It's GNU/Linux

Get it straight anons.

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Whoops wrong picture

What a child

no, its gnu+linux

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as GNU/Linux is in fact GNU. Linux is not part of the operating system itself, but is the kernel that is not covered by the naming system of an operating system as defined by common sense.

Many users run operating systems such as Windows, OSX, and a variant of BSD yet do not use a cumbersome naming system that includes the kernel, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, GNU has been the exception to this for no reason and has just been called "Linux" for no good reason, and many others use the insane, cumbersome term "GNU/Linux", mostly because the GNU project doesn't want you to think that Linux is a part of GNU.

There really is a Linux, and it's not part of GNU, but it's a kernel, and no one really specifies using it. GNU is the OS; the actual base system you interact with, and is useful with any compatible kernel; it can function with many different kernels such as kBSD or even NTOSKRNL.EXE, so the whole system should only specify the kernel when it matters, because all these kernels are really irrelevant regarding GNU.

Kill yourself dumb tripfag cancer.

>informed argumentation
Freetards everyone.

my lab had a curry nigger graduate that didn't even publish anything. he promised the professor he would finish the paper after graduating and never published it.

this is from a mid tier school. i can only imagine some of the phd graduates from the worst schools in the country.


itt retarded virgin neckbeads

>it's GNU + Linux

If Linux are the legs then GNU are the billets.
It's really retarded to call it anything but Linux since it has a valid meaning, not some autistic acronim meaning jack shit.

kill yourself cancerous trip newfag

>buttmad freetard defending a fat toe jam eating jew.


Not really. It's GNU/Linux. GNU/Linux is just a variant of GNU.

>it's legs + back seat!

>It's legs



Fake meme

Dumb tripfag. Do you think you're cool or something? Like no one cares about you you stupid cancer.

It's GNU.

We don't name OSes after kernels, even partially.



Dumb iCuck

I don't see what the big deal is, it's like a brand name at this point. Like calling tissues kleenex. Or calling ice pops, popsicles.

Linux-libre is. GNU includes Linux libre

If you think about it, I could see people calling a chair "legs" way before "legs + back + seat"

Fatty detected

Well, whatever, the point is nobody cares about the kernel when talking about an OS name. If they did, it would be Windows/NTOSKRNL.EXE.

>Drum Tripfaggot sits on legs
>Uses iPhone

You literally can't make this shit up. Come lick my cum

Listen to the message, the man isn't important.

Cannot disagree

Everybody join together now.

It's still just Linux

I didn't even read all of that is this real?

The term "operating system" can refer to either just the kernel or the kernel plus system programs. Since GNU is intended to be a replacement for Unix, FSF uses the term in the Unix sense, i.e. the kernel plus system programs.

Crazy Bum = Blown The Fuck Out

GNU has had Linux for ages. Get fucked

'Sup dude like muh collection, btw these are all yours since you change almost daily.

No. A kernel is a kernel, an "operating system" is a system that operates, ie is useful for the tasks a user puts to it.


The ONE time a tripfag has ever been right

Linux is widely regarded as the brand name as a whole by this point, not just the kernel

I have to keep hopping to ban evade because the stupid socialist mods keep trying to censor my freedom of speech

By your definition my installed device drivers are my OS?

WEW I am using bcmwl, x86-inoput-evdev, mesa and intel-microcode and some other shit combined.

So it's a common mistake of terminology

That's how the English language works

Fake. Stallman would never create a google account. You trolls should end yourself.

aight, keep the cancer flow through Sup Forums

Being an annoying faggot

I'd rather stick to calling things by proper, justified names

Bill Gates: rich, intelligent, athletic, successful, happy, promotes freedom and entrepreneurship

RMS: a bum, bitter, fat, can't code a kernel if his life depended on it, promotes communism and slavery

>Bill gates promotes freedom
Wew lad

You think your opinion is worth something?

>installed device drivers
Is it their job to provide access to the entire system's hardware and interface with the user's programs?

Oh you're just shitposting.


Look these words up.

Doug Englebart knows what an




What do you think the monolithic named Linux is almost entirely made of, you dumbshit nigger?

Stallman is about the lowest a man can get.
The fat fuck wants everything to be "free" and whenever asked about how a programmer would make a living he refuses to give an answer.
He is a fuckign cancer.

Nothing, without GCC it doesn't exist.

Hey let's analyze any common default Linux distro and find out what percentage of the code is LINUX and which part is GNU.

For all intensive purposes every distro is GNU/Linux.

What do you mean nothing you little piece of shit? 80% of Linux kernel as of last year is just Drivers and their extensions.

And most distros are Linux/GNU/xdg/SytemD/xorg/your DE of choice.
Just because you used some compiler it doesn't get to be named in the final product.
If you freetards want to have your Os so you can call it how ever you like fell free to improve the piece of crap that is HURD.

There is already Linux libre

>80% of Linux kernel as of last year is just Drivers and their extensions.
Linux kernel without GNU will not compile or have any user programs.

Sorry, GNU/linux, the L just got ten feet shorter.

>Just because you used some compiler

>entire toolchain
>window manager
>entire user-facing OS
"just some compiler" eh newfaggot?

A rippoff is not something you can call it yours.

>window manager
>entire user-facing OS
Xorg is not GNU you freetard monkey.
That's why i propose the name Linux/GNU/xdg/SytemD/xorg/your DE of choice.

Exactly, ripping off Unix with an illicit copy of the Lions book like Linus has admitted to isn't that great anyway.

That's why I choose BSD.

>Hey look I copied 15% of POSIX by ripping off BSD and the Lions book!
>hey community help me!
>now I am hero

>Has no arguments left
top kek. Go kill yourself dumb cuck

Please explain then what Linux-Libre is.
Taking parts away of a software becasue it pleases Stallman is NOT the same as building your own.

Call it Linux or GNU. GNU/Linux is objectively incorrect.

>Please explain then what Linux-Libre is.
It's a free GNU kernel, HURD replacement

the proper representation.


>AKA a ripoff of Linux.

That's the point of source being open you literal dumb cucklet

Yeah becasue creating a working kernel actually takes skill so let's just use the Linux kernel and remove some parts and call it our own.

>and call it our own.

does the "linux" part of linux-libre confuse you, user?

there was one episode of the linux action show where they interviewed stallman (and the next episode when they commented on it), they asked this and other compromising questions, pure gold
[spoiler]he actually suggests programmers should just pick another profession if they are to code "unfree" software[/spoiler]

You mean Lignux?

Why would own kernel be needed when there is one already there? Do you think it is a dick measuring contest?

Oh god i saw that episode, the man is a fucking lunatic.


It is for the average freetard trying to call it "Ganoo plus Lonux".

Because GNU made Linux available for the masses and Linux is just an extension of pre existing GNU?

Programming is a trade but not a craft.

Found the episode, i really insist that every dumb freetard watches it.

>I'd be glad if I could stop them


The nutjob doesn't even care about people going unemployed, he just say fuck them they do something moreally wrong according to me so they don't matter.

It reminds me a lot of comminust dictators on asia.

>Linus is the creator of the LinuxOS also known as Manjaro ...

what kind of cancer is this?

Some mad freetard running out of arguments probably.

This is what a typical Linux system looks like in the year 2016

Saved, freetards are goint to get really mad at this.

What if it was the other way around? Would we call it GNU if Linux was the userland?

You're a tech illiterate and should leave this board. Your "infographic" show parts of a distribution. A distribution differs; the core OS is GNU. Sometimes if comes with Mach, kFreeBSD, NETBSD and mostly it's distributed with Linux. When you add stuff to the core OS (GNU+Linux) you have a distribution. I hope you've learned something.


You mean init. Not every distro uses systemd
>Xorg and DE encircle init system
>literally anything but Qt using DE
Not even freetard but that's dumb as shit


Pretty much. Hence why most intelligent people call it just Linux. Because it barely has anything to to with GNU anymore (not that it had much to do with GNU in the first place).


>You mean init. Not every distro uses systemd
Every single major distro does

>Xorg and DE encircle init system
They're parts of the core system which you use to run everything else (e.g. GNU software)

>nitpicking pointless semantics for years back and forth

I'm glad I don't have autism.

>the core OS is GNU.
Ladies and gentlemen, the GNU OS

They should call it GNOS for GNOS Not an OS

best part starts at 55:20

>– Are you actually putting the needs of having no non-free software above the need of feeding my kid?
>– Absolutely. I don't see much difference between what you're saying and what a thief would say trying to justify what he's doing.

>– The most effective thing any American can do to reduce ecological impact is not have a kid. That's another point to keep in mind.

LOL, srsly. Why are tech illiterates allowed on Sup Forums? GNU is more than your retarded bauhaus picture.