Custom Sup Forums CSS thread?

Post your own, or improve on mine. It's far from perfect.

If you didn't know you can add your own CSS to Sup Forums.
Press Settings in upper right corner, expand Miscellaneous, check Custom CSS, press Edit and paste your CSS. Or use mine.

* {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
width: 70%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 10px;
.globalMessage, #toggleMsgBtn, hr, .sideArrows {
display: none;
.boardBanner, .navLinks, #togglePostFormLink, #blotter {
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 25px;
.postContainer, .reply {
width: 100%;
#quote-preview {
width: auto;
div.reply {
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #444;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.reply .file {
margin: 10px -10px 0 -10px;
.file {
background-color: #444;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
text-indent: 15px;
.replyContainer {
border: 0px solid #444;
.highlight {
width: 100%;
background-color: red;
.threadHideButton {
top: 11px;
left: 11px;
position: relative;
.postInfo {
top: -3px;
position: relative;
input[type="checkbox"] {
top: 2px;
position: relative;
.opContainer .postInfo {
top: 15px;
.opContainer .postMessage {
top: 15px;
.opContainer img {
margin-top: -3px;
margin-bottom: 6px;
margin-left: -20px;
.replyContainer img {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-bottom: -5px;
margin-left: -10px;
.threadHideButton {
left: 32px;
position: relative;
.opContainer .fileText {
position: relative;
left: 25px;
.opContainer .postMessage {
position: relative;
top: 10px;
.reply.highlight, .reply:target {
padding: 10px;
background-color: #282a2e!important;
border: 1px solid #81a2be!important;
outline: 1px solid #81a2be!important;

Other urls found in this thread:

speak to a layman, how do I do this in firefox? because your settings are beautiful

Use pastebin, you fucking retard.

Congrats it's the same as default but black.

Install Stylish addon, make new style, make it apply to Sup domain, paste code, save.

I feel bad for being a dick, sorry and have a bump.

I didn't use Stylish, but I'm sure that works just as well. I wrote how I did it in the OP.
>Press Settings in upper right corner, expand Miscellaneous, check Custom CSS, press Edit and paste your CSS. Or use mine.

No no. The black theme is Sup Forums's own. You can select it in the bottom right corner. Yotsuba B is default, I use Tomorrow.
The CSS I pasted makes everything centered, ever post the same width, and a few more tweaks. Just look at the OP image.
It's alright. Thanks for the bump.

.prettyprint .deadlink {
text-decoration: none !important;

Simple and essential styling to making sure >>> in code blocks is displayed right

Thank you for sharing.

Here's how my customized Sup Forums looks

I'm waiting for that nigga with the all-black custom CSS.


hey guys check out my script for this! comes with a ton of themes.



How are you liking opera compared to ff or chrome?

A lot better, it feels good like Chrome but doesn't stand out from the rest of my programs like Chrome does, plus I can use Chrome addons

Recently unbanned squad who up???


I saw a good one that had Lana from Archer in the corner before. Does anyone have the CSS for that one?

Great! Thanks for this CSS, but it does stretch out the navigation arrows into a long ugly bar.

This is mine, I guess it's pretty much complete but I don't want to post it to Stylish yet.
Got some commented out sections to fix, colour schemes to add, other fun shit.

Forgot about that since I use Stylish for lots of sites.

Never seen this issue, but I'll add it to mine, thanks.

Always thought this was an alternative to Sup Forums X not an addon. Will look into it.

Loving those browser tabs.

How do I apply a CSS on top of 4chanx?
I've been using OniiChan to style it for now, and I'm looking for alternatives

You can use stylish, greasemonkey, or here