What is your favorite WM and/or DE?

What is your favorite WM and/or DE?

I like openbox

Other urls found in this thread:



I like openbox too but right now my favorite is XFCE.


i3 is the best, no question.

Wallpaper please.

i find it very difficult to believe that you have never asked this question here, pantsu

I am seriously torn between my i3-gaps setup, and my kde + compiz setup. I'm still not sure what to use. Anyone know what WM is in the OP of the "/qlg/"

Tmux, anything else and you might as well run OS X.

This is a thinly veiled tripfag thread.

But... I like awesome.

I like not having tripfags on the board, especially mentally ill pedophiles. No little girl is going to want to sleep with you, faggot, so fuck off.

Windows Explorer

Mate and xfce but if I have to choose from those two, it'd be xfce

Nice Thread ;)

irc.rizon.net > #Sup Forumsdesktopthread
to discuss, uh, recent events

Why is everybody falling for the tiling meme? It's just not worth the hassle.

It is, unless you're using gaps.


I like openbox.

Here's proof of me using Openbox.

i like openbox also

I look at it like an advanced fullscreen mode

To each their own bro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I guess this is the place to ask.
I want to chain scrot and optipng for lossless tiny screenshots. how do? this doesn't work. Yes, the timestamp is necessary.
scrot -q 100 Pictures/Screenshots/%Y-
%m-%d-%T-scrot.png && optipng Pictures/Screenshots/%Y-%m-%d-%T-scrot.png

I3 is best

dumb tripfag cancer
Do you know that there's a place for your kind of people? It's called REDDIT.

I think you would like it ore Anonymous number 54399714 on board Sup Forums Technology

I don't think so


Whats ur favourite tribe album ?

it turns out just making a script out of it using $(date +) works.

hi mom


icewm with a good theme (almost all defaults are trash)

/w/ is full of weird people and i don't like it
also hey ftbuntu :heart:


>hue look at meeee!!!!
>posting my shitty riced desktop in every thread!!!!11111111

I' sorry if my desktop offends you.

xfce4 cinnamon openbox

gnome 3 is aight too but eh

Do you have a ton of VMs or do you just switch your shit around daily?

I am a master of config switching

I forgot how good Vampire Weekend's first album is

i have too much music and i sometimes forget about some really awesome albums

(boris - flood and cclouddead's st btw)

Nice. I have just been dual booting windows 7 and xfce lately. muh rice days are over

anzu is p cute

Vince is great and so are Boris, I have a bunch of their albums with Merzbow
Never listened to cloud rap, though

I use a login manager so having a bunch of window managers installed isn't too much of a hassle for me


I've never used a WM and I like unity more than xfce and cinnamon


>boris, vince n merzbow

WM means Window Manager? Work Machine? Workspace Manager?

Boris is great

Window manager

Thanks laddy.

My favourite is awesome.


I hope these threads are fixed soon

posting the same bad desktop over and over isn't going to change anything

I never said it would

did anyone ever get a response from the irc?

Yes, I was told nothing could be done and that I needed to submit a query through the feedback forum, which I did
It's kinda funny, my anger towards them and my anger towards the people that got us into this mess balance each other out, so I don't feel too upset about this whole situation, at least for now.


Thanks, and even if it is just for fun, it's something that I've spent most of my day connected to for almost 4 years

I feel the same way desu

don't reply to her posts

weird voice for a female

don't reply to my posts

oh, you think i wasn't here 4 years too? heheh

They can reply to my posts whenever they want

you don't want to be associated with his posts



that's rude


lol nope


Get cucked

menubar name please?



should I set this as my wall y/n

yes, it's cute

ok what about this one

how many workspaces do you have? Have different walls for each or just put them on rotate

Xfce with xmonad(or i3 if you prefer manual layouts) is the best

what about this one

super cute also, post more as we need wallpaper inspiration

go with this one
it has served me well since 2013

this one?

I don't think they even use the feedback forum anymore.
Desktop threads are the most fun I've ever had on the internet desu

how about this one

I need a simple bar config like this pls help anyone guys i know its windows but i cant use it because im a free man

this one was questionable but I checked and it's a girl so it's ok

sorry man, that bblean config is 4 years old.
same desu

nana is a qt

the girls from to love ru are qts but I just can't get through the first season I always quit like halfway through

why is that? I need to watch to love ru darkness 2nd still(probably after i finish aria)

I don't remember, I just know I've tried twice

Are these the new r/a/dio threads?

10/10 wallpapers

Loving the small tits posting.