How is Sup Forums's desk cable management?

How is Sup Forums's desk cable management?

What is this? an ant farm?

are you looking at the screen or at the fucking cables?

grab all wires
get some gaffer tape
tape them behind the desk somewhere


not as pretty as the OP image but at least everything is out of the way.

Impossible, literally playing ultra hard mode

My desk is more or less in the middle of the living room, facing outwards sorta like pic related

Problem is I have 2 monitors and of course the tower on desk, even if tower wasn't on desk, the backside is still ugly like cable hell
Cables from monitors and peripherals are pretty ugly too

How hide them all Sup Forums

This is actually pretty good fampai.

The wires aren't straight, please straighten those wires as much as possible

thanks senpai.

there are a ton of cables because of everything that's on (and above) my desk.

> pc
> 2 monitors
> 2 speakers
> audio interface
> cable modem
> router
> printer

I would but moving this desk is a pain. weighs like 300 lbs.

You have curtains over your window so your neighbors don't see you fapping

Why aren't the monitors forming an equilateral triangle with your head. Are you just trying to trigger me?

Simple, bring all cables through holes directly beneath the electronics. Then run the wires through a tube and attach the tube to a desk leg and into the floor. Rise it up under the wall.

because I want my primary monitor directly in front of me for gaymen


Mine is not that bad in the visible places, but behind the table it's shit...

Only audiophiles and raging autistic use cable management.
Though, Sup Forums likes exclusively pander to those two demographics.

Man this guy can eat. One for 42 geez oh man

is that a ham radio?


yeh but you suck dicks tho

Do you mix/master music? The high monitors trigger me deeply.

Why do you not get a third monitor?

>"oh shit my webcam broke"


It's fucking retarded you can't use them as a non-thunderbolt display as of 2011 models

What more do i need for cable management besides a dual monitor stand, headphone stand with audio jack, and channel for cables?
Also,what are good options for a dual monitor stand for


wires every fucking where

pretty much look like this