Why the fuck do people use Firefox?

> 'modern' browser

> Can't even play youtube 1080p

> Shitty scrolling method

> Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome(ium)

Why does Sup Forums sperg out over this shitty browser?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why the fuck do people use Firefox?

Because I like it.

haha epic post man

it just werks

I just tried chrome and it is much faster than Firefox at loading websites. Just missing my all in one sidebar extension.

This. Deal with it, shitlord.

>Can't even play youtube 1080p
Stop using shitty Firefox rebrands.

why the fuck do you care ? get out of your mothers basement and get a life

lel what, I'm on Linux Mint and it can't even play 1080p with my GTX 760.


>Can't even play youtube 1080p
Currently playing a 60fps 1080p video in one window while shitposting on Sup Forums in another

fucking nigger faggot OP

I play fucking 4k on youtube with no troubles

decent false flag. 6/10

Chrome is nice but it's pretty fucking bloated... I really wish they would release a light weight alternative.

>Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome(ium)

Like Chrome Lite?



Chrome is Botnet, Chromium is Botnet, everything else is shit

(except for derivatives of Firefox such as GNU/Icecat)

>Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome(ium)

That begs the question of why you like it then.

>Terrible contextual menus
I don't care about pin/unpin

fucking sjw. you mad tranny faggot?

>Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome
the fucking irony is that chrome doesnt even let you edit the actual chrome (if you even know what that actually is, probably not you're a dumb shit) with custom code

>> Can't even play youtube 1080p

Try not having a toaster for a PC.

>Can't play Youtube 1080p
Yes it can
>Shitty scrolling method
If you're referring to smooth scroll, you can turn it off
>Less customizable out of the box
What the fuck?

Sounds like you're the one that's mad. °_° lol

I just opened 13 different tabs playing 1080 youtube videos at once and they all played perfectly.

Windows 7 Ultimate
Firefox 45.0.2

werks on my machine

sadpanda add-on

is firefox "developer edition" any good

Do you have autism or something? Faster to edit a cookie than install it.

booru extractor add-on

vivaldi has that OOTB :^]

I don't. I use Cyberfox. Which has far more customization than your beloved Iridium.
That's not begging the question is, you fucking CBS Evening News viewer.

>not using Opera and it's built in adblock and VPN

> Can't even play youtube 1080p
works fine on my machine
> Shitty scrolling method
works fine on my machine
> Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome(ium)

The icon looks cool, that's why.

>tfw you'll never rub your finger on the icon and feel the spikes in the fox's tail, to the right of the logo

I usually just watch YouTube videos in Chrome that I have running next to Firefox

Does anyone else have problems with Firefox and YouTube, where if you leave the same session open for long enough, YouTube's player will start crashing and giving errors? As soon as I restart the browser, they go away.
Also, does anyone experience laggy flashes on Firefox?

I agree
Compared to firefox addons chrome can't do shit.

The only "problem" I have with Firefox is that sometimes when I boot my computer, a firefox process is already running, and when I open it myself (thinking it isn't running) it doesn't load the bookmarks. I have to kill the 2 processes and start again for it to work correctly.

Both it's adblock and vpn are shit

Flames, you retard. It's fire.

Otherwise they'd have called it Spikeyfox.

Opera masterrace. Native adblock and built in vpn. And dank speed dial.

>firefox has problems with flash
literally every firefox user ever. it apparently "leaks memory", aka hogs a lot of it. to the point where it can give you blue screens

be sure you're always using the latest version and reopen firefax from time to time so it doesn't burn your computer

I don't think so, they are too straight to be flames, if they were flames it would be more obvious than that.

I understand your frustration though. You just lost an internet argument. Here is a cute fox to cheer you up!

>they are too straight to be flames
Artistic license, dude.
>if they were flames it would be more obvious than that.
It's literally in the name, plen.

Thanks for the fox, but it seems like it's more suited as a tonic for you than me.

Speed dial is nothing special.

Anyways, enjoy yer Chinaman's botnet.

I am genuinely too used to operas speed dial for bookmarking my shit. Could be force of habbit as I used to use opera pre chromium lobotomy.

Well glad it works for you.

I just can't really see that as a selling point, coming from someone that got familiar with Opera

Why do you even use linux if it can't do something as simple as playing a fucking video?

Why the fuck are you crying about Linux when this thread has nothing to do with Linux?

>OP never mentions linux
you fuckin' people, I swear

>get firefox
>still can't play flash stuff
>can't watch a twitch stream
i know that flash is pretty much dying but i wish i had a way to use flash stuff without having to install flash

Windows shills finally won.

Linux is the RULE, the STANDARD, not the exception.

Watch streams on Hitbox then. It's used HTML5 for a long time and the community is nowhere near as cancerous.

Speak English.

Chinese botnet

im not an female fetus so the chinese dont give a shit about me

Learn English first before you use this site, it helps.

If you can't parse that, you're ESL or underaged, or just very stupid. Possibly all three.

Livestreamer + Twitch GUI

E d g y

> Getting this triggered over someone using a different distro than you

w e w

Leave now. Never come back.


Is cyberfox good?

Firefox is a resource hog. I like it, but it's so fucking slow.

>Read on Sup Forums that Pale Moon is awesome
>Download it
>Seems to run pretty smooth, the old FF interface is nice
>Go on youtube
>Everything is shit, no 1080p, no 4K, no 60FPS
>Search for solution
>Find the official forum
>Autistic Pale Moon devs refuse to implement any form of MSE
>"720p is good enough"
>"Flash exploits are mostly a problem when you are going to sites that you shouldn't"
>"I can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p"
>"this whole "60 fps" kick everyone is on is just plain silly"

holy fuck

>>"I can't tell the difference between 1080p and 720p"
>>"this whole "60 fps" kick everyone is on is just plain silly"
holy fuck! reaaaally?

>Sup Forums cucks actually believe this
Great post. Sup Forums will actually comply



They can't accept the fact that Firefox is becoming a Chrome clone.

-My Firefox browser can play youtube videos at 4K flawlessly

-Scrolling is fine

-It's very customisable

Firefox doesn't want your information, Chrome is for true faggots


Firefox is dead. Been using it since 0.1 (Phoenix) and it's gone to absolute shit now. Use literally anything else not based on Mozilla's shit code.

>Can't even play youtube 1080p

They are autistic as fuck only TVDB is more autistic than Pale Moon devs

>unless the video is maximized

People don't watch in full screen? Jesus

6/10 bait

>this botnet shill thread again


This is a good example scenario of how developers don't often know what's good for their product because they don't use it. A lot of devs are autists who sit around and code all the time and use ancient websites. And they work on cutting edge programs.

Years ago I remember the ZSNES devs wouldn't add 240p support to the program because software scanlines were "good enough" for them.

Shieeeet! Zsnes... hahaha holy fuck
this thing is dead, right?

Zsnes was god-tier when PC's were shitty faggot
Not like you'd know

>'modern' browser
It works fine for most sites.

>Can't even play youtube 1080p
Maybe if you have a shit computer. Works fine for me.

>Shitty scrolling method
It's literally one of the only browsers on Linux that supports autoscrolling. I love it for that reason

>Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome(ium)
Nigga, what the FUCK have you been smoking? I use Firefox specifically for its great addon support and customization options. Chrome/Chromium don't even come close.

Calm down.

It bothers me that Edge takes 8-10% of my 7 year old Xeon when playing 1080p youtube but firefox hovers around 36%.

>> Can't even play youtube 1080p
>lel what, I'm on Linux Mint and it can't even play 1080p with my GTX 760.


I swear you fucking retards who need to be spoonfed everything should kill yourself and do the gene pool a favour

>Can't even play youtube 1080p

Bullshit! I can play videos in 4k, 2k, 1080p, 720p or whatever resolution.

>Shitty scrolling method

Are you kidding? Firefox has better scroll of Chrome.


> Less customizable out of the box compared to Chrome

g8 b8 m8.

Resuming: werks on my machine. :^)

>Why the fuck do people use Firefox?
Let's face it: All current browsers are shit.
Firefox (Nightly) is the only solution, since it's possible to customize it to be nice, eyecandy, fast and not a botnet. No other browser provides this.

If you can't configure FF yourself, you don't know what you are talking about and should end yourself for creating a thread about browsers while not even being able to configure a browser correctly.

How about you stop spoonfeeding them?

But it is.
>Can't even play youtube 1080p
Fix your gstreamer. Or use mpv like a sane person.
>Shitty scrolling method
>Less customizable out of the box compared to chromium

Ok now your straight up wrong.
>Stylish for the UI
>About:Config (these changes you would have to recompile to achieve on chromium)

Add ons and ability to sync between android and my PC. When there's a viable alternative I'll switch right away.

I love it.

Tons of UI customization.

Use Cyberfox.

I switched to it from Pale Moon after Pale Moon just got too irritating.

Come back to me when Chrome has tree style tabs and noscript.

It has uMatrix, which is better.

>How about you stop spoonfeeding them?

so they or other people in this thread stop perpetuating the myth that 'hurr firefox can't play youtube 1080p' just because they can't configure their firefox on linux or use a distro where they don't have to configure it

I'm kinda bored of Firefox. Any suggestions for a new one?
I don't care for Chrome or Edge much either.

>Can't even play youtube 1080p