Programming ideas

Does anyone of you have any ideas for a semi beginner programmer

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I have one idea; kill yourself.

ya, get gud kid

Make a database that collects Sup Forums posts and keep statistics on the most frequently said words. Try to project births of memes.

implement a prinf function

make a program that gives you more ram

Write a script to automatically install gentoo


Writing an implementation of this was my first personal project and it was pretty fun. Find some decent tutorials on SDL or start out by using ncurses. Also, don't expect productive answers here.

Install Gentoo

why is Sup Forums so cringeworthy nowadays?

Not OP but that sounds fun.

chess engine

go to project euler.

Make a virus.

Eq.: Make a transparent GUI and place a picturebox init. Then write a code for moving the object to random places while the program makes around 30 files on the desktop. After that reboot the computer.

hello world! xD

page 164 tells you how to make insecure programs, the c bible is shit.


Fucking millennial

this is a good answer

Write a program that finds all the prime numbers up to a given number
Write your own implementation of Conway's Game of Life

anybody had any success with this? I've been trying, but can't seem to get it working

bump for knowledge

Thats a frigging wonderfull idea xD Data analysis ftw!

I'm working through the exercises in "Pointers on C" and one of them in the chapter I'm on is to implement a simplified printf function that handles %d, %f, %s and%c . I haven't started it yet, but can I post the code from the instructor's manual if you want

*but I can post

make a program that sets up a schedule for a spots league using this formula: