Ex-iPhone users that moved to android, are you happy? Why did you do it?

Ex-iPhone users that moved to android, are you happy? Why did you do it?

I'm due for a phone change from my iPhone 5 and I'm thinking about moving to android. Having different hardwares to choose from attracts me. But is it worth leaving Apple for it? My past android experiences weren't really good thb

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i never had an iphone but in my opinion, as a mother, I feel iphones are better because steve jobs is seen globally as a visionary who did great things for mobile computing and the invention of the modern computer

I switched because I saw an Android homescreen thread in some forum. I kind of fell in love with the amount of control you have with Android.

Yes, I was gay before but now I'm straight, thanks Android

Sid you not see the apple music thread on the front page its time to jump ship apple has lost it

i was a bottom, but android has given me the confidence i need to be a top

I switched because of iTunes. I want to plug my phone to my pc and use it like an usb stick.

>Ex-iPhone users that moved to android, are you happy? Why did you do it?
I guess. I did it because I kept running out of storage space and itunes would sometimes crash or freeze during important sync sessions. Had a 16GB iPhone 4S and now have a 16GB Sony Z3 + 128gb microsd card.

>I'm due for a phone change from my iPhone 5 and I'm thinking about moving to android. Having different hardwares to choose from attracts me. But is it worth leaving Apple for it? My past android experiences weren't really good thb
I think so. The additional features and direct USB transfers are definitely worth it. The only thing you have to do to your andrpid phone once you get it is install Nova launcher or another 3rd party launcher to customize the way you want it and get an overall better launcher.

I tried it and hated it

Android is a buggy, slow botnet


I'm happy that I can use my phone with my PC again.
>rootkits use linux so let's just ban all linux from connecting
fucking shit

How about you stop downloading hundreds of loli apps? My iphone 4S became laggy as balls with software "updates". Android doesn't l suffer from this bullshit. All android phones are fast as fuck especially with the Nova launcher installed unless it's a $20 dual-core wallmart phone.


I love my note 5 it is lovely and fast

He's right about the botnet part though fampaitachi.

This was a few years ago so many android has gotten better, but when I had it features would stop working over time and it would get slower

It was like the Windows Vista of phone OSes

>especially with the Nova launcher installed
what the fuck man

It is really dependent on which phone you get. I've been really happy with the quality of my Nexus devices, both hardware on software. They don't come with any bloatware and have regular OS updates.

I've been pretty disappointed by my Samsung devices between the bloatware, pointless replacement of Android components with inferior proprietary Samsung components, and lack of updates.

>android is fast guys I swear just install nova launcher

I want ricerfags to go away forever.

t- android user

And apple isnt a botnet?


Prove it

At least Apple defends user data from the government

Google gives it up freely

It's just the stock google launcher with support for icon packs and shit.

They took copies of this guys self produced music convertes it to lower quality files and the ndeleged the originals all without any sort of input from him as a "service" they can go fuck themselves

Nope if anything iOS is the botnet here. Encryption is a joke on iPhones and there is no way to know how much apple spies on you since their mobile OS is closed source. In addition to this their servers are either poorly secured or full of backdoors (see celebrity leaks) so using their messaging system is very dangerous.

Android is less likely to be a botnet at all since it's open source and people can report or make noise if the android OS is compromised.

I'm the ex-iPhone 4S user btw.

Google collects your data and sells it advertisers/the U.S. government

Iphone user here, why doesn't android has basic universal apps? Every phone seems to have a different clock, phone, contacts, calculator, browser, etc installed. Wouldn't android benefit a lot from being more unified??

I get that different companies make each phone but that is just more work for them. Windows has the same apps for everyone..

>icon packs

General rule:

Apple has better hardware and software. The iPhone has a seriously fast chip in it, and the build quality is still fantastic despite the less than stellar design of the 6 and 6s. Apple knows what they're doing with software, and developers focus on iOS apps much more so than their Android counterparts.

Google has better services and cloud structure. In general, you'll have a better experience using Google's apps than you will Apple's, and the services are usually made free in exchange for the (private) use of your data.

Realistically it's a choice. I personally switched to Android last year because the hardware is "good enough" and the software is getting decent. But Google's experience overall is much better than Apple's, and Apple doesn't seem enthusiastic about changing theirs any time soon. iOS is stale and everyone knows it.

I don't rice that much desu. The only reason I keep recommending the Nova launcher is because stock launchers are sometimes bloated and lack desirable features (ie samshit stock launcher). In addition to this you can turn of Nova transition/animations to make tye launcher as fast as possible which is nice.

In fact the only things I changed on my Z3 with Nova is the desktop grid layout, changed the app drawer app grid a little, and added some widgets. That's pretty much it.

Just leave the stock icons then you faggot.

>see celebrity leaks
They gave away their passwords retard. Icloud never leaked
> Encryption is a joke on iPhones
Hahaha. What the fuck are you talking about? Compared to what? Android?

>muh open source is safer because people can report argument
When will Sup Forums learn?

>At least Apple defends user data from the government

Apple does that as well, probably more so. At least on android you can disable google apps or install a custom ROM if you're batshit paranoid of google.

What about Google?

U cant outrun botnets and i prefer being watched by Google rathert than Apple so for me it was a good switch (4s to z5c)

>Apple does that as well, probably more so
>I swear guys Apple steals data too

No they don't. Google does it because they make a living out of it. Fucking delusional android fanboys.

There are many reasons to dislike apple but why do you have to make shit up?

My iPod touch got stolen so I started using my Android phone as my mp3.

They both have their pros and cons, but for me I've always leaned more towards android.

2 things I miss from ios though are:
1. Battery life of Bluetooth device in status bar
2. Being able to connect to multiple Bluetooth speakers and choose which one you want audio to come out of in the music player

Besides those 2 things, I'm much happier on an Android device over an ios device.

Switched from iphone 6 to the LG V10. Absolutely fucking love it. I was frequent jailbraker and hated waiting for next hack for it so I said fuck it and got a V10 which I've rooted at this point.

Ill probably never go back to the Iphone. The only thing I fully miss is the imessage in areas I don't have service but have wifi. Other wise I'd never go back.


A bit less than Apple percentage-wise. But Google does recieve a lot more requests so total is higher for Google.

Just because Apple is too, doesn't make Android less of one.
Google is/was part of PRISM.
This too: ft.com/cms/s/2/c56d7a58-edc1-11df-9612-00144feab49a.html#axzz154mhsmVO
That whole thing was a PR stroke of genius, but incredibly irresponsible.
So too, did Apple.

>why doesn't android has basic universal apps?
Different OEMs.

>They gave away their passwords retard. Icloud never leaked
lol no they didn't and yes icloud was leaked after hackers found the backdoors/security flaws in it.

>Hahaha. What the fuck are you talking about? Compared to what? Android?

>>muh open source is safer because people can report argument
>When will Sup Forums learn?
You know I used to think like you. Don't worry you'll grow up someday user.

but that is not an excuse. Like I said in my post, windows doesn't have different versions for each different oem

>Fucking delusional android fanboys.
I used to own an iPhone you know.

>There are many reasons to dislike apple but why do you have to make shit up?
Not making shit up just putting it out on the table that apple invades your privacy more than google. Go ahead and show me their iOS source so we can all be rest assured apple doesn't spy on us 24/7. It's okay I can wait.

>lol no they didn't and yes icloud was leaked after hackers found the backdoors/security flaws in it.
Yes it was, just google it retard

1 (old) iphone hacked and it makes the news

Meanwhile on android phones are hacked everyday and nobody gives a fuck

Andoid encryption is a joke compared to iPhones


Right, sorry. It's because the companies want to have some autonomy incase they ever decide to break with Google.

Those apps they use are built off the open source parts of google, but remain divorced from google.

It's insurance, crappy insurance, but in case Google ever kicks them off the gravy train and says those devices can't use Google services, the OEM still has something for their users to use.

Sorry I wasn't thorough.

>Not making shit up just putting it out on the table that apple invades your privacy more than google. Go ahead and show me their iOS source so we can all be rest assured apple doesn't spy on us 24/7. It's okay I can wait.

Its your job to prove it does retard. You can just say something happens because 'i said so'

Good for them but android is divided into separate companies (Sony, LG, Samsung, HTC, ect). Of course they will customize their phones a little. The good news is that if you don't like tye stock apps you can disable most and download better ones from the google playstore. Generally though most stock apps are okay. I still use the stock Sony calculator, calendar, and a few other Sony stock apps since I got my phone.

>Sup Forums ruined my life!

>Meanwhile on android phones are hacked everyday and nobody gives a fuck
Oh you're a paid apple shill? Sorry I almost took you seriously for a moment there.

>Andoid encryption is a joke compared to iPhones
ebin meme senpai


Oh fuck me, I scrolled past the article and it changed the link. Here's the actual link.


Oh look a reasonable argument on Sup Forums

holy shit, nice quints senpai.


Thanks. I was afraid they might go unchecked. Those are some nice 8s yourself.

>Right, sorry. It's because the companies want to have some autonomy incase they ever decide to break with Google

>It's insurance, crappy insurance, but in case Google ever kicks them off the gravy train and says those devices can't use Google services, the OEM still has something for their users to use.

That doesn't make any sense to me. How is that having different clock, and phone apps insurance?

>but android is divided into separate companies
You're just repeating what I said.

Windows is made by dozens of different companies as well. None of them include their own media player replacing the default windows app.

>Windows is made by dozens of different companies as well
No not really. If Windows tanks someone can install a different OS. The hardware isn't chained to windows.

>How is that having different clock, and phone apps insurance?
Because if Google denies their product access to service people still need to be able to use their own phones. It's not like most people can just buy a new phone on a whim, and you really can't just install any OS on a phone due to licensing and infrastructure blocks.

Check this out.

If Google says no, stop using our services immediately or in 2 weeks or whatever the protocol is, then a "google service" app would then be unavailable for the consumer.

Consumer blames the manufacturer and vows to never buy a Samsung ever again. Google doesn't get blamed.

Moved from iPhones to Android simply due to the customisation and wider range of uses. Much happier. Even a stock android is better than a jailbroken iPhone imo.

And better battery
And less apple fuckery

i moved over to android just for a change of pace, wasn't unhappy with apple. i was a little miffed at first at what i perceived as some jankiness but I'm so far down the chrome hole now there's no going back

>This too: ft.com/cms/s/2/c56d7a58-edc1-11df-9612-00144feab49a.html#axzz154mhsmVO
Security vulnerabilities Google intends to patch =/= botnet for Google

Android is the better OS overall, but there is less quality control.
Really it doesn't matter too much between the phones, but I get slightly less fucked over with Android as I can vote with my money (which you can't do with Apple).

It is not about android vs iOS.
But rather iPhone Vs other smarthphone.

The "android experience" depends entirely on the phone you're talking about.

I had an iPhone 5 for about a year and then it got stolen. I liked the phone,it was simple and smooth at the start but the battery life was pretty shit after a few months.

After that i got a Galaxy S3 almost free from a relative, and it fucking sucked dicks. Shit battery life. Super laggy and slow all around.

About . Year and a half ago i got an HTC M8 and my life changed. It's literally a perfect phone (excludong the cammera) IMO.

if i follow this trend i would take an HTC 10 over a new iPhone any day.

>Galaxy S3
touchwizz != android really, you're locked into a bunch of third party shit and can't get back to stock

Primarily android for me, i tend to bounce back and forth between ios and android. recently i purchased an iphone 6s second hand, and had no idea about the motherfucking icloud lock ! last iphone i used up until this point was an iphone 5 running ios 6. so needless to say i have a paper weight until there is some sort of activation lock removal or bypass.

install g̶e̶n̶t̶o̶o̶ arch


>sells it advertisers
Meme needs to fucking die. What actually happens:

Advertisers login to google/bing/facebook advertising platforms, upload an ad, and pay for it to be shown to specific types of users. This way they don't go bankrupt. Also the users receive ads for products they're more likely to be interested in.

If this was reddit I'd buy you gold.

I started at black berry a couple of years ago, moved onto an Android device and tried using an iPhone after that but just didn't like it. it felt like a real downgrade. decided to try out the iPhone 6 but hated it and just got a Nexus 6p.

Keep trying

You what


>in my opinion, as a mother

Windows isn't made by dozens of companies, Windows is made by Microsoft and installed by dozens of companies on their products.
It all comes down to licensing, MSFT has guidelines about what those OEM's can install and uninstall on the windows copies they use (e.g. HP can add a McAfee trial, but can't change the default media player).
Google on the other hand, develops android and hands over all the source code to the OEM and gives them a lot more freedom to tinker with it.

>But is it worth leaving Apple for it?
You can buy a Nexus 5X, Sony Z5/Z3, HTC M8/M9, Samsung S5/S6 and all that for like 1/3th or 1/4th the price.

don't talk to me or my iphone again

I'm way happier with it. My first phone was an iphone I got as a gift. I didn't really like it. Couldn't find a lot of apps that did what I might want, didn't care for the UI, and almost nothing worth having is free on iOS. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Upgraded to an android a couple years back, and I really do like it more. I can tweak more settings for my stuff, I've found a free app for almost every niche I want filled, and it runs better in general. My absolute favourite thing about it is the sheer amount of control I have over everything compared to on an iphone.

>I have live wallpapers
>I can run ps1 games on my phone and play with a PS3/4 Controller wirelessly.
>I can control my CPU in real time to conserve battery power
>AMOLED screens
>IR blaster to change TV channels at sports bars from sports to SpongeBob

literally freedom on android.

>All android phones are fast as fuck especially with the Nova launcher installed

pls git out with your memes.
9to5mac misses you.

You first.

This thread is for people who previously had iPhones and switched to android

Ironically, I switched to Android for the updates. My GS3 is on Marshmallow while my iphone is stuck on ios 6? I forget now. Also jailbreaking is a shit show. You used to have to go to some leet hacker "blackra1n" website to. Jailbreak your iphone. On android its just normal pick your flavor and flash it.

This is very true

I just switched from a 6S Plus to a Nexus 6P, and I've got to say I'm very satisfied. I've switched back and forth between OS's, and these days it's a pretty even match. Really it comes down to what you prioritize. Apple has built a good ecosystem with iMessage and the handoff between iPhone and iPad, but Google has the upper hand with the services it offers. iOS is more stable and responsive across the board, but Android is more flexible and can be modified to perform better if you're willing to put in the legwork. The flexibility applies to hardware as well, whereas you have only 2 choices with the current generation of iPhone, you can pick a device to suit your needs more directly with Android.

Personally, I think I'll be sticking with Android for the next few years provided that the Nexus line continues to offer good improvements and focus on premium devices. Aside from iMessage, there's not really anything I've missed from my 6S+ that I haven't been able to replicate/improve upon right out of the box or through custom ROM/kernel.

>what is a female?

Get a Nexus. I've owned both and if you want the most uniform experience and the least proprietary bullshit, ironically you have to turn to Google.
It also means you can fiddle around with your phone and root it without too much worrying about bricking it.

Walking vagina

this aint facebook whore

I switched from iPhone to Blackberry when the passport came out. The phone is a dumb shape, but the operating system is incredible. Faster than iOS, never lags after an update or when closing apps, ability to install android APKs.
Unfortunately they are ending support at some point, so i'll have to choose whether to go back to apple or to try android for real.

I'm currently using a 64GB iPhone 6. I'd like to switch to an Android device but most are totally poo in loo. The Google Nexus phones are the only ones that replicate all the nice Apple features I love, and they do it well.

>Aluminum rear housing.
>Choice of colors/storage sizes.
>Readily available factory images in case I fuck up my device.
>Reversible charger.
>Solid look and feel.
>Standard/common hardware means that there will be a lot of support from the developer community.
>SECURE AND FAST 360 degree fingerprint reader.
>Frequent OTA updates that aren't controlled by incompetent carriers.
>FDE enabled out of the box.
>Lack of bloatware.
>Easy to find cases and other accessories.

Everyone buying chinkshit just because it has a 4000 mAh battery need to kill themselves.

I'm happy that I moved to android
but I'm not so happy about my phone

I moved from iPhone 4 to LG G4
don't get me wrong, the LG G4 is great, especially for it's price (300€)
and the screen looks really good
and the size is almost perfect for me

but I can't really get used to the curved design
and it gets WAY to hot
and I don't like that the speaker is on the back
and knock code gets annoying, should have get a phone with fingerprint reader

but it's fine
I will never go back to iOS (iPhone)
I mean, as long as you jailbreak your iPhone it's fine
but why should I mess around with jailbreak when I can just get android

well a lot of my friends and people I work with and even some of my professor are using an iPhone/apple products so I don't really care

I can understand that it's comfy to use and it just werks™

but I just need muh homescreen and muh control

Just got a oneplus two to replace my 4s. Obviously the hardware upgrade was good, but so far I'm enjoying basically everything about android. Definitely don't regret it, unless ios changes dramatically I'm not going back.

I hate and regret my decision to go to Android...

>Had iphone 4s
>very happy with it, lasted years
>Jailbroken for the wifi hotspot, Bluetooth file sharing, ifile, vpn switch and insomnia
>did everything I need very very well
>Decide 5/5s/SE are too similar to justify it
>Decide to wait for the 7
>Get impatient
>Buy S7
>Hate it. so much.
>Bloated with pointless shit
>App drawer is fuckig retarded and disorginized
>Widgets are stupid
>Email programs suck beyond words... how the FUCK they cant include a decent one stock I cannot comprehend. No good replacments
>Stupid fucking OS
>I do like it has the features I miss n the iPhone, but it in no way justifies the sloppy, buggy, laggy, crashy, POS, mess that is Android OS.
>Getting an iphone 7 soon as they release.

Pretty much this. I switched from a 6S+ to a 6P, and it's great. Hardware is great, possibly better all around than the i6. If you're a power user and like messing with your software, it's the perfect device. If you don't, it's still the best Android software experience, but iOS's stock software is better.

>as a mother
>invention of the modern computer

Nothing to see here. Right this way, now

I just switched from a 5S to the LG G5. So far I don't regret it one bit. Battery lasts 3x longer, can download whatever I want, removable battery, the list goes on and on. Only thing I really miss is iMessage, since all my friends are still on iPhones.

I switched to android but I hated it

At the end of the day what keeps me on iOS is the UI:

Consistent looking apps. On android it feels like devs are trying to make their apps look bad. Material design sally only made it worst.

One layered homescreen interface, instead of having everything on a drawer. It's a lot more practical than having things in two different places. No duplicated icons.

Icons in the same shape and size. That is why android needs an app drawer, icons are a mess(and icon packs only make it more inconsistent). On iOS it looks good.

A defined place for widgets. Android widgets all look different and most of them look really bad, they take o lot of space for little information. The today tab on iOS satisfies my autism.

Anyway, that is just me.