I making a twitter bot, what should I make it do?


Commands to install gentoo


every single time moot is mentioned on Sup Forums tweet at moot with the post

Make a John Oliver bot that responds to it's 2016 and similar



When ever someone complains about a problem with windows, make the bot tell them to install gentoo.

I made a Twitterbot once but got bored of it. I need a more interesting idea so I'll probably steal one of the ideas in this thread

i like this

What language would you right the bot in? How would you get bot to post. I don't understand

Quote Sup Forums at random, to random people

Wont this just end in the bot getting banned?

Make it sign up for new accounts then

All my attempts in botting end in bans. Usually the same day the bot goes up. How do you get around it?

have it find the best without-a-mother links and tweet them at barack obama

>Would have to repeatedly change IP

To much work.

Replace bendable words with something else

have it find cepillos

Spam the interjection pasta to whomever mentions Linux.

Racial slurs, give it the Microsoft logo as an avatar and a serious ms sounding name. Like @MicrosoftPR

It was just tweeting a motivational quote to 1 random person every 10 minutes. Banned after about 40 tweets.

Just run a high-volume website where users need to regularly enter captchas, then proxy those into the signups.

>Change IPs
Nah just use a botnet to get unlimited proxies for free.

It's piss easy to make a botnet, just take the latest adobe flash exploit and embed it in random advertisements. (This still works in 2016. People still have flash installed for some reason)

Even better: Combine #1 with #2 and have the users in your botnet be the ones entering captchas.

Just randomly replace their google search results by a site asking them to enter a captcha to proceed.

How do they know? Probably tweeting randoms you weren't following

>Just run a high-volume website
Thanks user great advice. I'l get right on that.

>what should i make it do?

make it not get banned.

>Probably tweeting randoms you weren't following
Why is this a flag? I have to follow people before I tweet at them?

I imagine most shitposting bots tweet random people, and I imagine these people report the bots because why the fuck would they want to read shitty quotes.

I don't actually use twitter, What do people use it for?

I don't know. Neither do I.

this. once you define complaint, try to do it for mac and android and iphone as well.

also this

>What do people use it for?
For communicating with companies. It's the “hip” and “modern” thing for companies to do.

(Even the ones that have their own company forums. Those just get ignored, probably because the mean post length is an order of magnitude larger)

start world war 3