Should everyone learn CS?

Should everyone learn CS?

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Yes. When learning cs, you learn some of the basics of computer functionality.

No, Counter Strike is and always has been shit.

lel faggot probs don't know how to eco round properly




>See that? That's encryption! That's what allows the bad guys to win. We don't need that.
>Yeah, kill encryption!
>That's the spirit, young lady.

Do you think the nigger rapes her afterwards or do niggers only rape whites?

CS has nothing to do with computers

No No No No No
>>No Fucking No!

>what is computer architecture

People should learn what they want to learn.

Kids should study at the school their parents want them to attend.

Let people figure out their own shit.

No. People think that coding makes you an IT guru, which is utter nonsense. You can learn basic coding within a very short time and then you'll still have no fucking clue on how computers work.

People needn't learn to code but considering the importance of computers nowadays, people should have a basic understanding of computers and general IT.

A lot of people compare computers with cars and how since they don't know jack shit about cars, others don't need to know about computers but that's just stupid people talk. A car is a mode of transportation, while computers are almost everybody's tools for work, study, hobbies, communication, and so on and so forth.

If you don't have a car, you'll be fine. If you don't have any computer device (cell phone, calculator, digital watch even) you're fucked.

Should everyone learn how to operate a computer? Definitely. Should they learn how to program? I think it would be useful to a lot of people that don't think it would.

CS is a different thing and is something you learn at university in case you are truly interested. It's definitely not for everyone.

best answer

Should everyone learn analysis, topology and other pure math subjects? Fuck no. Should everyone learn at least some mathematics? Definitely.

I think the answer for computer science is very similar. If done so in an interesting way, introducing children to programming could engage them an help them to develop their ability to reason.

>No No No No No
>>>No Fucking No!
No No No No No
>>No Fucking No!No No No No No
>>No Fucking No!No No No No No
>>No Fucking No!

Yes though

Does that chart apply to SQLite too?

>>Install Gentoo
>>Stop learning Shit

>Computer Science has nothing to do with computers
kys you'reself

I think so, yes.

Cool, thanks. I haven't done a JOIN yet, but it'll be nice to know how when the time comes.

lmao NO. Everyone has unique skills they will develop for life that differ from everyone else. Not everyone can become a computer programmer, artist, chef, aircraft pilot, roadman, ect. We all have things we will be good at but they will never be the same skills.

If everyone was forced to learn CS then a lot of kids would have this extremely dangerous ideal that they could all become competent computer programmers. Then they'll grow up, get a CS degree and have miserable lives because they didn't lead a profession they were dedicated and passionate about.

People should know the basics of how cars work too, unless they're okay with their mechanic fucking them blindly.

computational science

once upon a time people were called computers

Yeah, in 1893.

Should everyone learn Sociology?

Computers were actually big ass calculators and someone sat inside the box following the steps of the CPU. People also had to use punch cards to rent out time with a computer, and someone had to decide how to do all the work rented out manually, instead of a processer just multitasking.
This was as recent as like the 1950s/1960s.

Computer Science degrees were mainly held by women back then.


No because sociology is immature af

A subject studied in computer engineering.

Yes. People should definitely have a basic understanding of how the social hierarchy works and how it effects people. I'm not saying they need to get a bachelor's but they should know some basics.

Tbh, if I had control over the public school cirriculum, I would change it to focus on the following:
-Math through Algebra, with an option to continue higher with Math or branch to Physics, Chemistry, or high level Economics.
-basic economics
-basic CS
-Sociology/History(a focus on History in 1st-7th grade with Sociology taking over 8th grade on)
-Nutrition/Cooking/Health class
-Phys Ed for a minimum 150 mins a week
-Every year a science class rotates including Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.
-English grammar through 8th grade. No literature. People can force Shakespeare down their throat on their own time.

Then I'd drop standardized tests on young kids, but I'd have a mandated life skills test on 11 and 12th graders to make sure they know enough to be self sufficient, especially with things like economics and nutrition.

All kids are forced to wear uniforms and everyone gets free ice cream on fridays.

I want to say yes to an extent, in that people should be aware how their computers work but people drive cars without knowing how they work so I guess it doesn't matter.

There are far more important things people should learn that they don't teach. They should totally cover those things first


Companies need more people coding for less

Yes but not the Karli Kloss way. That's not learning.

No. Especially not women, blue haired feminist hambeasts, POCs, or trannies.

He's a black man, not a filthy cia nigger


I like my salary the way it is...

>Should everyone learn CS?
Already CS grads are flipping burgers, do you want more competition? Especially from pretty young girls?