>can't watch videos as you torrent the first few minutes of it, it has to be finished
>cant pause slow torrents and automatically resume it when everything else is finished

Other urls found in this thread:



don't forget

>ignores global maximum number of connections
>email notifications doesn't work at all, nor does it write to .log

That's what you get for using freetard software. utorrent master race

if you dont like it, use something other, retard

but everything else is shit, that's the point



>learn to program
>make your own

>it's the softwares fault i'm an idiot

>can't watch videos as you torrent the first few minutes of it, it has to be finished

who the fuck does this? can't wait another 10 seconds for your downloads to finish?

>le "ur ports are at fault" meme
>upnp is turned on by default

>being this poor
>2020 - 4

this is actually a stupid argument, there are stuff you cant buy anymore for a reasonable price

>"wahhhh I want to be entertained for free! I deserve it, I'm a NEET!"

I bet you'd vote for Bernie Sanders if you were old enough to vote


Entitlement is literally the cornerstone of gen x's failure.

>thing X isn't sold anymore
>only way to obtain it is to buy second hand
>don't even get to support creators this way

not to mention that torrents are a good way of filesharing when you don't want to stress servers of someone who's offering shit for free

kill yourself, your bait is shit and your arguments are retarded

>implying this hard
am i being baited?
please google me a retailer who sells visual studio 2003 pro, cause i need that specific version to maintain the companys legacy programs... idiot

Then maybe you shouldn't consume it at all faggot.

>I have the right to deny people's copyrights
>no corporation x shouldn't be allowed to violate much GPL.

Fuck off.

>wahh im a fucking retard and i choke on jewish cocks

I bet you'd vote for Trump if you were old enough to vote

are you going to do something about it?

oh, okay then

>its not available on the market anymore
>so don't consume it
much logic, indeed

Stalled only happens if there aren't any seeds and it has features for streaming video and queuing torrents. Try breathing through your nose.

>it has features for streaming video and queuing torrents

no it doesnt

>stream torrent media files
>Torrent queuing, filtering, and prioritizing

>everything on wikipedia is right!


>fuck i got btfo maybe if i pretend to be retarded now he will think i was pretending all along

i'll take your bait, now go show me where in the options this so called "stream" feature is

>spoonfeed me

thought so cuck, now off you go

I found the correct answer by searching and clicking the first link. Unfortunately I cannot post it here as Sup Forums is not tech support. Try using my secret technique in the future so you won't have to make a thread and make yourself look like a sperg.

>Sup Forums is not tech support
not this meme again, cmooon

>lives in era when internet is so fast you can literally stream 1440p video
>in era when virtually anything is available in some version or another completely for free
>era when processing speeds are reaching such groundbreaking levels that one could literally simulate the processes in the middle of a motherfucking supernova

"I have to wait literally seconds for the first minutes of my video to download before I can begin streaming it! This sucks!"

I think you're too le stupid to use it xDDD
It works fine on my GNU/Linux cuckware!!!
I have autism. Please don't mock me


I am mocking you.

>can't watch videos as you torrent the first few minutes of it, it has to be finished
>cant pause slow torrents and automatically resume it when everything else is finished
>no it doesnt
Why are you lying?
At first I thought this was some campaign by MAFIAA/Bittorrent Inc. to get people on board of propietary backdoored software like uTorrent
Though, I'm fine if people jump ship to other FOSS software like Transmission
So, just use Transmission-qt if you're somehow too dumb for qBT, though Transmission is harder than qBT

utorrent is the master race. It's fast, tiny, and works perfectly.

>b-b-b-but muh bitcoin
Just use version 2.2.1

>using software connected to the internet with known CVE's
Enjoy being part of a literal botnet, I really hope you don't end up DoS'ing the trackers you use

he didn't know how to do it so he posted bait hoping someone would answer him

I'm safe. Utorrent is very secure

>>can't watch videos as you torrent the first few minutes of it, it has to be finished
Yes you can, doesn't work with certain codecs though. So most likely you're a retard who tried to do this with a codec that doesn't support this.

If qBit is bad what's a better alternative?

You think mp4 is a codec.


>Not joining the rtorrent masterrace
>not just ssh to stream videos and music from your personal fileserver/seedbox
kill yourself

>not using pico torrent


Anyone tried transmission on windows yet? I've been using ut 2.2.0 for ages now and I feel like it's time to try something more recent, though I don't want to waste 2 days to sync 4TB of torrents to find out later that it's worse than qbt...

it's okay for causal use, if you treat it like the download manager of your web browser and not a fulltime seeding solution

move to µTorrent

Wait for Transmission, not Transmission-qt, to become stable, Transmission-qt is a little bit buggy thanks to Qt
Also, you should use a NAS with rTorrent, there's little point in having your main PC serve as storage and as seedbox

if it eve rhappens. all you do is alt or ctrl click all of them and froce resume. neve rhappens again. anyway. transmission works

I fell for the qbittorent meme because Sup Forums told me it was better than utorrent 2.2.1

I migrated my over 200 JAV torrents to qbittorrent, torrents with just 1 seed that usually worked fine albeit a low speeds on uttorent would stall on qbittorent and they would not download no matter what.

Some JAV videos are old as fuck or forgotten and some can take months to download which is not possible with qbittorent because once stalled it will not download evne when seeds connect.

Fuck you qbittorent just drop dead you're useless.

I use qbittorrent 3.1.12 and my torrents are shit from kat.cr and they always download full speed because it finds tons of DHT peers.

for some reason most of the trackers usually report "not working" though

>Wait for Transmission, not Transmission-qt
how comes they didn't release an official binary yet? I've seen the source code but I doubt it can be compiled in mingw on windows.

I fixed it by removing settings and it works again, as I probably fucked some shit here like enabling IPv6 or queuing and changing interface.

Most of them aren't working, most public trackers are kill, no one cares or notices since DHT and PeX can find enough peers for most torrents

Learn how to pirate

never ever saw this shit
how do i get one of these?

Deluge master race.

Wat the fuc am i watiching?


>>can't watch videos as you torrent the first few minutes of it, it has to be finished

Who the fuck does that?
Why are you even streaming the videos in the first place if you're torrenting them

>gets stuck in infinite loop after 30 minutes
>resizing the window causes display bugs

>using qbittorrent

Use case: previewing a movie in order to check for its encoding quality.
But OP is apparently just too dumb to enable sequential downloading.

Brilliant. However, it's not like other torrent clients don't get "stalled", they simply do not tell you.

Have fun dealing with the MPAA

I'm getting tire of this bullshit too. Sadly there's not a single FOSS alternative.

Lol this faggot

>tired of bullshit that has already been debunked


this is unironically perfect

I just returned to mtorrent because of constant i/o error.