/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Weebs edition
Trying to cheat will get you banned with approximate chance of 40% edition

Old thread New to /ptg/? Have an enquiry? Consult the wiki before asking redundant questions.
Or update it yourself if you have a problem with it. Then check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

What.CD interview info: whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki
Paths to get into trackers, updated 2/05/16: a.pomf.cat/mngqff.pdf

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup

Various HTTP/FPT servers with content:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>this is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview

Other urls found in this thread:


Shit Fuck Cock is recruiting from WCD.

What are the user classes in /ptg/?
How do I become a VIP here?

Who is the HDB recruiter on bib and how long does he take to reply?

Do you own kneepads?

it's a meme, they don't want you to /comfy/

I can already tell this is going to be a shit thread

New AOTF when?

this tb.h f.am

Well I'm sorry to hear that

you blow ever single cock including yours

Hence the knee pads

yea VIPs get knee pads

> in b4 comfy doge user


could this be the birth of an epic new meme?

It has already been born, matured, and is now in it's old age.

1 year in real life is 30 meme years.

>implying doge is only 1 year old

Yeah it's like 2 and a half years old so in meme years it's like a 75 year old man

memes are not cool anymore, idiot

>memes are not cool

Is this the meme all the cool kids are using?

Christ what a shitty fucking thread. Why haven't these been banned yet?

I am not sure if you are aware, but 312c has a mod on the inside.

These threads are basically honeypots

>pirate AND seed

I disagree with this point. Pirate. If you can avoid seeding (cheat, ghostleech, fake farm bonuspoints). The pirate "culture" (see 312c) is worse than the Holywood/Music Industry culture.

What, is browsing Sup Forums against private tracker rules or something? Also I thought 312c got cucklisted by the cabal.

Browsing Sup Forums isn't bad. Browsing /ptg/ is:





Its not funny when the staff give you the "No Leniency for Sup Forums message"

>all this moralizing
my negro friend, I just want free shit

Yeah, for real. Here I am being punished for helping fellow members of /ptg/ (not even bad stuff, like filling requests) and I get punished for browsing a site. WTF

>I just want free shit

Most users are like that and the idea to build a culture on this foundation is nonsense

Is the EMP recruit on what still active?

Can somebody tell blossom to pick new AOTF already?

Can invite me to AHD or PTP??

No fuck off

No pajeet

sent ;)

Fuck you nigger


I forgot to put my e-mail. here:

[email protected]

suck a dick dude, i was asking a legitimate question (unlike those other 2 faggots). this place has really gone to shit...

I sell PTP invites. $5 a pop. Email [email protected]

>waah big poopy heads posting things I don't like

Fuck off with your porn shit you fucking loser. Go get laid or something you sad sack of shit.


people who don't watch porn are often a lot more weird and socially inept than those who do. You sound like the sad little kid here

Is baby missing his CALCI-YUM?

I'm sorry, I'm indian.

[email protected]

yea... so just send all your invites here. I'm looking for ptp and what.cd but I'll take anything.



hey you guys should send me in invite bc im lazy thanks

[email protected]


not sent ;)

that's rude

your rude fammy-o

>Mod Note:
Due to various circumstances AotF has suffered quite a delay and as compensation we'll have a special feature during the next four weeks for a aotf per week.
Just like any other aotf, each pick will remain their two week freeleech period, their respective threads stickied on this sub forum with the only change being the frontpage highlight which will be reduced to one week to make space for the newest aotf.
Based Ch1

hey guys can you check your private tree house club for "real python" it's some 60$ ebook

I would but I just got cabal banned.

>Wild.Child.2008.BluRay.Remux.1080p.VC 1.DTS HD.MA.5.1 Baer


be a little faggot and watch the witch or something then

Based as fuck

holy shit /ptg/. What would you do if you had admin access to an elite music private tracker?

post bbc on the front page
delete all torrents

give myself a ton of buffer, make a backdoor, tell the staff about a possible bug only after i've finished exploiting all uses of it
then still have the backdoor for when i'm feeling devilish

A fucking Truffaut remake? Pure heresy

If you get banned from a cabal tracker, do you also get automatically banned from every other cabal tracker where you had an account with the same name?

depends how you were banned

Let's say sending dick pics as staff pm?

Are there specific parameters or is it up to the staff to decide?

probably not (in fact fux0r used to encourage it)
as with everything it's up to the staff of whichever trackers you're on to decide what happens with your account there
if people are banned across a wide array of sites, they most likely broke a (strict) rule across all of those sites, and the staff simply shared the info with each other

shut it down. piracy is bad.

The Witch is kino tho

>tfw when first encode
>eta 6 hours

What's a good tracker for CS reference material?

Sup cuck



Master, teach me your ways. I'm merely a peasant trying to reach the level of greatness that you possess!

HDBits down for everyone?

Cross-referencing the last 10 IPs who accessed my site in the last 5 minutes. You are marked, boy.


What has HDB to offer that PTP and BTN don't have

dicks to suck
go read the wiki faggot

It doesn't have anything about what I ask retard

The best internal encoders in the business. And now they're banning people who up internals elsewhere, good luck getting them if you're not on HDB.

K. but how do they know who is doing this

>they're banning people who up internals elsewhere

assuming tens (or hundreds? don't know) download the file

i don't care go read it anyways faggot

>White trackers are either open or not known to cooperate much with the cabal, but they aren't known for shitty practices either
top kek

They'll look at peerlists and co-operate with other trackers. If you just do it once or twice on some curry tracker you're probably safe, but if you repeatedly do it they will find out eventually.

Is it acceptable to send a recruiter one PM a week if the don't respond? If they have stated that you should send a reminder after a week of no response?

But they always upload HDB internals to PTP and AHD

Let me guess, Chunkylover54 from AHD? Don't bother.

could be yur1 the autist too, they match each other when it comes to being a cunt

why do people even bother making handjobs of blockbusters
>they suck be design
>discourage decent nogroup encoders who know what they're doing to make an encode if the HJ isn't trumpable
waste of space tbqvhwyf
I get the whole an SD HJ is better than nothing and theoretically they should be released within 24 hours of the remux/bd - 36 hours max
maybe ptp can pile all that into its own category.

ironically the only aspect of these HJ's that require any bit of real knowledge is making the source vs encode avs, which is arduous but lights out in contrast to the skill required to make it vs a proper x264 encode

>claiming they care that much

>some users where automatically promoted

This is a """""""""""""""""""""""""""top-tier""""""""""""""""""""""""""" private tracker

Is musicalmind an asshole? I've read very bad things about him. Should I just take the AHD route for HDB?

which route? do they recruit in ahd?