>listen to this in university library
>"w-wait, why does this sound so muddy?"
>notice everyone is looking at me
>realize headphone was only pushed 50% into laptop and I've been blasting max volume weebshit out of my laptop for the last 45 seconds
Listen to this in university library
Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares that you listen to weebshit. They don't even know who you are and never will. You just done fucked up by making so much noise in a library.
we had this thread like a day ago
Who the fuck listens to anime music? Damnit OP
Oh user, you made me remember when I was fucking 13 in middleschool. I'll greentext it for lols
>Be in computer skills class in 7th grade
>Working on a project or some shit
>Through a friend discover you could listen to 30 second previews of music online
>Would listen to ICP songs through my headphones while working
>One day I have my headphones on, and the music is playing
>Realize I'm not hearing it well because the headphones are blocking the sound, not producing it
>Everyone in the class (including the teacher) could hear the shit I was listening to
>I turn so beat red as I plug the headphones in, turn off the music, and just awkwardly continue working on the project.
>Teacher was most likely so ashamed she didn't even talk to me about it or punish me.
>OPs pic is mfw this happened.
You posted this yesterday and my question wasn't answered. What were you doing in the library that you couldn't do at home?
Im fucking self cringing at my past self, I just fucking can't believe how pathetic I was
study in peace
So you disturb the peace by listening to music?
Something doesn't add up here.
>problems I don't have because I'm not a retard
wew lad
oops didn't see the tripcode. sorry i responded
you deserve that for listening to edgy clown music
I know deep down that I did. Don't listen to that shit anymore though.
this once happened to me but i was listening to the gundam uc ost, the main unicorn theme on constant repeat
for some reason no one stopped me
>offended by tripcodes
>makes shit threads like this
You're not helping the user case.
>lol, I posted it again xD
>Am I cool yet?
>Renai circulation
My nigga
Is this the new 16GibRAM / Non-free javascript pizze type meme?
I want memesters to leave
Oh man i love this thread! I almost forgot the last time it was posted
He also posted Pentium 4, SSD and "headphone ports are so thick" threads
Should have gotten a Cowon DAP.
I liked the 16 GiB RAM ones but none of the rest
you even admit that it is weebshit so why do you listen to it?
This NEET simply does NOT give up.
>le listen to music while "working" meme
neck yourself, nigger.
Probably a bot
One would think, but he's actually doing it by hand.
Is this the new 16GiB meme meme?
>be me
>be child
>1 Tb HDD
>Latest SLI nvidia
>best cpu
>shit, this is getting expensive, time to skimp
>4gb of ram
>breaks in the first year, to autistic to deal with people to get it fixed
>"hey user, how the super computer lol?"
>"Great mom, just great!"
>broken 4000 dollar desk decoration for years.
>witnessed the 44 000 99 repeating digits
I'm not even a nigger but it might as well be true now.
>spent all GBP on 16GB RAM
>call of duty is still slow
>mom won't make me tendies today
Faggot, Platinum Disco is better.
why is weebshit always so upbeat?