Why google is still using this new recaptcha?

Why google is still using this new recaptcha?

Other urls found in this thread:


To teach robots you dumbshit

You realize it's to feed their image recognition network to benefit their self driving cars and google image similarity search

This was already done on recaptcha 1.0

Learn English, you retarded shit stain.

That wasn't effective enough

What's wrong with the sentence?

Wow you are dumb as fuck to think the same thing is being taught in both cases

Please leave my thread.

fuck you, I was trying to help your dumb ass

>Wow you are dumb as fuck
> I was trying to help
Please leave, redditor.

>getting butthurt for being called a dumbass
Please leave, redditor

>Why google is still using
Should be:
>Why is Google still using

Not it shouldn't, retard. Get back to your shit third-world.

I'm not going back to Israel.

mind control

Yes, but it's original purpose was to OCR books

It's "Why is Google..." retard. That user is right.

hello darkness my old friend..
I wanna bail this hell hole too (sy)

daily reminder

Wew thanks g/-man.

Much better.

Thanks, g-chan.

>he doesn't know what a cache is
>he thinks it's SJWs' fault that his Firefox is slow


Literally doesn't work for me.
I ended up typing over 30 before I gave up and went back to images.

I like the new CAPTCHA. I don't have to use my keyboard.

My best girl is my wife.

>Why google is still using this new recaptcha?
I'm not the guy that calle dyou a shitstain, but you put the "is" in the wrong place (and didn't capitalize "Google").

>Why google is still using this new recaptcha?

Should be:

>Why is Google still using this new recaptcha?

but toshino a shit

We're doing google's work. For free.
And I've been playing along because muh AI
But the fucking captcha gives the greenlight and then I get the message "you seemed to have mistyped the captcha" or fucking wants me to solve 2 or even 3 instances. Fuck google. Fuck Hirodama and fuck moot for putting that piece of shit there in the first place

It helps train the NN used for image searches.

I fucking hate working for Google for free.

But I can't think of any better way to prevent spam here

Do any other websites do something better?

Recaptcha legacy have been working well to prevent spam.

Moot literally sold your souls to Google and now he works for them.

> Пoкyпкa пaccкoдa пoзвoляeт oбхoдить кaпчy. [Узнaть бoльшe]

Passcodes only useful for mobiles.

>they banned desktop threads
>Sup Forums itself is a anime imageboard (or so Sup Forums claims)

>select every street number until there's no one left
fuck you google

Please speak English Ivan, I don't know vodka runes yet

Try clicking on the image to get a new one.

Doesn't pressing backspace when the entry field is empty load a new one, or is that only in appchan x?

>click on all the burgers
can't make this shit up.

Don't you know that Sup Forums is now russian-speaking website? cyka blyat. You should embrace russian or leave.