What went wrong?

What went wrong?

>iphone sales decline
>massive ipad sales decline
>mac sales decline
>Apple stock going downhill
>Carl Ichan sells all his Apple stock
>company has lost almost 250 billion in value from their peak
>Apple movies and books banned in China
>Apple loses iPhone trademark in China
>India won't allow Apple to sell refurbished phones
>Apple Music is such a disaster they are redesigning it again
>Apple Music will delete your music if your not careful b/c iTunes is the shittiest software known to man
>Apple employee commits soduko at the HQ

Other urls found in this thread:


>itunes shittiest software known to man

obviously never used gimp


Don't worry, they will fix this by dropping support for "old" devices in iOS 10

>tfw you work at apple

They have saturated the market with iShit.

>OSX still cant cut and paste
>memory hog, doesn't really work on 2GB computers
>application are still like twice the size of the windows/linux version
>finder will never show system files even though it's an "unix system"
>X applications are considerably slower than on Windows or Linux
>App store on desktop has same quality as the windows store
>hardware designers are now going full retard with Jobs gone

>obviously never used gimp
GIMP is fine to use, it doesn't hide all you music, makes it impossible to put music on anything other than iCrap devices.
Difficult to use UI when ALL it does it play music!

Yeah, lay off Gimp already.

Macs can't cut and paste?
Are you sure? I don't own a Mac but I would've thought you could do something that basic

I've used OS X for a decade or so. You are absolutely right. Shit is going downhill fast, and apparently no fucks are given from Apple as they keep trying to shill stuff that people just DNGAF about.

Macs can copy and paste. They never added cut because it's basically just copy and then delete, I guess they thought it would be redundant to put it as an extra option. Plus, they wanted to encourage using drag and drop when it was still uncommon.

Just looked it up, they kind of can. CMD c to copy then CMD Opt v to "move" it
Basically cut and paste but more "revolutionary"

They can cut, copy and paste

pic is from my hackintosh

What version you running? It seems it was only introduced recently

"Cut" is always grayed out on my machine

>oversatruate market with expensive technology
Everyone could see it coming

>>Carl Ichan sells all his Apple stock

Thank God. Fuck Icahn.
Apple board must be happy they don't have to give an ear to his shit anymore.

So you can cut and paste

K then


Same thing that happened when they fired jobs company cant live without the man

Weren't they selling iPhones in China like candy back in 2015? What happened?

How do you compare 2 like that?


a company like Apple needs a good CEO, Tim Cook is clueless, was hired simply for being Jobs gay lover. At some point Apple is going to have to face this or watch their company fade along with Nokia, Blackberry, HP, etc

You forgot microsoft in your list shill

You forgot Sun. Apple is the new Sun.

I agree, and we can add Yahoo to that list of major tech companies being driven into the ground by inept executive managment

As much as I hate Microsoft, I can't see them going anywhere anytime soon. They own way to much that is relied on by billions of people and companies.
Apple on the other hand make shinny computers and phones that are outdated every 6 months. Once people realize they don't need to spend $900 on the latest iShit the company is gone.


i see what you did there

I used to use macs back in the PPC days so I can tell you they've been able to do that since at least 10.3 - panther. And showing system files is an easy terminal fix, but no one does it because a bunch of garbage and shit shows up. Make no mistake, OS X used to be the shit compared to windows, but intel macs are overpriced junk and OS X has turned into a fucking bloated piece of shit that sickens me - hence why I went back to mother linux.

For awhile though, back in the 10.4 tiger years, it was bliss.

>shitty computers and phones that are outdated every 6 months
>iphones are updated longer than most android phones
>macbooks last longer and hold their resell value better than any other laptop
okay, buddy. p.s, the iPhone SE 64GB is $500, not $900.

>okay, buddy. p.s, the iPhone SE 64GB is $500, not $900.
good call shill, Tim Cook is really on the ball thinking people will go back to 4" screens

small screens are based, you can actually reach things at the top of the phone without having to use your other hand

I sold my iPhone 6s for a iPhone SE and I've been very happy with it


Apple iPhone 6s Plus 128GB in Space Grey:
€1029.99 = $1174.45
>iphones are updated longer than most android phones
I don't know anyone with an iPhone older that the 5. I know many people with Galaxy s2 and other android phones from around then

Apple needs to build something to compete with cheaper phones and chromebooks, they need to turn away from iTunes being DRM riddled shit and understand that people want to own their music and share it.

Apple needs to focus on keeping their hardware up to date, no one wants underpowered shit, they should also focus on supporting windows and linux out of the box buy incorporating vmware fusion for free.

the iPhone is fucking retarded because they don't have 4k screens, its 1080p like fuck, who wants old shit?

they are losing sales because cheaper and better alternatives that don't lock users into a pay wall, and they have not created anything new since jobs has died.

>undo typing

idiot, not cut and paste on text, but on files

Apple: Our new phone has a huge screen its and you all need it
Apple Cuck: OMG revolutionary
Apple: Our new phone has a a much smaller screen its and you all need it
Apple Cuck: OMG revolutionary
Apple Cuck: small screens are based

>I know many people with Galaxy s2 and other android phones from around then

Those are called 'poor people' user

Some people like big phones, but there are still a lot of people that prefer smaller phones. Is that such a hard concept to grasp?

>right click copy
>open directory you want to copy file to
>right click paste item

Can't believe I'm actually responding to this bait

it would be funny if this try-hard shilling was just a Sup Forums meme but Apple corporate culture is overrun by these marketing hacks trying to put an 'innovation' spin on everything

My SGS3 runs better than an iPhone 4 does now, and that's because of Apple's "updates."

As for Macbooks retaining their value, that's only because normie think that Apple hardware is actually different from what comes in other laptops rather than understanding that it's the exact same Foxconn shit. Macbooks do not last longer and this misconception is the reason they have higher resale value. I've seen Windows laptops last longer than Macbooks and I've seen Macbooks last longer than Windows laptops. It really comes down to how the user treats the kit.

And holy shit you'd have to be a retard to pay $500+ for a four year old piece of used electronics that has no warranty instead of buying something new, with warranty, that's faster and has better battery life EVEN IF IT'S A WINDOWS MACHINE


what about move??? you need cut to be able to do that.

but I agree, its not that big a deal as idiots in here make it out to be

It's pretty simple, Steve is dead.

It's been all downhill from there.

Not really. I own my own home, several cars and motorcycles, and a monster of a battlestation. You know how I afforded all that? By not upgrading my phone (WHOSE SOLE PURPOSE IS TO MAKE CALLS) every two weeks.

SIII mini. come at me.

So true. I've sold so many macs for more than I payed to finance my PC empire in my room.

"Here's a top of the line MPB with a core 2 duo"

>tfw I bought a quad core i7 build with it.

>you'd have to be a retard

Well, that's what Mac users are.

- To expensive for the general populous
- Mac's way to fucking expensive
- Most people can't into unix
- Most people like windows and don't have the time to learn mac OS X
-Most people are satisfied with the computer / phone they currently have
- Some people would rather have a rooted android then wait for a iPhone jailbreak

It says quite a lot about Jobs' accomplishment that even after all this Apple is the number 1 richest company on planet earth, but nice try kid.

>1 richest company on planet earth
gr8 b8
Got any references to back up this claim?

what about moving a file not just copying? If I have a huge file I want to move and my drive is almost full I can't just copy/paste it because I'll end up with two instances of the file using up all the storage? Sure you could fire up a terminal and mv that shit but can you just right click and cut/paste or does OSX not let you do that?

It's pretty easy to be profitable when you price your products literally twice as much as your competitors for the same thing.

It's hilarious how idiots buy that shit and make Apple rich.

>invest in index funds
>get lower ROI than savings account

i don't get this cut and paste meme, you can enable the mouse to perform normal right click functions, this is like a late 90s complaint


>Having to enable your mouse to right click
>not having that freedom by default

Most profitable is not the same as richest.

it's not easy at all, most companies jack their shit up to twice the price and they're out of business, Apple gets away with it because they know what they're doing

Right click is too complicated for Mac users.

>choosing what your mouse does isn't freedom
>having it decided beforehand for you is freedom

ok sweetie

Not the same a richest
They sell a couple of cheap devices for a huge markup, of course they're profitable

>having it decided beforehand the it is NOT enabled for you is NOT freedom

>most profitable

Can you into accounting? Richest implies having a large net asset amount. Profitable means that they generate money quickly. These are not the same thing.

>Leveraged all the free labor from FreeBSD
>Leveraged low price of Intel processors
>Leveraged all the almost free labor from Foxconn
>Nothing more to be leveraged.

They are master manipulators. Some might say that Apple is the most successful cult ever.

I thought apple became the richest tech company when they toppled samsung a few years ago.

They really need to fix itunes for windows. Even freeware does a better job then itunes. They need to slim it down fuck ipodservice/bonjour and other shit.

>using Apple software on Windows

Good luck with that.

It's percent gain/lost. Not absolute value.

I mean what site did you get that graph from?

Apple deleting all mp3 files from Apple Music subscribers' hard drives

>being this cucked by apple

Command + X works as cut too

To be fair the SE is the only product they have made in the last 3 years that I actually want to buy.

A huge lack of innovation and adaptability.

>the iPhone is fucking retarded because they don't have 4k screens, its 1080p like fuck, who wants old shit?
enjoy your trash battery life for audiophile tier placebo

What he said is stupid but it has some truth. They should try to improve battery life instead of making it more anorexic.

the issue is that it basically implements cocoa on windows which is p. lol honestly

Apple lost its identity. After Jobs died they were like "We're going to make your UI look like Androids!". They're fucking lost without Jobs. They need someone new to innovate. They need a designer and the problem is most CEOs are not designers. So now any new CEO they hire, they're probably going to be looking at their financials rather than their artistic vision. Because really the whole artsy look of Apple is what sold so many units in the first place.

tl;dr they need an "artist" for a CEO, not a businessman

I'm pretty good with the battery on my 6, it'll get me through dicking around at work in a deadzone w/ bad wifi, but it's way too slippery so I'm just gonna go to the SE. Think we may have hit peak thin here too.
I'm not sure how he managed it, because my files are all unchanged. I just checked with some songs that show up wrong on my iCloud library and it only touched my tags.

>It seems it was only introduced recently

So you just assume the points you argue are still valid without doing any recent research. Typical Sup Forums

Same thing that happened to Microsoft more than a decade ago: Nations and other companies are starting to stand up to them.

I've wanted to switch over to Mac for years, ever since I got a taste with my first laptop, a Macbook. The problem is, their shit's overpriced and doesn't work with anything. If I want to use an OS like that except cheaper, I'll hop on my Linux machine. So after years of waiting for Apple to make Mac OS X not an inaccessible piece of shit, I'm left with the conclusion that Apple is a lifestyle brand.

>>hardware designers are now going full retard with Jobs gone

Wow, you don't know the first thing about Apple do you? Its had the same design team switching out one or two people since the late 90s.

Jon Ive and his team design everything.

>I just want a 16:9 iPhone 4 body with 6S/7 specs

Assets, revenue and profit aren't the same thing
>tech company
That's one of the keywords
You can even exclude Samsung all together, since Samsung is a xbox hueg conglomerate, their business is much more than just tech
Though, Samsung assets are almost twice what Apple has

Without Jobs to yell at them, they are worthless.

See Would Steve have let this happen?

>>Wow, you don't know the first thing about Apple do you? Its had the same design team switching out one or two people since the late 90s.
>Jon Ive and his team design everything.
You don't know anything about Apple history, right?
Jobs always oversaw design and he would go full autism over the most minimal things

iCloud has transformed Macs from intuitive and beautiful machines into unusable pieces of trash.

iTunes is bad but you can mostly avoid using it if you don't keep tons of music on your phone. But iCloud is pervasive and infects every Apple product.

Apple is the new Sun. And what was Sun's motto over 20 years ago?


Its just a correction, investors expected everyone on the planet to buy 2 new iphones each year. If you think Apple is actually in trouble you are delusional, they are in a position their competitors would kill for to be in.

>market share dropping on all fronts
>position to kill for

OK buddy.

Cmd-drag. The clipboard is for content, not files. This is a shitty winfag shortcut you're better off unlearning.

you're not responding to bait you're ignoring a legit complaint you dumb fucking ishill nigger. god you need to kys. can you even fucking read?

>removing features is a good thing

Gotta love iFag rationalizations.

Itunes > Gimp?


I bet you're one of the faggots that cried when compression in OpenSSL was removed.

Stupid shit should be removed, doesn't matter how many retards used it.

Then how would you define it? Wallstreet uses market cap, which gives it to Apple. Maybe you like tangible assets in which case I guess exxon would win with their massive oil reserves