I have 16gb of RAM and an SSD

I have 16gb of RAM and an SSD.
Do I need a pagefile?
pic unrelated.

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Do you need that tiny bit of space on your SSD?

Are using more than 75% of your RAM?

>falling for that many memes

Not really, it's 1TB.
I was aiming more for extending the life of my ssd than saving space.


I get the disabling the pagefile bit being a meme, but 16gb of RAM and an SSD are both pretty solid.

I am not sure but I remember hearing some windows programs can have issues if you don't
have at least a small pagefile (~1GB).

Thanks for the beautiful wallpaper, OP. And no you dont really need a pagefile but its still recomended to make one of at least 256MB.

I bought a seperate SSD just for pagefile and VM image use. If you're not a poorfag just grab another SSD, they're dirt cheap these days.

I believe some older Windows software expect a pagefile no matter how much ram you have.

I did some reading and crash logs arent saved if I have no page file on windows, so I suppose I'll keep a small one.

Collegefag and the machine in question is my laptop with only one hard drive slot.

You wouldn't happen to remember the names of a few that do, would you?
Not trying to call you out, just curious.

Alright so that brings up the next question since I dualboot winblows and Manjaro Linux.
With 16gb of ram and an ssd, do I need a swap partition on linux?

Remove the DVD drive and put a HDD bay in there.

Ayyy you dumb shit nigger, enjoy your performance degradation until it becomes a giant usb drive.

Shit hadn't thought of that.
Now I have a weekend project, thanks.

If you're on windows only 80% of the 16gb is useable by default for stability reasons. If you don't have a page file and near that point it'll force close apps.

You can disable this 80% rule and make it go all the way up to 100%, but then if you don't have a page file you're system will fault and you'll get a nice blue screen and corruption.

t. Idiot who doesn't understand ssds

So I should change that rule to allow 100% RAM consumption but keep a page file?

If you use that much ram yes, a pagefile is a safety net.

If you're not using that much then i wouldn't worry about it, any unused ram will be used for caching safely.

t. idiot who doesnt unerstand VMs

You clearly don't, nor have any experience with using an VM image on an SSD.

"How Big Should I Make the Paging File?"

Sorry, yeah you´re right, I was thinking of VMs in servers where many run alongside each other on the same disk. Dismiss this.

you don't need a page file if you don't seem like be using all the RAM,
If you expect to use the full thing while working on some heavy stuff, you better use a pagefile.
By disable the page file and other unnecesary things like hibernation or fast boot you will save your SSD from those extra writing cycles that shorten its lifespan

OP here, asking again if I need a swap partition on Linux with an SSD and 16 of gb ram.
Is it the same deal as with windows?

If you plan to use more than 75% of the ram use a pagefile

Do you plan to hibernate?


Not really.

>I did some reading and crash logs arent saved if I have no page file on windows, so I suppose I'll keep a small one.

You can't even determine if you need a pagefile and you think that crash logs will be of use? Do you even know what they are? Do you know where to find them? How do you plan opening them? What happens when you extract information from them?

fuck outta here with your tech support questions

You use VM? If not, you don´t need pagefile.

I haven't used a pagefile since 2012 after upgrading to 16GB of RAM, and I NEVER had any problems. Useless to keep one hogging drive I/O.

I see you too fell for the 16GB ram meme


I dont need a page file and I have 8 gigs