Are you just a code monkey? Or are you a """"Computer Scientist"""


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You're a frog in a blanket

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Code monkey is pajeet level software developer. Computer scientist is a researcher. So you are comparing pears to oranges.
Also, kill yourself just in case.

Joke's on you user, i'm a computer engineer.

One of the memest degrees ever.

i'm a consultant/developer


>didnt see that one coming got me

I'm a physicist actually.

Literally. The only meme-ier degree is CS.

There is nothing to research in CS anymore; the low hanging fruit has been picked for decades now.



I really wonder what the world is going to be like in ten years when everything is so flooded with codemonkeys that nobody knows how to solve actual problems anymore outside of web development and sperging out over time complexity. Seriously, there's a never-ending onslaught of "I'm new here and thinking about studying CS" posts on basically every website I go to. It'll be funny when computer plebs are the equivalent of walmart workers.

>Computer scientist is a researcher
Top wew

I'm a code artisan

Same, luckly i stayed away from programming courses and did EE stuff. Now I'm an EE.

Do you have a good salaried job

here's your (You)

>105k/year in bay area
>tfw still can barely afford to live here

b-bbut he uses the scientific method. user.

Can anyone else see this? Am I shadowbanned?

>tfw web dev
>tfw eternal pajeet

hey at least i make more than the EE in here

Most companies don't fuck with unless you have a professional engineer license. I'm lucky to even be employed.
>entry level


>Implying any Scientist would waste time on Sup Forums

I can't see this. Dunno about others.

Btw I'm a CSS ninja, gonna be future user interface designer and make 200k starting.
>per decade

There's nothing to discuss, I drink coffee and piss out code.

i see it

See what?

Who are you talking to?

I'm a """""""code scientist"""""""".

Trolling by linking to a deleted post ?

What did the guy write?

they all drop out in second year


All the engineering/cs dropouts go into finance pretty much.
Found out finance is actually full of retards and is piss easy.

Dang bro. sorry. Come to RTP (North Carolina). Cheaper and high salaries. Startup community in the triangle area too

I see it too. Does this mean I'm dead?

Applied =/= graduated =/= will work in related fields

I see dead people.

Genuine question, what kind of jobs do EEs usually take if they take on the kinds of jobs that ask for people with EE degrees?

Signal processing? Radio applications? Microcircuits for shitty children's toys?

>tfw too scared to apply for any (student) programming jobs and gain experience while still finishing my degree

What do you do?

I'm a programmer.
I program stuff.

Can't see it user, sorry.

I'm a mathematician who uses programming as a tool to explore problem and solution spaces, and to discover or leverage mathematics for practical applications (or leverage practical situations to learn more about math.)

I'm a coder.
I code stuff.

Nothing to fear user, most new CS graduates spend their days jerking each other off about the latest npm package and their favourite tech stack instead of real problems.

But I don't want to be a code monkey,I want to apply a subject of study to programming that just interests me.

i just read g to find out nice apps on android

>CS degree
>cryptography PhD
>contribute to open source security projects
>read CS theory books routinely
>written my own chess engine using AI
>currently hired as a programmer
>writing web apps for shitty startup that thinks their simple little service requires a stack the complexity of Facebook's

How much are you paid? Which country?

>softwareonly babbies

UK. £40k or $60k. The pay is not the problem. These start ups have ridiculous evaluations and therefore get tons of money from investors.

But the truth is, they're making simple software (e.g. website that has a REST API with < 10 resources) and they don't need such complex code. Yet they have this idea that one day they'll have billions of users and therefore need to think about 'scaling' right now.

Why didn't you do something related to your crypto degree?

Because security is a very specialised profession and only the largest companies will hire specialists. It's not geographically feasible for everyone to move to Silicon Valley or whatever.

Okay makes sense. Reason I'm asking is becase I plan to complete a PhD (potentially in security, but I am very interested in other theoretical areas of CS).

So you became a web developer? How is the job market for CS folks (in industry) that have PhD in CS with a theoretical focus? Were other big companies interested in you?

prepping for an interview in 3 weeks.

after 3 year of being a pajeet java monkey it feels so weird refreshing all my CS skills. data structures, algorithms, combinatorics, probability, machine learning theory, etc.
i forgot i used to be kinda smart. it's hard to come back to it but it feels good tbqh.

what are you using to review

you are shadowbanned. only other shadowbanned users can see your post and mine. welcome to the desert of the real.

what do you mean?

books, text, videos for your studies.

I'm an avid gamer.

>code monkey

Term used by faggots who didn't even do 1 year worth of junior tasks.

Guys serious question, but what is pajeet level coding mean? I work as a DBA and I make Web applications that use the information from the DB. I usually use perl because I'm not creating something that is enterprise level, but I do get compliments that it is enterprise level work (they are computer idiots so I don't take it as serious). Anyway any info is great, I'm qfraid I may be pajeet level but don't know it.

Interesting post.

I'd pack a suitcase and knock on blythe masters door. Cryptocuncies, blockchain... Don't be intimidated. Big locks are meant to be broken by persistent and original exceptions to the norm, guess you know that.

To op, let God be my judge.

I honestly would like to know this myself.

going through all the lectures from my university (about 5 different courses), i don't really have a book for the theory.
for practicing read "cracking the coding interview" which has a nice set of questions, also hackerrank has some good challenges and interview questions from glassdoor.
if i have time left i might start solving exams from uni too

serving data from a db in a web app is the definition of a pajeet. sorry to break it to you user. i've been doing pajeet work for the last 3 years. it can actually be a lot of fun so don't mind the autists who use it to insult, they are probably NEET.

Code monkey here who stumbled upon a gambling strategy that has been working for a few months now. It's capped to a moderate yield but it's enough to live off it. Every day I try to realize that it might be over tomorrow but it's just too comfy to rest on the laurels. Should probably look for a real job again. I can't really write "professional gambling" on my CV, can I? So there's a growing gap in it.

if it is pajeet level, then how are you to deal with massive amounts of data. I am part of the small group who actually cares about memory and not fall into the excuse of "memory is cheap to get." No, it isn't because memory is cheap. Now a days companies buy laptops that you can even upgrade the memory.

Code artisan

>tfw an Actual Engineer (truSTEM) in an Actual Field and don't have to deal with the woes that a meme profession like CS brings

>interview at trading firm for internship next week

fucking nervous. I hear they're a very exclusive place, so I this only turns up the pressure

Woes like making a lot more money than you? Keking at this CAD monkey

I'm not even a code monkey, I'm literally a typewriter, I just transcribe...

lmao this
cad monkeys pls go

If you study like a computer scientist, you'll become a computer scientist. It's when you just focus on code that you stay a code monkey.

cool good luck

How's your COOL and WELL PAYING career in pewters going, Sup Forums? Sounds like such a FUN LIFE! :^)

"Computer Scientist" is code monkey with worthless academia circlejerking capabilities


more of a sysadmin most days

im a 27 year old high school dropout NEET

90% of my day is copy and pasting snippets of code all over the internet and McGyvering it together into something that works. Fake it till you make it.

Probably 90% of us t b h famalam.

My job title says "software engineer". I write some design docs and some code and they pay me a shit ton of money.

im just a shit tier code monkey
even the actual pajeets at work are way more competent than i am

You guys don't have to worry about programming of software design being flooded with competent people.

Most people literally can't even do their jobs where I've worked and it has always been less than 10% of the team accomplishing literally everything. Unless you're at an all-star company thats just the way it is so don't worry about it.

All you gotta do is be not retarded.



I just see supply growing with demand

me irl