/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>install thunderbird
>>email works
>>it doesn't like the calDAV setup on my webserver
>>install evolution
>>it won't log in to my email on my server
>>calDAV works just fine
>thanks for the A+ FOSS guys

Reminder to contribute:

To provide some of the GTK3 stock icons, you idiot.

Works on my machine.

Edit the PKGBUILD from the abs and compile it yourself, fool.

How do I install Gentoo?

Wrong quote mate.

antergos or CrunchBang

Is there any FOSS Instagram client for Ubuntu 16.04?

Very slowly. I wouldn't recommend it.

Hello. I need to know a way to change Deluge text interface. "Upload Speed" and "Download Speed" require too much space to be shown, much more than the speed on the other cells below. I can't just contract the column, because I speak a latin language, and then I would see only "Speed..." and "Speed...", as this word come first in both columns.

How can I do this?

I'm trying to connect to a television with my laptop running Manjaro KDE, but it isn't detecting the HDMI cable. What do?

switch the interface to english

This is fucking driving me insane, Sup Forums. I've got i3 set up on my laptop's mint installation, and I'm trying to configure my keybinds now, but I can't get a single keybind to work! I'm editing the config in /.i3/config, and I've tried every possible mod label: Mod1, Mod2, $mod, etc. None of them fucking work. What am I doing wrong?

your web browser

Loving i3, it has made me more productive, but two things have been bothering:

- multimedia keys don't work, even after following the instruction from here faq.i3wm.org/question/3747/enabling-multimedia-keys.1.html
there is a key to toggle on/off Wifi and it works, but brightness, volume, play/pause keys don't

- can't access my keepass2 database because apparently the keyboard inputs get distorted so I can't enter the correct password. made a dummy database with the master password '0' and it works.

on xfce I get none of these issues

I already told you to edit the PO files.

install proprietary drivers

What should i look out for when setting up a debian server?

harden it

>your web browser
Not enough.

Multimedia keys never worked for me, so I just made a few keybinds. They work in gentoo at least.

bindsym $mod+equal exec --no-startup-id amixer -q -D pulse set Master 5%+ unmute
bindsym $mod+minus exec--no-startup-id amixer -q -D pulse set Master 5%- unmute
bindsym $mod+0 exec --no-startup-id amixer -q -D pulse set Master toggle

This just uses your mod key (mine is alt) +(0 || - || =) to set volume and mute.

If i want to use I3 or Awesome i have to let go of my XFCE?

no, disable xfwm and enable i3/awesome

there is nothing better than a web browser. nowhere.

How do I add a action to thunar to do the following
Take a folder
Take its contents
Put the contents in the current directory
thats all

is it possible to disable my ctrl shortcut when im doing ctrl + something shortcut?

I can't. I'm using the hybrid drivers and proprietary nvidia drivers don't work.

I was trying to use the keycode with no success

nice leet x 278 res

There's no point using amixer to change Pulseaudio's settings. Use the direct pactl instead.

pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle
pactl set-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ -- +5%
pactl set-source-volume @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ -- -5%

why is the AMD gpu support shit on ubuntu? I was runnint 16.04 Mate and ran Htop and it showed one of my cores at 100% while all the others were at 0... Wtf man

Casual Linux user. Xubuntu. It wanted to upgrade to the next version and I thought why not, but when I clicked upgrade, this appeared. What does it mean?

I said something about having another type of file, you said something like 'download the right files', but I don't know how to do!

How do I uninstall packages I installed from source?

The installation instructions for this program were so confusing, and there are 3 different incompatible version and I think I have them all installed in one way or another at the same time and I have no idea how to remove them.

Can I just go into /usr/lib/OGRE (where I think all the files went) and delete all the files?

try apt update ; apt upgrade

I prefer not doing this.

The official Instagram site is shit. Does not have all features I need.

You edit the PO files with a text editor, replace the strings you want and then compile it to a MO file and replace your languages current MO file.
Use the "msgfmt" tool to compile it.

Depending on your distribution, they're located in /usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/. Replace en_US with your locale.

I'm not being able to find the PO files again. Where are them? What is their name?

Urxvt stopped work on Openbox. Click on menu but nothing happen.

What i do?

>posting in 2 threads,hoping to get attention

There actually is a point and why I don't do that.

Adjusting with pactl will let you go over 100% and using amixer won't. I don't want to go over 100%.

I'm trying to compile ncmcpp from source, but it's not working.
I'm using an unaltered PKBUILD from the Arch repos, yet it's giving me the error below. Can another Arch user download the PKGBUILD (or use the one from the abs) to see if it works for him?
How did it compile for the guy who put it in the repositories? I have all the dependencies installed.


collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:533: recipe for target 'ncmpcpp' failed
make[2]: *** [ncmpcpp] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/dino/Downloads/ncmpcpp-0.7.4/src'
Makefile:466: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/dino/Downloads/ncmpcpp-0.7.4'
Makefile:377: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2


Basic troubleshooting, nigga.

>try to open urxvt from a different terminal, see if it works
>if yes, check your openbox menu config to see what it's supposed to launch
>if it doesn't, check the error messages and investigate

am I even asking the right question?

>elementary os
are they 'free as in freedom'?
if not, why?

Then its a you refusing to do it properly problem.

Ok. Many thanks!

There's probably a switch to make "make install" write files it creates to a file. Then just remove them manually.
See, that's why you should always create your own packages instead of using "make install". It's cleaner and easier to uninstall.

make uninstall

PKGBUILD is broken.Contact maintaner

Most popular Linux distros are not 100% free because the Linux kernel itself isn't actually 100% free. Linux has some binary blobs to make the kernal run smoothly on modern hardware, if you want to go full freetard you need to do some research on your hardware first and make sure they have open source firmware. You can also look into open-source BIOS as well if you want to go all the way.

Fedora and Debian are pretty close however.

I can't open the /root/ folder.

You're already being heavily spoonfeed. Figure it out

Thanks mate

arch is "full freedom" because you can do what ever the fuck you want with it to make it work for you.

Worked, thanks d00d


Any distro lets you do whatever you want to exactly the same degree you mongoloid.

Pretty much the only thing that can't be changed is the package manager, and this is ESPECIALLY true of arch.

What boost version are you on?

NCMPCPP fails to build on several versions.

I will need to ask on the next thread then.

You dont need to replace it nigga.
Im not limited on what i can nativly install, vs repos that are 5 years behind and limit your choice of software,unless you add shitty maintained repos.I used some sort of rpm shit before a decade go,that shits was dep hell and i had to compile shit my self for basic LAMP functionality
Thats atleast 12 hours away pahjeet.

How is it my fault that Nvidia's proprietary drivers don't work? When I try using them it just boots up to a blinking line in the top left.

Working here and for millions of other people.
Its a YOU problem not getting it to work on YOUR hardware.Google faggot,it helps,read your distros wiki,read the arch wiki.
Think for your self.

ANY distro will let you install from source, therefore ANY distro will let you do whatever the fuck you want to do.

Gotta keep those memes fresh, lad.

The point is Arch uses vanilla Linux which means it's not 100% "free." If you want a completely free Arch install Parabola.

>user asks for help
Thanks, user. Why do you even bother replying if you're just going to be a worthless asshole?
Also, put spaces after punctuation.

hey folks


this worked for me:
# Multimedia Keys
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec "amixer -D pulse set Master 5%+ unmute"
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec "amixer -D pulse set Master 5%- unmute"
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec "amixer -D pulse set Master toggle"

found here: github.com/cj360/dotfiles/blob/master/.config/i3/config#L325

Unless you want to self compile a fuck load of packages to get you caught up.

>not knowing what module_db is
>making kernel as free as you fucking want

my sides

>Thats atleast 12 hours away pahjeet.
I'm OK with that.

be friendly


There is help,spoonfeeding,and then logging in via ssh and doing it for him

You are not being friendly!

user@user-desktop:~/Downloads/ogre_src_v1-8-1$ sudo make uninstall
[sudo] password for user:
make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop.

how do I do that

There's no use trying to argue with the retarded.
They'll take things down to their level and beat you with experience.

-- Installing: /usr/local/include/OGRE/OgreBuildSettings.h

Ok I tried installing again and saw this, if I go to this folder and delete everything will it be safe to start again?

got memed into gentoo, getting my ass back to debian. Problem is I ran gentoo for awhile, and now I have a software raid with lots of saved files on it.

When I install debian, will it be able to recognize the raid without help?

no, but it has a strict freedom philosophy outside of drivers.
by default, yes
>>elementary os

Did you even read the first post you responded to? I don't care about Nvidia's drivers; I want to connect to my television via HDMI.
I did look at them, stop projecting. Though once again, I don't fucking care about that. The hybrid drivers work fine and save me battery life.
Spaces, use them. If you're going to be retarded at least get the syntax of English correct.

So I'm just starting to use ~/.bashrc and had some questions.

Mainly, can I create a command that takes arguments in ~/bashrc itself? I can make what are basically macros, but can't figure out how to require arguments.

also, does installing debian without systemd fuck everything up?

me again

I feel so dumb now

Brightness control weren't working because xbacklight isn't installed by default on i3wm. Should have tested that earlier. Now everything is fine (except the keepass bug).

>is told only working option is to use nvidia
>continues to refuse this advice,while not procceeding to google it inbetween posts.

You're spouting so much fud.


write a function in .bashrc

hello () {
echo "$1 $1"

hello foo

That's what you need?

What program etc do you want to run?

alias nameyouwant='commandline you want'
If you need to put a command at the end of a file you will put $1 at the end of the command line option

>tfw can't do optimization tweaks on GNU/Linux like I could on Wangblows

It's like a part of me is missing, like I won't be able to get every last bit of performance out of my machine.

What's a good but non-tryhard nice terminal urxvt is too difficult for my simple brain

I kinda like copying/pasting in the more fleshed out terminals: Terminator is nice but super slow. Xfce4-terminal isn't really configurable.


>only option is to use nvidia
Are you fucking kidding me? You're seriously implying that nvidia are the only people in the entire Linux community that could figure out how to output to HDMI?
I have searched it, and do you know what literally every single forum post anywhere says?
>Nevermind, I fixed it. *MARKED AS SOLVED*
That's not fucking helpful at all.
>Intentionally having bad grammar because LOL WHO CARES NERD
I'm sure that attitude will serve you well if you can ever find someone who pities you enough to hire you.


why don't you start learning how to do it on linux, then? Here, I'll get you started:
systemd-analyze blame
and then disable services you don't need, and voila, faster boot time. Magic!

GNOME terminal

It's actually far easier on Linux than Windows.

nvm just selecting and clicking it marks the stuff and copies it to clipboard

Did it work for you,when you plugged it in,is it a usable display that is being reconised by your driver,and is functioning properly,displaying contents that you told it to display?
>unplug monitor
I just plugged my 2nd monitor, holy fuck balls!!!!!! The monitor was automatically added and is now functioning within seconds of being plugged in with no config files.UPnP Just werx faggot
>marked as solved
Perhaps go to the bugtracker,instead of ubuntu forums?
the "OMG ONLY BLINKY" Is a fucking old as fuck error,and it always comes down to improper configs
If you can read it who gives a flying fuck. If you're that incompetent with the english language,that you cannot possibly go further on,thats a massive YOU issue.

>hire you
CACI ccna


How do I get QtCurve working on a Xfce4 + KWin install?