Pleb plebity pleb pleb buying plebian EVO when the PRO is the only choice. Stay poorfag

Pleb plebity pleb pleb buying plebian EVO when the PRO is the only choice. Stay poorfag.

its just a stock photo. i wouldnt be having this problem if i bought the pleb version. of course i have the pro. i bought it in 2013 so the 850 wasnt out.

Why don't you call their support and find out retard

i want to know if anyone else has this problem and solved it. i know its either out or almost out of warrenty by now... they knew it would overheat but sold it anyway because they could


Why don't you just troubleshoot it first. Find out whether it's your laptop giving of the heat, graphics dieing, display ect. I doubt your screen would flash from a storage problem.

My Transcend runs at 18ÂșC kek

That's because you have stupidly low ambient temperatures. If it's 10c in my room would you be shocked if my CPU idled at 15c? No of course not.

>Best solution is to buy a cooling pad
Wow, these guys give great advice!

It's 20C here, currently.

20c is fairly cool ambient temp. I keep my room around 25c.

Hence, that samshit SSD is shit, because it goes to 90C kek

I won't disagree with that, but it's not like your tanscende is doing anything fancy it's just working as expected.

Are you saying that your SSD is running below ambient temperatures? Is your PC in a fridge? If not, then that is physically impossible.

Taking into account my computer is made of magnesium, it's totally possible. The metal dissipates the heat.

>updating something that's jest wirking
You brought this on yourself desu.

lol I don't think you get how this works

I actually have one of those. A 1TB Samsung 840 EVO mSATA in my >$2000 ThinkPad W530.
Right now it's running at 55C.
Might be for other reasons, I should restart and see if it evens out.

>840 EVO
Actually 850 EVO. Bought it last year during Black Friday for $300 because I knew mSATA was on its way out the door, and I wasn't expecting the price to drop any more than that.

No, you muppet. You cannot cool something to below ambient temperature without some sort of heat pump.

>buying EVO

>get bad sample
>ignore it for several years when you can just get a new one for free
>generous warranty runs out
>somehow Samsung is to blame
Are you like a 40 year old mom who don't too good with computa?