall my os. The reason that her folders have nothing in them is because they are journaled. You can make a bootable usb by finding the OS online or by using another mac to download and make the bootable usb. You will need another mac to make the bootable usb.

What's g's favorite headset brand to use?


Thanks, I'll try doing that then. Where do I download the latest OSX to re-install it from a flash drive though?

If you want my help stop posting grannies

use the mac app store and look for elcapitan. It's a free update.

If she doesn't like elcapitan you can look under purchased and see the previous downloads that she has made. I personally prefer Yosemite over elcapitan. Elcapitan was was too buggy. I also have a 2011 macbook pro so the older os runs a little better.

how can i update and upgrade my homebrew with minimal clicks? Tried using automator but I think I fuck things up more than helping me.

something like double clicking something and it will open terminal>brew update && brew upgrade> then wait for everything to be done then closes terminal. Bonus if it will run itself everyday at 12 am or somethiing

I have tons of connections all going to different places, it names the PID as System (0) and when I try closing them I get "Could not close process Idle(0)." and when I try using tinywalls search feature I get "Cannot get path of process" now I've done tons of virus scans and nothings turned up what's my next step? I'm starting to think someone near me might be in my network, I ran wireshark yesterday and kept getting ARP packets

By the way, you will probably have to download the same version of OS X that she has on her imac to make the bootalbe usb.

I should have been more specific, gaming headsets... my bad.

What are some good resources or books for TCP/UDP?

It might also be worth trying to go into disk utility, once you make the bootable usb, and see if you can fix it that way.

Thanks for all the help. I think she just recently installed the latest OSX version (El Capitan) which is why these problems may be happening in the first place.

Yes El Capitan is shit IMO, it is one of the reasons why I switched to Linux. Glad to help, and good luck!

There's a headphone thread, maybe they have a pastebin with general info.

Didn't see that, thanks.

Does anyone know anything about back-end web development? Im trying to make a webpage that can connect with a database, I already connected to the database with java, and set up tomcat, but I have no idea where to go from there.

You dont need java,use php

Why for the everliving fuck I cant find an affordable 2011 socket mobo? 1151 are cheap as fuck, yet 2011 cost insane amounts, and there is like 1 model to choose.

• I want to connect my iMac to a second monitor.
• There are a bunch of different inputs, outputs, and adapters; I'm confused.
• Which adapter should I be using?

Inputs: DVI-D, DVI-I, VGA 15-pin D-sub

Outputs: Mini DisplayPort
FireWire 800 port (??)

Mini DisplayPort to DVI
Mini DisplayPort to VGA
Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI
(these are just the ones I know of, listed on Apple's page for my iMac model)

My professor specifically said not to use php.

>Mini DisplayPort -> input of monitor.

You most likely have a DVI input on your monitor. You will need to get Mini DisplayPort to DVI adaptor.

Your professor wants to make it exceptionally harder to complete your project then.

It lists both DVI-D, and DVI-I.

I'll see if he'll change his mind. But would PHP really make it simpler? What do I look for?

Why so you think its called LAMysqlPhp?
Anything with java is going to be bloated as fuck.
php just werx

>DVI-D means it will only do a digital signal

>DVI-I means it will do digital or analog signals

You should be fine getting any MiniDisplay ->DVI- cable. I would suggest saving money and getting it off amazon rather than the apple store.

I'm planning to build myself a desktop PC. The last time I did stuff like that there was still AGP around, so I'm sort of out of touch. Just a small build for work, nothing beefy, but also nothing that will be completely outdated in a couple of years. So I decided to pick a Intel i3-6100T (35 W TDP), appropriate mITX mainboard, 16 GB of 2.1 GHz DDR4 memory and an SSD. I don't need more than the integrated GPU, so that's all that needs to be in that case.

So my question is: How much watts does my PSU need to offer? Or if that's too specific, can you point me to reliable online calculators or other sources to determine that? Everything I found seems to be targeted at gamer kiddies.

Thank you very much!

Door stop

literally google psu calculator
1st result

Thanks, dude.