People keep telling me about how great WIndows 10 is. But what makes it so great? The look? The ease of access?

People keep telling me about how great WIndows 10 is. But what makes it so great? The look? The ease of access?

Other urls found in this thread:

The workspaces support
Feeling like I'm part of some big network

Oh yeah that is another great feature I forgot to mention. Also how you can tile so much better now.

this line would trigger me if I was a windows user.

not to speak about the lines under the icons

The reason people keep telling you how good it is, is because if you already were on Windows before 10, it's an upgrade.

And also some peeps on Sup Forums keep saying Windows is shit over and over, hence why people who use Windows defend it.

Same goes for the edgy "Arch Hate General", it only breeds more people trying to defend what they use.

It's there for a reason, it's the "show desktop" button. and the lines underneath the icons indicate he has the application minimized

I know what they do idiot. I've useed Pajeet OS myself, but doesnt change the fact that their design choices are weird.

the line on the right (show desktop) deosnt need to be so bright and the line under icons doesnt need to be this thick and wide.

but pajeets dont have any taste, I'm not surprised.

The UI is mediocre if not shitty. Loats of glitches or mismatched elements, it looks more like a yet another shitty theme from gnome-look than a finished product from big corporation. But overall OS performance is bretty good.

>I know what they are idiot

Not even that same guy but why make a post that comes off as ignorant if you already know what it is?

It just looks more modern, but a lot of the important technical features get hidden away. Personally, and I know it could be considered an odd opinion, XP was my favourite, and I currently use Ubuntu (though I partitioned my hard drive, amd I have 10 as well)

>People keep telling me about how great WIndows 10 is

[ citation needed ]

this never happened. let me stop you right there.

The UI is really the worst MS has ever done.
Workspaces and unfocused scrolling are 20 years late, but they finally got it.
Automated updates can be a pain, taking control away from the user is never a good thing.
The metro cancer is still around, slow and barely functional software (TWO control panels).

I mean it's great if you look at it from a smartphone illiterate user point of virew, i has Cortana and metro programs that would work on a touchscreen device.

Windows 10 is great.
Cite me senpai.

It performs well, it's stable, a lot of the little annoyances can be turned off or removed.

It's really all you need, just run a linux distro of your choice on a VM for educational purposes.

Plus you can play games, and actually be able to utilize the newest cutting edge hardware.

Did you know that playing an FPS game for just 30 minutes a day has shown to increase cognitive function?

Plus the new terminal is great if you're willing to learn the syntax.

All around, Windows 10 is the operating system of choice of a well functioning adult.

2 ruby's have been deposited nigga.

An amazing OS. 10/10 imo

I like that it force installs the latest touchpad driver again and again after I manually install a version that actually works.

Scrolling is overrated anyways, upgrade to Windows 10 now!

The upgradeability.

It's another Vista. You'll see Pajeet.

Ive been on g for too long. Every few years the same advertisement happens.

You are, its called a botnet.

> But what makes it so great?
Nothing. Sup Forums is over hyped because 10 is released later than 8.1 and they assume it must be good

Windows 10 is bloated, unstable and spying piece of absolute garbage. Windows 10 made me switch to Linux completely and I'm happy with it. No wonder prajeets have to shill this piece of shit so hard

No more reminders to install Windows 10

>this never happened.
wew lad how about weekly microprajeet thread #5513?

Sup Forums is hyped because of dx12 and no support for new hardware on anything except win10. MS are just forcing everyone with new computers to either accept 10 or go linux, bsd whatever.
And funny thing is despite all those forced and free upgrades, Windows 10 is still barely beating XP.

reminder that this webm started the "hurf durf windows spies on you" controversy

and of course retards gobbled it all up without knowing what the fuck was going on and started spreading misinformation.

remember how the windows 8.1 hate bandwagon stopped and yall dumb fucks got told and everyone now laugh at you dumdums who believed memes were facts back in the days.

history repeats itself

call me a pajeet if you want,i don't care but y'all will eventually face the truth.

good one.

>Windows 3.1

Sure, dude.

it watches over your shitty apps

You are forgetting about legacy manufacturing equipment that run on that.


Serious question. Does dazloader or any equivalent work on Windows 10 like it does 7? I'm having a bitch fit of a time trying to build a new pc with 7 because skylake doesn't support usb out of the box with 7 like 10 and 8.1 for some fucked up reason. So you can't install drivers via usb, only disk, and I have no disk drive. Its really frustrating the fuck out of me

Complete shit. Also ads in start menu

Thanks for explaining the joke

>what is enterprise tech
>what is merchant fleet, civil aviation and non-classified military tech
leave this board and kys yourself, you stupid underage fuck

That's a feature, dumb fuck.


finally took the hint and left it upgrading
it turned my computer into a brick, a brick
don't want to sort it - have moved to ubuntu mate and am never moving back

We already had this thread.

>1 person

Learn your english right.

every week

Windows 10 is great

its all the telemetry data that is collected to "target ads" better.

What happens if I have a 8.1 key, upgrade a system using that key, and later on want to reinstall W10 once the "free upgrade" period is over?

Or I build a new custom PC and want to install the OS. Will my license be "upgraded" to 10 once I do one upgrade?

It's not as bad as 8 for your average user.

That's about it.

Windows 10 is about as shit as Windows 7, and all the other versions before it.

>muh spying

Windows has been compromised since NT 4.0. If you don't wanna get spied on go back in time and stop the Patriot Act. You brought this on yourselves.

You will never be able to have a reasonable discussion with the folks here, so heads up to anybody, stop making threads like this.

After you install 10 you have a new key.
I usually use ProduKey to view and print out my current keys.
Also I hate Microsoft because they are just a government surveillance contractor with no respect for their users who don't even bother to hide it anymore and only use Windows when I absolutely have to.
It's not even a great OS, it's a laggy malware OS people only use because it came installed on their computer or they need to use some software is only written for it.

Windows for 3RD party apps like video editing, shit linux just has no FUNDS or interest against Adobe and shiet.

Using iCuck machines are literally buying "premium build" gimped boxes. It's still cheaper to go Windows to run multimedia shit.

All in all fuck Windows 10 for its horrible privacy and innate spying.

Older keys become Windows 10 keys if you use the free upgrade.

Man .I love Windows 10

Man .

I thought it was pretty clear that he was complaining about the design. Otherwise he would've asked why the lines are there. The reasons are vastly common knowledge.

>2 ruby is have been deposited

>every year
Daily. This is a daily thread.
Multiple times most days even.

this, I always hate it when I have to open browsers to see the lates ads. Luckily windows integrated them into my OS

Visual Studio. Only good thing thing about Windows 10, in my opinion. And you can get it in 8.1 or 7, so there's that.