Is Chromium really a botnet-free version of Chrome?
Is Chromium really a botnet-free version of Chrome?
Other urls found in this thread:
ungoogled-chromium is what you want
>fork of a fork
I bet updates are yearly.
Chromium is the original, Chrome is the fork
Also Inox. It's updated every time Chromium gets updated.
No, it's not.
Chromium is completely open source.
Dig through it if you're paranoid.
You mean Iridium
it's a placebo
Is there a non-placebo that gets updated?
Yes. Look through the source code yourself if you want absolute peace of mind. It can also be built without Google's sync module and WebRTC. Wangblows builds can be found here:
Scroll down to builds for 64-bit only.
>closed source, Chinese-owned browser
Fuck off, retard.
all i want is a browser that's as fast as chrome but doesn't have a botnet
I hope you like using Chromium because Opera people are
some of the biggest contributors to the project.
>muh chinks
It's a good fucking browser.
Why not just use firefox? It can be made extremely private using the guide on
>Look through the source code yourself if you want absolute peace of mind.
>14 million lines of code
y-yeah okay
It is slow as fuck
Iridium. Read the fucking thread.
Just use chrome you baby, there is nothing better at the moment
I want normies to leave
I don't find it slow. Using Decetraleyes, Disconnect, and uBo together actually make it pretty snappy.
What does chromium have that a properly configured Firefox doesnt?
The time it takes to start up with a couple addons installed is ridiculous.
I preinstall chrome on every employees laptop
then how is it different from iridium?
>using firebloat
>I preinstall chrome on every employees laptop
You're the worst version of Hitler
You mean German botnet
You must be running it on a fucking toaster then because mine runs instantaneously.
Still no arguments showing up that can hold a candle to privacy configured Firefox here. Those who want the best browser choice for speed and privacy go to and check their Firefox guide.
If you can prove me wrong please do. I'm fully willing to jump ship of there actually is something better.
imemeum is a fork that's 3 versions behind. chromium is "original". the only botnet feature of it is that it calls google about every install. everything else can be turned off
even fucking steam uses it
>I preinstall chrome on every employees laptop
>not preinstalling google ultron
>tech support
You had one job!
I also preinstall Windows 10, bet that riles you up
but it sends everything from your microphone by recording to google
Chromium is not placebo and does get doesn't work out of box with it though.
Payment is optional. Support them if you want, but there's no Bitcoin option so be smart about the payment.
>made by SJWs that don't even know what a fork is
>inferior interface
disable search by mic. why do you even have it connected?
it does
>no using windows 10 app
>watching in sub 1080p
lol just lol
It is just as fast.. it is chrome but not google and open source. although i have no clue on how to rice or anyhting with it. seems hard. but do not care
>not slow enough to reduce productivity
>muh milliseconds
>who cares who made it if they follow their declared morals and mission statement
>customizeable interface
Is Visual Studio Code editor botnet? or is it alright to install?
Yeah I was. But got sick of 10 and went back to 7 . Torrents work well enough
firefox is faster than blink-based
>not even 8.1
It takes forever for pages to load in SJWfox.
At least like 20 times slower on the same machine.
>not slow enough to reduce productivity
>not using pale meme
stop it rick
SJW is a method, not a goal.
The closest thing they have to a goal is hypocritical egalitarianism.
Hypocrisy and egalitarianism are stupid enough on their own.
Together, they're cancer.
>google ultron
top kek
Unless you have the proper addons installed. Decentraleyes and disconnect alone drastically decrease load times, not to mention uBlock Origin.
Tinfoil Sup Forumstards, enjoy the Nazi botnet!
shitfox barely loads pages even with e10s
>requiring addons to make a browser usable
My experience with addons is just that they constantly crash, and I don't use ad blockers.
[spoiler]how much they pay you[/spoiler]
i wish firefox died so I could finally use chromium
>and I don't use ad blockers
The less crap firebloat has to draw on your page, the faster it can draw it all.
Or you can just use opera which has a built in adblocker.
Sure kid. I'll just keep on browsing with speed and privacy while you whine about it then.
Once again, prove to me that Firefox with the modifications found on is not the best browser Sup Forums, so far all have failed.
>The less crap firebloat has to draw on your page, the faster it can draw it all.
>removing content from websites to make them load faster
It doesn't make FF useable, it already is, it just makes it even more private than it already is at base install. Basically it supports tinfoil hats.
Privacytools has some shit recommendations
Chromium and uMatrix is all you ever need
privacy is identical to chromium but chromium has faster load times
deal with it memer
what do you guys think of ghostery?
>The less crap firebloat has to draw on your page, the faster it can draw it all.
>removing content from websites to make them load faster
>draw =/= load
Reading comprehension.
dead and redundant with disconnect build into ubo and firememe
at least for me
Literally the same thing is available for FF, and recommended by privacytools among the other add-ons, most of which require less or no effort after install to provide privacy.
Proof pls, if this is factual then i'm genuinely interested. Run the browser tests on on an unmodified chromium and post results.
>use phenom x4 at sub 3Ghz for like 6 years
>firefox working pretty good I guess
>switch to 4970k
>same loading times
>well I didn't change the internet speed what did I expect
>try chromium just out of curiosity
>all pages load/draw 2-3 times faster
>what the FUCK firefox
still use it though
kys cyka
meant 4790k, whatever, i wish we had chrome-fast browser with firefox UI and usability
I just use IE11 to watch netflix....
It's chrome with the non-free stuff removed, but is essentially the same.
I never noticed Firefox or chrome loading pages faster, both seem to do the job fine. The problem with Firefox was startup time after a fresh boot. After installing a couple of addons, even with a SSD it still took a couple seconds to open, where Chrome would open instantly
>no subtitles
>no 5.1 sound
Still, that's only one program launch per boot. And its only a couple seconds.
2-3 seconds extra load time per boot for increased privacy? No contest in my book.
Disconnect is built into uBlock Origin?
>Turbo mode engaged
Those couple of seconds really began to piss me off. If you can put up with it more power to you, privacytools made me switch to Firefox, but I quickly changed back
Don't have a 5.1 setup and never needed subs, i was unaware IE11 couldn't do that, il have to look at the """"app""""
essentially, yes
Listen kid, when I had your age browsers needed 5 seconds to open and everyone was happy.
Have you tried the browser tests in chromium? I'm genuinely interested to see if it is capable of passing them, especially if it is as fast as people claim.
ooooooohh you got him
Nope, Iridium is.
>literally same shit with options checked for you
Seconding this and all Iridium posts
It just werks
Yeah, but it's got a cool logo.
Using uMatrix I was able to pass those tests
it's awful IMO
It may be a little slower but the add-ons make it worth it.
I don't really quite understand the problem with that link. Chromium phones Google, and so Iridium changed it so it phones them instead basically? In that case it becomes a pick-your-poison scenario, wherein I would rather have Iridium than Google.
Having used Iridium for years now, I have not had as much drama with it unlike Chrome and Firefox
>i wish firefox died
GTFO Jewgle shill
Chrome isn't a fork of Chromium as it isn't developed independently without pulling anything from Chromium as its upstream. Chrome is more of a rebrand because it continuously pulls the latest Chromium builds and adds its own Google tweaks each new version.