how can i make linux slower?
How can i make linux slower?
install windows
Run linux inside kvm under virtualbox ontop of vmware.
Oh, don't forget to virtualize every service under different container so you'll run over 1000 lxc services.
That's incredible, you drew that? You should sell your artwork!
stock ubuntu inside virtual box on stock ubuntu inside virtual box on stock ubuntu inside virtual box on stock ubuntu inside virtual box on stock ubuntu.
I didn't draw it, it's from an Oyasumi Punpun thread on
I know you're joking but that is actually a pretty great drawing.
It's a bird.
Nothing, just use the default scheduler.
Not gunna lie, it's my desktop wallpaper now.
for i in {1..$(nproc)}; do python -c "while 1: pass" &; done
This is what i've done so far:
>Set a rather heavy wallpaper
>Installed lots of firefox addons
>Made the unity desktop animations slower
I'm thinking of changing the swappiness value to see if that will do anything, and maybe i can compile a kernel in such a way that will deliver terrible performance
just use unity
sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
try adding a shit ton of addons/extensions to your browser
have you tried setting a rather heavy wallpaper?
thanks user, helped me out a lot
Nice all of the processes that take up most of the time.
Run a spin loop program in the background with maximum priority. Make a copy of it for each of your CPU's cores.
hello production servers, is that you again?
run as many processes as you can in the background
not sure how no one has suggested this
something like while yes firefox&
dumb tripfag cancer
cat /dev/zero > /home/[your username]/testfile
Not really a Linux thing, but you can fuck up your BIOS. Turn off all but one core, underclock everything, raise all RAM timings, etc.
put this in a cronjob to run every minute
:(){ :|: & };:
it's actually a windows simulator.