Whats better dvd-r or dvd+r

whats better dvd-r or dvd+r
or does it matter at all

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flash drives

They're nearly identical. DVD+R grants you more recording abilities and the ability to write on multiple layers.

Also this

Poorfag can't afford rw dual layers

- since in some stores the sell only +

OP here
The reason I ask is because I need to distribute a few hundred dvds with a single video on them for a summer camp promotion thing

I dont think im gonna hand out a 100+ flash drives

>whats better dvd-r or dvd+r

dvd+r is newer, the design more robust and less prone to high frequency degradation, allows booktyping & some other niche features

use +r unless you need backwards compatibility with first-gen DVD players.

USB stick since 15 years ago or so

Oh, go -r if it's cheaper. It really doesn't matter in that case.

calling a flash drive a USB stick is gay af just saying
its one step above "pen drive" which is the worst

>a single video
can't you fit that on a CD?

Bluray rw+

>summer camp
Kids today don't have dvd drives, gramps.

dvd-r has better compatibility with literally ancient hardware
dvd+r has a few extra features and slightly different size

i remember old sony players and early macs refusing to use dvd+r

DVD-R if you're burning PS2 games. DVD+R DL for burning 360 games. If you're doing general purpose storage or DVD-Video, burn DVD+R unless you have absolutely ancient DVD drives.

>What are gaming consoles
>What are blue ray players
>red box still exists and is making good money

Right, CD's are a grandpa's technology and no one knows how to use them these days.

>flash drive
but user, it doesn't even use adobe flash...

They're called jump drives you fucking moron

Why not just upload to YouTube and give out the link ?

you ignorant faggot baiter

>Look i'm so retarded, i'm so funny

Why do you reply to people like that?

>Calling a zip disquette a "flash drive".

It's all digital now.

This, or any other video hosting server

If you want to be cool and modern, hand out well designed event cards with a url to your YouTube upload plus a QR code for a quick jump to it. Kids got those smartphone apps and 3DS for QR.